Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 208 Yan Zhen's 'Father'

Chapter 208 Yan Zhen's 'Father'

Lin Chen, fifty-three thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!

In summer, fifty-three thousand six hundred and eighty-nine!

The gap is not very big, but even a difference of one is still a difference!
There is no doubt that Xia Tian is still defeated!
His complexion paled in an instant, and Xia Tian could never have expected that Lin Chen really won.

Dozens of corpses beheaded together are not as many as one person!
"It's impossible, it's impossible, it's impossible for him to kill himself!" With a hysterical roar, Xia Tian's emotions completely lost control.

Hearing this, a sneer flashed in Lin Chen's eyes, and he said lightly: "Didn't you say just now that you believe that the owner of a holy martial soul will definitely surpass you? Why, you can kill more than 5 corpses, my Lin Chen!" Wouldn’t that be fine with the dust? Or, you didn’t kill the heads of these corpses yourself at all?”

Do not attack yourself!

Xia Tian's reaction like this is already telling everyone that his corpse head was not beheaded by himself at all, so all the previous things also turned into a huge slap at this moment, slapping him fiercely on his face.

The horse's face was gloomy, Yan Zhen stared at the pile of corpse heads, his eyes were still extremely unbelievable.

However, even if he didn't want to believe it, in the deepest part of his heart, he still had a feeling, telling him that Lin Chen should have beheaded him alone!
Therefore, he became even more angry.

Yan Mingyu and Yan Mengyue thought that Lin Chen was doomed, but they didn't expect that Lin Chen could take out so many corpse heads. Apart from shock, they were more delighted.

"Hahaha, good!" Yan Nantian clapped his palms and laughed, his eyes flickering brightly, "This is the man of my Great Yan Dynasty, Lin Chen, you are the well-deserved number one in this second round!"

the first!

In the first round, he deservedly won the first place with a holy rank martial soul, beating Xia Tian. In the second round, once again, with an impossible gesture, he stepped on all the plots under his feet!

The word Lin Chen seems to be a miracle by nature.

Not only Xia Tian and Yan Zhen, but also those who took the initiative to give up the corpse's head to Xia Tian to suppress Lin Chen, all had distorted expressions.


In the hearts of most people, there is incomparable jealousy. In the city where they belonged to, they are also among the top geniuses, but now, under the light of Lin Chen, they are inconspicuous.

This feeling of being suppressed is really uncomfortable!

However, this world will still be like that, there will be no pause because of your displeasure, and no one will stop to pity you and pay attention to you.

Always so cruel!

Therefore, Yan Nantian also pressed his palm to silence all the voices of discussion, and said in a powerful voice: "The third round of tests is in the Red Wind Valley! There are all kinds of powerful fire beasts in the Red Wind Valley. What you have to do is Collect the red fire beads inside the fire beast!"

Red Wind Valley!
Yan Zhenxia, ​​Lin Chen, Yan Mingyu and the others had already known this, so naturally they wouldn't be too surprised, but the other geniuses were full of uproar.

Red Wind Valley is a famous dangerous place within the territory of the Dayan Dynasty. For ordinary people, after entering it, it can be said that they are close to death. Only the extraordinary and strong can enter it. However, there have also been extraordinary and strong who fell in it.

According to legend, this Red Wind Valley is a cave left by a great power, and there are precious inheritances in it, but no one has ever obtained it.

Hearing these three words, most of the people retreated.

The quota must be dead, they can't compete with Lin Chen and Xia Tian, ​​if this is the case, why join in the fun?
Although the Scarlet Fire Orb is precious, it is not worthwhile to go all out, not to mention, even if he enters the Scarlet Wind Valley, who dares to say, can he get the Scarlet Fire Orb?

That's much harder than beheading a corpse.

Immediately, most of the people decided not to take part in the third round of the test, and this result was within Yan Nantian's expectation, and he didn't care how these mediocre people chose.

For Lin Chen, the trip to the Red Wind Valley was no longer just a simple examination, but included beheading Yan Zhen, Xia Tian, ​​and helping Guo Fan and Mo Yu and his wife.

This is what is really important to him.

After explaining the exam, Yan Nantian dismissed many geniuses. Lin Chen and Yan Mingyu went to Yan Mingyu's bedroom to rest together.

As soon as he sat down, Yan Mingyu laughed heartily.

"Hahaha, in all these years, I have never been so happy! Both of the Cui family are dead, so you can't be the one who killed them. Brother Lin Chen, you didn't see Yan Zhen's horse face, as if he had eaten shit Ugly!"

"It's really me who killed it. Cui and I have long been immortal. These two people were doing evil outside. When I ran into them, they killed them." Lin Chen was calm, as if he was talking about the most important thing. Trivial things in general.

hiss. .

There was a sound of gasping, Yan Mingyu could stuff an egg into his mouth, but he didn't expect that it was the real Cui Yuan and Cui Ba who were killed by Lin Chen.

"These are all small characters. The Cui family is really scary, but Cui Zheng, who is a king." Yan Mengyue frowned.

"I'm afraid the situation of the Great Yan Dynasty is not very optimistic. First of all, I can tell you that the poison of Yan Zhen's ten fragrances and seven quintessences is beyond imagination. This also proves that there are black hands behind him."

"In addition, the big net laid by the Cui family over the years is slowly being withdrawn, and action should be taken soon, and Yang Shouyang, who manipulated the corpse, should not be underestimated, and I suspect that behind him, there are also A powerful black hand, not to mention, there are people like Starry Sky Dynasty, who are eyeing them!" Lin Chen took a sip of tea, and his words left them speechless.

I didn't think about it before, but now it seems that this is really troublesome.

"With our current strength, I'm afraid we can't do much. For now, let's go to the Red Wind Valley first. I know two people, and they may be the key to solving the crisis of the corpse. There is also a senior who should be able to solve the ten incense The poison of Qijue has the power to protect the country, but also has the power to protect itself." Lin Chen said.

At this moment, Yan Mingyu naturally only followed Lin Chen's lead, as if Lin Chen had an aura that could be convincing.

"Okay, just listen to Brother Lin Chen!"

At the same time, in another palace, Yan Zhen had a ferocious face, which was extremely ugly.

"Lin Chen, Lin Chen!" Slamming the wine glass in his hand, Yan Zhen kept cursing.

Hoo hoo. .

A gust of wind blew past, and suddenly, streaks of black mist appeared out of thin air, and condensed into a black figure in front of Yan Zhen.

"Yan Zhen."

Seeing this, Yan Zhen immediately knelt down respectfully, his face full of fanatical admiration: "Father!"


Yan Zhen actually called this man his father?

"The Nine Tribulations Fire Dragon Formation lacks the most important formation foundation. Combined with the topography of the Red Wind Valley, although there is more than 90.00% chance of killing Lin Chen, I am still worried." The voice was hoarse and deep, revealing endless distance and passion Mysterious and, well, evil!

"Here is this storm bead for you. If at a critical moment, Lin Chen breaks through the formation, he crushes it and triggers the fire wind in the entire Red Wind Valley, he will definitely die!"

"Yes, thank you father!"

(End of this chapter)

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