Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 171 Framed

Chapter 171 Framed
This scene also deeply shocked everyone present.

For a long time, the Dao of the Life and Death Sword was exclusive to Ji Bo, and even he himself could not perfectly display such power of life and death, but now, Lin Chen did it.

This simple blow not only sent Shi Jian flying, but also broke his heart!
From the beginning to the end, Lin Chen didn't even look him in the face. Such a Lin Chen is frightening, but at the same time, it also makes people unable to give birth to the slightest desire to fight!

What are you arguing with me for?

Everything you are proud of is just a joke in my eyes, and your biggest backer died in my hands.

Trying to take my spot?


In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracies and tricks will disappear in smoke. As long as Lin Chen chases him, how can Shi Jian have a chance to tumbling?

From the beginning to the end, this person was not seen by Lin Chen.

Arrogant, domineering!
Just like on the top of the lion and tiger mountain, the powerful and unparalleled demon-like figure is daunting.

He took a deep breath and looked at the crowd. The demonic aura emanating from Lin Chen's body slowly subsided, and he regained his harmless appearance, but now, no one dared to treat him With the slightest contempt.

"Brother Lin Chen, since you're back, let's get over some of the past! Everyone is representing Tianyuan City to participate in the selection, and we should be united. Let's advance to the city. I'll treat everyone to a good meal!" Wu Zhuoheng patted Holding Lin Chen's shoulder, he approached him.

He has always been guilty. He had dealt with Lin Chen together with Zhao Zixuan at the top of Shihu Mountain. If Lin Chen wanted to care about these things now, he might be in a very dangerous situation.

Even though there were four third-tier star soul masters present, he still felt that Lin Chen could threaten him!

Fortunately, Lin Chen didn't say much. Now that he had obtained the quota and was able to participate in the selection, he didn't want to cause trouble anymore. After all, he didn't pay attention to Wu Zhuoheng and his like.

He just wanted to get the quota as soon as possible, to get the thousand-year-old Tianshan lotus seeds. He understood that this selection would not be easy. The Cui family was like a mountain, pressing on him, so how could he have time to care about you, Wu Zhuoheng.

Seeing Lin Chen nodding his head, Wu Zhuoheng was overjoyed and left Shi Jian alone. They all walked towards the city gate together.

And the other three geniuses are also the best in Tianyuan City, they are called Ding Hao, Ye Feng, and Ling Tian respectively.

Along the way, Wu Zhuoheng gave a brief introduction, but Lin Chen was not interested in getting to know them. The three of them were also extremely afraid of Lin Chen.

After all, Shi Jian's strength was not much different from theirs. It would take a lot of trouble to defeat Shi Jian, but here Lin Chen just waved his hand.

Under such a gap, they walked with Lin Chen cautiously.

Even those four star soul masters didn't dare to underestimate Lin Chen. After all, they were third-rank star soul masters on the surface, but they were forced to come up by relying on the power of pills. The city is just holding up a face.

In the final analysis, their combat power is not high, and they are pampered on weekdays, but they just build a formation at critical moments, so, during the process of escorting, there were also casualties.

There was no words all the way, before it got dark, finally arrived at the gate of the city, Lin Chen also secretly sighed, this royal city is so big.

It doesn't look like much from a distance, but standing under the city wall, I feel small. The hundreds of feet high city wall gives people a thick and majestic feeling. On the dark blue stone bricks, there are traces left by weapons , obviously, this has all experienced war.

After entering the city, the scene of prosperity far surpassed that of Tianyuan City. Even though it was almost dark, the street vendors and stores were already brightly lit, making people dazzled.

"Let's go, let's sign up first!" Wu Zhuoheng obviously knew the process already, and after asking about the route, he also led everyone forward.

After signing up, the number of places in Tianyuan City is really determined. After that, they can truly be said to be geniuses representing Tianyuan City in the competition. Before that, everything is still very maneuverable.

For example, at this moment, there is someone in front, openly selling a spot.

In the entire Great Yan Dynasty, most of the people who selected one person believed that it was absolutely impossible, and some people who did not get the quota were unwilling and wanted to try, so there was a quota sale .

This kind of thing was banned before, but Nai He couldn't control it at all, and finally let it go.

Even if you can buy a quota, if you lose your strength, it will be nothing, and if you have the strength, then even if you bought the quota, it will not hurt.

What decides everything is the warrior's own strength!
A group of people shuttled through the bustling royal city, moved closer to the center of the city, and finally arrived in front of a house, where there were three large characters on the registration office.

Taking the lead and walking in, Wu Zhuoheng first saw an old man in a long gown sitting behind a round table in front of him, with a mean look on his face, and glanced at everyone.

"Senior, we are warriors from Tianyuan City. We are here to participate in the selection. Come and sign up." Wu Zhuoheng said, handing over a jade seal, and at the same time, there is a Ruomu tablet pressed under the jade seal, "This is the seal of the city lord. As proof, I will trouble seniors to investigate."

Only then did the old man take the jade seal, and after taking a look at it, he brushed the Ruomu tablet with his palm, taking away a large amount of top-grade spirit essence, and then nodded.

Although these things are not clearly stated, it is already a rule. All those who come to sign up must prepare in advance, otherwise, they will inevitably make things difficult, and even affect the future selection.

Seemingly satisfied with the amount of spirit essence, the old man had a smile on his face.

"Report your name, the old man will register for you." He said, he took out a booklet with a blue cover, and picked up a pen.

"Wu Zhuoheng, Ding Hao, Ye Feng, Ling Tian, ​​and Lin Chen." Wu Zhuoheng said their names.

And the old man wrote down the names of everyone with one stroke, with strong handwriting and a sense of artistic conception. While writing, he also read.

"Wu Zhuoheng...Ding Hao...Ye Feng...Ling Tian...Lin Chen, Lin Chen, uh, Lin Chen?!"

At first he couldn't react, but after repeating the words twice, the old man's heart skipped a beat. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Chen with surprise in his eyes. Even the hand holding the pen trembled.

Immediately, he slapped his chest with a backhand, with full strength, and suddenly there was the sound of bones breaking, blood gushing out, and the old man also yelled.

"Come on, kill me! Lin Chen is going to kill me, this traitor wants to take the quota by force!" The moment the old man's panicked voice sounded, several figures flashed and crushed him with a powerful momentum. Take forest dust straight.

His complexion darkened, even though he had expected Cui Shi to make things difficult for him, Lin Chen never expected that he would come so quickly, and he wouldn't even be given the chance to sign up.

In the heart, the murderous intent has skyrocketed.

(End of this chapter)

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