Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 189 Returning Heart Like an Arrow, Jieyang City

Chapter 189 Returning Heart Like an Arrow, Jieyang City
With the joining of these four powerhouses, the situation suddenly became one-sided!

Among the army of corpses, the strongest is nothing more than extraordinary, and his physical strength and strength barely reach a threshold. In front of these four people, he can be called a chicken and a dog.

Yan San's long sword swept across, and with a single strike, no corpse could stop it. If you look at it from the sky, it will be even more spectacular.

One man should be the gate, ten thousand men should not be opened, it has never been just talk.

Looking at these four powerful figures, Lin Chen also had longing in his eyes. Only such a strong person can be worthy of the word extraordinary!

For a long time, Lin Chen has been able to fight at a higher level, and he is not even afraid of the first-level transcendent fighters, but now he feels that even if these four people suppress the realm to the first-level extraordinary, he will definitely not be a general !
During their attack, Lin Chen sensed a power he had never felt before, which seemed to be able to pull the power of heaven and earth and turn it into his own use.

Chaofan Chaofan, this realm is to transcend the ordinary. From this point of view, the only Chaofan that Lin Chen has fought against before is probably Yu Jibo, who is somewhat extraordinary, and other people, even if they step into the Chaofan, they will not be able to do it at all.

"There is still a long way to go!"

Sighing in his heart, Lin Chen was also holding a magic halberd, charging all the way.

The others were also encouraged, and they fought hard, and the morale of the entire Tianshui City rose again.

And with the strong attack of these four people, in just one hour, tens of thousands of corpses were almost killed!

However, although the final victory was achieved, the entire Tianshui City suffered heavy casualties, not only soldiers, but also a large number of civilians died in this indiscriminate disaster.

Looking at the endless green corpse outside the city, everyone fell silent.

Even though the four guards were used to seeing life and death, they still felt heartbroken for such a scene.

And the most serious thing was that when Yan San arrived, the lord of Tianshui City, Zhao Tianshui, had already been brought into the underworld by Yang Shouyang and started refining!

Yang Shouyang was not kept this time, so the next time Zhao Tianshui reappears, he will definitely be a corpse with the power of a king!
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a sinking heart.

At this time, they could suppress Yang Shouyang, but they couldn't kill or capture him at all. Using the power of the underworld, Yang Shouyang could refine the corpse to his heart's content and strengthen himself.

"Where did such an evil and powerful technique come from?" Yan San was puzzled.

"That's right, looking at the East Pole Continent, there has never been such a terrifying technique!" Dao Wei Yanwu echoed.

"Could it be that this Yang Shouyang created it himself? How can he have such a talent?" Yan Er, the gun guard, was also confused.

Obviously, behind this incident, there is a lot of doubt. Although they can't touch the edge yet, they all understand that this time, the Dayan Dynasty is in big trouble.

Dealing with the Cui family was troublesome enough, but now the chaos of corpses is even more serious, not to mention, there is also the Starry Sky Dynasty watching over it.

With a long sigh, Yan San and the others had no choice but to rectify as much as possible, at least to clean up the mess in Tianshui City first.

To appease the people, bury the corpses, make defenses, etc., many geniuses also joined in to help rectify, but some people have this awareness, and some people still only think about the second round of fighting!

Cui Yuan and Cui Ba, these two had the weakest sense of belonging to the Dayan Dynasty. Even if they left, Wang Yang from the hidden sect didn't communicate with anyone, and left without any communication.

As for Yan Zhen and Xia Tian, ​​they looked at Lin Chen in the crowd, their murderous intent couldn't be concealed, but now, it was obviously not the time to do it.

"Let you live a few more days first, in the third round, I will definitely turn you into a puddle of mud!" The horse's face was gloomy, Yan Zhen whispered, Xia Tian also sneered.

Reconstruction after a disaster has always been not easy. It is extremely laborious to deal with the large number of corpses outside the city. In the end, everyone piled up the corpses together and burned them all by Xia Tian.

The flames were soaring into the sky, and the blue smoke was billowing. The flames were all blue, and it was reflected in the eyes of everyone, which made people feel embarrassed.

Tens of thousands of innocent people are turned into ashes just like that. In a troubled world, you never know, which one will come first, death or tomorrow.

"I, Yan Mingyu, swear that the people of the Great Yan Dynasty must live a comfortable life! Eliminate all threats!" Yan Mingyu clenched his fists tightly, categorically speaking every word.

Yan Zhen's eyes flashed a mocking look, Yan Mingyu was already dead in his eyes, such an oath at this moment, in his opinion, is naturally no different from a joke.

In the end, it was almost time to rest, and half a day had passed, the sky was getting dark, and everyone was getting ready to rest.

In Lin Chen's heart, he was worried about Pingshan City. Yang Shouyang fled, and he might choose some small cities to make up for the loss of the army of corpses!

Lin Chen couldn't wait any longer, his parents were in Pingshan City, how could he rest in peace.

Regardless of Yan Mingyu and Wu Zhuoheng's obstruction, Lin Chen resolutely left the city and headed towards Pingshan City.

The two wanted to follow, but Lin Chen refused.

He had to hurry on the road with all his strength, so Lin Chen planned to go to Pingshan City at high speed with the magic power of shadow escape. In this way, Yan Mingyu and Wu Zhuoheng naturally couldn't keep up, and even the speed of the Poking Eagle would be a bit behind.

After the battle with Hei Lian, Lin Chen's use of shadow-escaping supernatural powers was no longer what it used to be, and he felt more and more miraculous about this power.

After agreeing to the two of them, waiting for them in Pingshan City, Lin Chen hurried on his way without stopping.

It was already night, and a figure that melted into the shadows flashed across the land, and Lin Chen couldn't calm down.

It's been a while since I left Pingshan City. I think it was in Pingshan City that I killed Chaofan back then, and even thinking about it now makes my blood boil.

Such a powerful force is intoxicating.

Walking out of Xia's Manor, Pingshan City can be said to be Lin Chen's first stop, which means a lot to him.

Galloping all the way, he exerted the supernatural power of shadow escape to the extreme, Lin Chen even had a feeling that he was a shadow, as if he had forgotten the existence of his own body, but completely turned into a shadow!
Such a full use of the magic power of shadow escape to rush on the road is not only extremely fast, but also helps Lin Chen to comprehend this magic power.

It was already late at night, and stars were shining on the earth, and a city appeared in front of it, but it was not as good as Tianshui City, but similar to Pingshan City.

This is a small city under Tianshui City, Jieyang City.

Unsurprisingly, this city has been slaughtered by Yang Shouyang!
Everyone was refined into corpses and participated in the attack on Tianshui City. Jieyang City at this moment is a dead city.

It's hard to imagine that a few days ago, this place was still bustling!
Sighing in his heart, Lin Chen also planned to pass through directly without staying, but when he dodged, there was a sinister voice of killing in the empty city, which attracted his attention.

"It's still too late to tell the truth. You are not afraid of death, but there is also your sister. You should be very clear that death is often a luxury for women."

(End of this chapter)

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