Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 213 Extraordinary true meaning, epiphany!

Chapter 213 Extraordinary true meaning, epiphany!

Even Yan Zhen's so-called father is very sure that as long as he activates the power of the storm bead, Lin Chen will be unable to escape!
The strength shown by Lin Chen can only deal with some ordinary superpowers. If he is facing a superpower who has understood the true meaning of supernormal, he may not be able to last a few rounds at all.

And this kind of combat power that can leapfrog is naturally called a peerless talent in the East Pole Continent. Even in the Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, it can be called amazing, but it is far from being a true peerless talent. !

Because, in the wider world, there are peerless evildoers who can realize the extraordinary true meaning in the innate period!

The so-called transcendent true meaning is a kind of extremely mysterious power that comes from understanding the heaven and earth after reaching a certain level of martial arts cultivation. A more tyrannical force.

In fact, only the superpowers who have comprehended the true meaning of transcendence are the real superpowers. The natural moat that separates the two from each other!
No matter how amazing your talent is, how talented you are, if you can't realize the true meaning of transcendence, you will definitely not be able to enter the ranks of kings in this life.

Regardless of the Nine Tribulations Fire Dragon Formation or the Storm Orb, they are all belongings of Yan Zhen's so-called father. If the Nine Tribulations Fire Dragon Formation has a chance to be broken, then the violent wind in the entire Red Wind Valley is probably only the real one. Only the king can fight.

Although Guo Fan paid a huge price and did not hesitate to become a corpse, he is not a real king after all, unable to master the power of space.

A heart sank to the bottom of the valley, Lin Chen secretly made a mistake, the other party obviously came prepared and set up many traps, and the existence behind him even used extremely powerful treasures to ensure nothing would go wrong.

On his own side, Lin Chen secretly regretted not asking Su Rang for some life-saving treasures. In the final analysis, he was too careless.

"Old Su, old Su..." Through the jade talisman, he wanted to send a message to Su Rang, but at such a critical moment, this old guy has never heard from him!
Putting away the jade talisman, Lin Chen's expression turned extremely ugly.

It was the first time that he was killed in such a situation!
For a long time, relying on his ability to fight at higher levels, possessing strong combat power, and having many trump cards, even though the journey was difficult and there were many setbacks, Lin Chen had never fallen into such a mortal situation.

This also led to his carelessness.

At this moment, what else can I do?
Do you want to crush King Viola's jade tablet and ask for help?
Gritting his teeth, Lin Chen never had such a plan.

With the help of the power of the Senluo Demon Tablet again?
Lin Chen also didn't want to be restrained by this magic tablet too much!

Is there no way?

With Mo Yu's help, Guo Fan had already recovered a bit, but now that the endless fire and fire had hit him, he had to force himself to turn into a human body again to stand in front of everyone.

"Brother Guo Fan..."

Lin Chen felt a pain in his heart.

In terms of talent, Guo Fan is definitely not as good as himself. In terms of chance and cards, Guo Fan may not be as lucky as Lin Chen, but in front of him, Lin Chen can't help but feel ashamed!

Guo Fan is a man who is truly indomitable. He has come to this point relying on himself. His generous arms seem to be able to indomitable!
And what about you, Lin Chen?
You are always relying on external objects and your own talents!

The Senluo Demon Stele, the Senluo Demon Halberd, the twin holy martial souls, and the star-studded visions, any of these are enough to shake this continent, but with so many opportunities, you are going to be like a coward now , hiding behind Guo Fan!
Do you think you are really strong, can you overcome all obstacles? You can't even save your own parents, you can't even see the woman you love, you owe too many people too much, why do you act on your own? big?
The torture from the heart made Lin Chen tremble uncontrollably at this moment. It was the first time he looked at his heart squarely, but found that it was so fragile and unbearable!
The mood is changing!
If it is said that Lin Chen before could burn the sky with anger and kill with arrogance, then the current him is much deeper and restrained, and the ferocious hostility in his heart has gradually faded away, replaced by a peaceful peaceful.

Mount Tai collapsed in front of it without changing its color!

The whole person's body and mind seemed to be sublimated at this moment, the noisy world around him returned to peace at this moment, he could hear his own heartbeat, his own breathing, Lin Chen's feeling, his body and mind, he could clearly perceive everything around him .

Guo Fan, who was covered in green corpse hair, stood in front of him, Mo Yu, who was crying with worry on his face, Yan Mingyu, who was seriously injured and unable to move, Yan Mengyue, who was restrained, and Xiao Yu, who was constantly struggling in the flames. .

And the wind and fire all over the sky!
He obviously closed his eyes, but Lin Chen seemed to have personally plunged into the wind and fire, prying into the mysteries of it with the most essential attitude.

This feeling is so wonderful!
At this moment, to Lin Chen, it seemed that he was the whole world, integrated with the world, and everything in between.

With his eyes closed, he stood in place, and Lin Chen even smiled unconsciously.

At the same time, with all the wind and flames surrounding them, the true face of the fire unicorn was also revealed. Lin Chen discovered that on the three legs of the fire unicorn, there were actually huge chains that hugged each other. Bondage, only one leg is free!

"What is Lin Chen doing?!" This scene deeply shocked Yan Zhen and Xia Tian, ​​standing on Huo Qilin, both of them were in shock.

Xia Tian was a bit confused, but with Yan Zhen's knowledge, he could vaguely guess some clues.

"He is enlightening, he has fallen into a state of enlightenment!" Yan Mingyu's already gloomy eyes instantly shone with hope, and he shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Mo Yu also saw hope in the midst of despair. After all, for extraordinary warriors, epiphany is an opportunity that transcends everything, which means that they are infinitely close to the true meaning of extraordinary!
Comprehend the true meaning of the extraordinary in the congenital period?

Xia Tian was completely stunned, he couldn't believe that Lin Chen could comprehend the extraordinary true meaning at the innate stage, but Yan Zhen told him with absolute certainty that this was not fake.

There was endless embarrassment and inconceivability in his eyes, Xia Tian's body trembled: "Huo Qilin, kill him quickly, kill him, don't give him a chance!"

Fire Qilin lifted the only remaining free hoof and claw, and slapped it forward fiercely. Xia Tian is the key to its escape. At this moment, it naturally obeyed. The huge hoof and claw fell from the sky, so powerful that it is enough to crush people into flesh Sauce.

However, at this very moment, within the endless wind and fire, accompanied by a burst of joyful laughter from the heart, the red gust of wind and flames that were still whirling crazily a second ago turned out to be in an instant. Stop abruptly!

Lin Chen, I understand!
(End of this chapter)

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