Chapter 165

Running at full speed, Lin Chen's figure passed by, even though he was hidden in the shadows, it still seemed to bring a gust of wind!
In the past, with his speed, he would basically be unable to escape, but in the battle with Hei Lian, his mastery of the shadow-escaping supernatural power is no longer what it used to be. It is no exaggeration to say that with Lin Chen's speed, he won a great improvement.

She ran away at full speed, still very excited in her heart.

At the beginning, when he saw Yan Yi use the magic bead to subdue the insect king, he was very envious. Although the most important thing for a warrior is his own strength, no one would refuse more methods, would he?

With the Fumo Jue, Lin Chen can be said to be even more powerful!

And as Lin Chen escaped, Song Qing pursued him closely, and the entire Qingshan Sword Sect formed a fan shape from that bush, driving the monsters in the sect, and launched a carpet-like search and martial law.

Under such a net, it is absolutely impossible for a small martial artist in the innate realm to escape.

Furious, Song Qing wished he could catch Lin Chen immediately, eat his flesh and sleep his skin. He had never wanted to kill someone so much.

As for Lin Chen, although he has the supernatural power of escaping shadows, as long as the daytime comes, shadows are not everywhere, and with this escape, the eastern sky has already turned pale.

Feeling the terrifying momentum and murderous intent of Song Qing who was chasing after him, Lin Chen was also full of urgency. He didn't want to cause trouble, but just wanted to rush to Dayan King City as soon as possible, but he unexpectedly provoked the enemy again.

It is impossible to get rid of Song Qing, but it is absolutely impossible to get Lin Chen to hand over the Demon Subduing Art. With such a secret method in his hands, there is no reason to give up.

What's more, even if he handed over the Fumo Jue, Song Qing probably wouldn't let Lin Chen go.

As the sun rose, the shadows receded, and Lin Chen's figure suddenly appeared on the plain. Without hesitation, he launched the Misty Step and swept forward. However, the speed of this step was not as fast as the Shadow Escape Magic Ability. of.

At the back, he finally felt Lin Chen's aura for sure. In Song Qing's heart, killing intent surged, and the green lotus under the seat spun, bringing up a tail of air waves, and flew straight to the figure below.

"Little thief, accept your life!"

The roar was like thunder, accompanied by a frightening sword energy, piercing through the air and stabbing towards Lin Chen. Even the plain below was set off into a gully, and the soil flew up.

With a chill on his back, he felt a sharp sword aura. Lin Chen's whole body tensed up suddenly, and he also felt a sense of crisis. Yijian seemed to have eyes, locking him.

Gritting his teeth, the magic halberd appeared in his hand. At the same time as the magic flame rose, he did not hesitate to use the golden scale transformation, doubling his power, and swept out with a halberd, facing the sword energy.

The sword is the king of a hundred soldiers!

The power of the sword master's killing and kendo has always been extremely terrifying. On the bright side, the strength of Qingshan Sword Sect seems to be only relying on the monsters subdued by the subduing magic formula, but Song Qing's kendo has never been weak .

Sword Qi was like a rainbow, and with his killing intent, he slashed towards Lin Chen!

Even from far away, he could feel this astonishing sword energy, and Lin Chen's heart sank even further. Immediately afterwards, the sword energy and the magic halberd collided with each other. Scattered with a bang.

As if gold and iron were intertwined, at the same time as sparks shot out, Lin Chen suddenly felt a powerful force, with a terrifying sharpness, spread along the magic halberd to his arm.

Both feet sank into the mud immediately, and the whole person shot backwards. The sword energy entered the body, causing a burst of cramping pain, the tiger's mouth shattered, and blood flowed out.

As an extraordinary powerhouse, Song Qingfei has a higher realm, and even the means are not comparable to the previous Yang Yong and his ilk. One move is to hurt Lin Chen.

It is true that Lin Chen can deal with Chaofan, but that is just ordinary Chaofan, while Song Qing is obviously extraordinary, with a three-foot green blade in his hand, he is a sharp blade!
Immediately put away his head-on thoughts, Lin Chen understood that if he continued to fight, he would definitely suffer. Unless he relied on the power of the Senluo Demon Tablet, he could have a chance of survival, but he did not intend to do so .


The footsteps stopped, and at the same time as Lin Chen shouted, he moved his palm, and a jade tablet appeared in his hand.

"Do you still remember the jade card of King Viola? If you force me again, I will crush it, and ask King Vichy to kill you!"

As a last resort, Lin Chen had no choice but to come up with this bad idea. Even though he was extremely unimpressed with that woman, King Violet, there was no better way at this time.

First of all, he is not Song Qing's opponent, and secondly, he can't afford to waste time, otherwise, he would never sacrifice this jade card.

Seeing the jade tablet in Lin Chen's hand, Song Qing's eyes shrank suddenly, and the sword that was about to stab again was abruptly stopped.

He was apprehensive, the impression that King Viola left on him was too terrifying, no matter how hard he took a single step, it was difficult for him to move, as if the surrounding space was imprisoned, if Lin Chen crushed the jade card, please ask King Viola If you shot and killed him, he probably wouldn't be able to fight back.

Seeing Song Qing stop, Lin Chen also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This proves that there is still room for things. If Song Qing really went crazy and desperate, he was still very likely to be beheaded.

"Boy, you kill my translator, insult my disciple, steal my secret method, even if you don't kill you today, one day, I will definitely take your head!" Jian Feng pointed at Lin Chen, and Song Qing cursed.

Hearing this, Lin Chen also had an ugly expression.

"Yan Yi fought with me, and was beheaded because his skills were inferior to others! The one who humiliated your disciple and stole your secret method is the assassin Hei Lian. I will kill him. If you don't thank me, it's fine. , Do you really think I'm easy to bully!"

"Fart, Yi'er is a congenitally strong man. You were only the day after tomorrow, so why did you kill him? You have a clever tongue, and I can give you a good time if you hand over the secret method!" Continue to yell.

"I've killed more than one Chaofan, what is Yan Yi's supernatural ability? If you want to kill me, I want to see if you have the guts!" Lin Chen was also angry, and he clenched his palm tightly. , and even a crack has appeared.

Seeing this scene, Song Qing panicked.

He didn't dare to speak anymore, the young people were full of arrogance, if Lin Chen was forced to get angry, and desperately crushed the jade tablet to attract King Qijin, then he would be dead.

"If there is a chance, I will have a fair fight with you to settle these grievances, but not now, now, you quit Baili for me, and you are not allowed to follow me! If there is any change, I will crush the jade token!" cards, Lin Chen said.

At this time, Song Qing's face was already ashen, and he had been tortured for half his life. When had he ever suffered such aggrieved, the person who wanted to cut him into pieces was right in front of him, but he couldn't do it!

The whole body was trembling, and the green lotus under the seat hummed. After a long while, Song Qing finally let out a long sigh and retreated to the rear.

Holding the jade card in his hand, without the slightest hesitation, he used his full speed and headed towards the Wangcheng. Lin Chen's figure gradually drifted away, and finally, he completely disappeared from Song Qing's sight.

Not daring to relax, he fled all the way until it was dark, and once again launched the shadow-escaping magical power. After finally confirming that no one would follow, Lin Chen stopped, and under the night in the distance, on the plain, there were roads The sword energy of grief and indignation crazily hit the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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