Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 191 Fighting Cui Ba [Part 3]

Chapter 191 Fighting Cui Ba 【Third】

Cui Yuan, die!

From Lin Chen's appearance to the owl's head, it was all in the blink of an eye, so that the giant ax in Cui Ba's hand was still raised towards Ye Xiaotian, and he couldn't even turn his body around.

He only had time to turn around, but he saw the scene where Cui Yuan's head flew up!

Cui Ba only felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet. Even he felt terrified of this murderous intent. Cui Yuan was a genius at the innate level after all, but in Lin Chen's hands, it was a chance to regain his senses. nothing.

"The only ones who can make me kneel are my parents and teachers, what are you!" The voice was loud, and the shadow left by Lin Chen's previous kneeling to Cui Yuan was completely erased in Lin Chen's heart.

Let me kneel, can you bear it?

Since you can't bear it, then take your life to pay for it!

Boom. .

The head fell and rolled on the ground, Cui Yuan's wide-eyed eyes were filled with fear that penetrated into the soul, until he died he couldn't believe that he was cut off like this.

The body that had lost its head was limp into a pile of mud, and blood spurted wildly from the broken neck, like a red fountain, which also rendered the city lord's mansion a touch of brilliance.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Ye Xiaotian's eyes widened, staring at Lin Chen, he couldn't imagine that, in his opinion, a powerful and evil enemy couldn't even block a single move, and was killed on the spot.

Ye Xiaoshi, who was crushed by Cui Yuan, also stopped struggling and trembled. She hadn't recovered from the extreme fear. After all, such a bloody scene was too much for a 13-year-old girl. It is still too unacceptable.

Holding the magic halberd in his hand, Lin Chen sneered and looked at Cui Ba with undiminished killing intent.

"Don't worry, you will be next." The voice was indifferent, as if he was saying the most common thing, Lin Chen raised his arm and pointed the halberd straight at Cui Ba.

"Lin Chen, aren't you afraid of Cui Shi's revenge?!" Holding a huge axe, Cui Ba felt a little scared in his heart.

He had seen Lin Chen's fighting power in beheading corpses before, and he thought he couldn't do it so neatly.

"Hehe, you are really stupid. You and I, Cui Shi, have long been inexhaustible. Revenge? Now I am taking revenge on Cui Shi. You and Cui Yuan are the first step!"

Without further ado, Lin Chen took a step forward, his figure flickering, and he was already heading straight for Cui Ba.

His whole body shook, and Cui Ba suddenly felt that he had been surrounded by a terrifying murderous intent. He understood that today he and Lin Chen could only survive.

He is also a ruthless character, immediately let go of his heart, Cui Ba swung his giant axe, with a stern face, he came forward to meet him.

The gigantic ax carried the momentum to break through the mountain, and it was probably heavy enough to break through the air, smashing hard at Lin Chen, even on the ground, a crack was opened by such vigor.

Without any fear, Lin Chen stabbed out with the magic halberd in his hand and collided with the giant axe in mid-air. Suddenly, there was a sound of gold and iron, and at the same time as sparks burst out, the two giant forces collided with each other, and the momentum was astonishing.

Feeling a huge force passing along the magic halberd to his arm, Lin Chen couldn't help stepping back. It has to be said that this Cui Ba really has some advantages, at least this brute force is no less than Forest dust.

Of course, Lin Chen didn't use the Golden Scale Transformation, and this attack was purely to see Cui Ba's strength.

After hitting each other, Lin Chen already had some confidence in his heart. Lin Chen chuckled and looked at Cui Ba, making him feel scared.

More importantly, Cui Ba discovered that there was a gap in his giant axe, which was unprecedented!
This giant ax was a treasure bestowed by Cui Zheng himself, but under this black halberd, it was broken in just one encounter!
With an ugly expression on his face, Cui Ba raised the huge ax in his hand, and stomped the sole of his foot on the ground fiercely. On his huge body, his muscles twisted, his veins bulged, and he swung the huge ax and came straight to Lin Chen's face.

"Tiger Opening Mountain Axe!"

While shouting angrily, Cui Ba used his ax technique and approached Lin Chen, wanting to close him down, but when Lin Chen saw this, he sneered, the magic halberd swept across, the black flames were burning, and he directly plundered the giant axe above.

"This kind of broken weapon, are you willing to take it out?"

The sharp edge of the halberd slammed into the giant axe continuously, combined with the effect of the black flame, within a few breaths, the giant ax in Cui Ba's hand was riddled with holes and was completely destroyed!
Lin Chen had too many ways to deal with Cui Ba, but out of hatred for Cui Shi, Lin Chen wanted to leave the deepest shadow in Cui Ba's heart.

"Relying on the strength of weapons, what kind of ability!" Cui Ba threw the axe, gritted his teeth and said angrily.

His heart had sunk to the bottom, and seeing the playful and cold mockery in Lin Chen's eyes, he understood that it might be difficult to get out of the City Lord's Mansion today.

However, Cui's concept instilled in him since he was a child is that even if he dies, he must exert the greatest value and cause the greatest loss to the enemy!

"You don't need this halberd, I can fight against you!" With a sneer, he put the magic halberd in his hand on the ground, his footsteps turned into smoke, and a touch of black surged above Lin Chen's fists. cast out.

He was startled, but hope soon rose again. In Cui Ba's eyes, Lin Chen was only relying on the specialness of the magic halberd. If he were to compete with real physical strength, how could his body compare with his own?

Since you are so careless, then I will teach you an unforgettable lesson!

Grinning, Cui Ba waved his fist without hesitation.

However, the facts once again proved his innocence and destroyed the trace of luck in his heart.

Two seemingly disparate fists collided, and the sound of the explosion reverberated, faintly forming ripples visible to the naked eye. Immediately afterwards, Cui Ba felt a powerful burst of force, enough to The full nine layers of dark energy exploded in his arms!

Boom boom boom. .

The footsteps kept retreating, caught off guard, and suffered a big loss. Being shaken by such a dark force, Cui Ba's body was full of energy and blood, and he looked at Lin Chen with a shocked expression.

Only now did he realize that this guy not only possessed a holy rank martial soul, a high-level star sea vision, and possessed divine weapons as simple as that, but his body training was actually not bad at all!

Is there really such an almighty person in the world?

How did he cultivate?
Before he could think about it, at the critical moment of life and death, the madness in Cui Ba's body was completely ignited by him, he raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, while a fierce tiger spirit roared behind him, it actually directly attached to his body, turning into dark brown streaks. The tiger-shaped light pattern wandering around also made his already burly figure a bit taller!

"The Fury of the Tiger!"

With a roar like thunder, Cui Ba stepped forward with one step, and the stone slab under his feet was turned into powder at this moment. Obviously, he used some kind of secret technique, turning his martial soul into secret lines and wandering all over his body, gaining great power .

This should also be a natal soul skill, but it is much worse than Lin Chen's Golden Scale Change.

With fighting spirit in his eyes, Lin Chen didn't intend to use the Golden Scale Transformation. He clenched his fists tightly. He wanted to hone his physical body in such a battle!
(End of this chapter)

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