Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 219 Cannibalism

Chapter 219 Cannibalism
The body suddenly rose, and in the next moment, it had already jumped in front of everyone's eyes, only to see this burly body suddenly raised his head, and in his eyes, a fierce blood light burst out.

Even though the face is covered with green hair, but that imposing manner and appearance are undoubtedly Yan Nantian!
Yan Nantian!
This King Almighty who started the Great Yan Dynasty has actually been reduced to such a point that he has turned into a corpse!

Yan Mingyu was about to burst into tears, even if he was mentally prepared, how could he remain indifferent when he saw Yan Nantian's appearance?
He is not like Yan Zhen, who can recognize a thief as his father. He has always had a deep affection for Yan Nantian, and he respects and loves this father emperor very much.

"Hehe, Yan Mingyu, Yan Mingyu, even if Yan Nantian loves you, so what, if you want to compete with me for the throne, you have to pay the price, the winner and the loser, now, just obediently let me die!" Yan Mingyu's expression, Yan Zhen was extremely happy.

In the previous battles, he has been deflated, but now, he can finally get everything back!

He wanted to see with his own eyes that Lin Chen, Yan Mingyu, and those who opposed him were all crushed to death!

It's hard to estimate how far Yan Nantian has turned into a corpse. His eyes are scarlet, and his violent killing intent is raging. It's like turning into a strong storm, sweeping in all directions.

"Brother Nantian!"

"Damn it, it turned out to be a corpse!"

"No, it's impossible, there must be a way!"


The Eighteen Guards of Yanyun looked at this scene, and they were about to go berserk. The eighteen of them had feelings for Yan Nantian that were stronger than gold, and they were created during the fight all the way.

It would be unacceptable for them to lose anyone, not to mention that it was Yan Nantian who had the accident.

Immediately, they rushed up one by one, trying to help Yan Nantian, but unfortunately, Yan Nantian at this moment is no longer the big brother he was back then.

With Yan Nantian's burly body as the center, towards the surroundings, a violent force spread out, and at the same time, there were space cracks visible to the naked eye.

The Almighty King could have mastered the power of space, but turned into a corpse, although he couldn't use Yuanli, Martial Soul, etc., but the pure power was even stronger.

Stepping out with one step, it seemed that the whole royal city was trembling a little bit. The mighty power was overwhelming. The strongest corpse man transformed by Yan Nantian rose from the air and attacked the Eighteen Guards of Yanyun!

There was no emotion in the scarlet eyes, the majestic force had blasted out, and a punch from the air had caused the space to explode, and it had already ruthlessly bombarded the person in front of him.

"Old Whip!"

Everyone shouted in unison and looked at the whip guard at the front, but the person holding the long whip was hit in the chest, and the violent force strangled him away, blasting a huge blood hole in his chest instantly!
Immediately afterwards, there was a bang, and the whip guard's body exploded directly, turning into a pile of minced meat, which fell profusely from the sky, like a rain of flesh and blood!

The fake Yan Nantian was not vicious, he didn't do it himself, but wanted Yan Nantian to do it and kill the people around him with his own hands.

One face to face, Yanyun's eighteen guards have already lost one person.

These are all extraordinary powerhouses who have mastered the true meaning of the extraordinary. Any one of them can easily crush Lin Chen, but here at Yan Nantian, they couldn't survive even a single move.

"Boss, wake up!"

"We have fought in the world, and we have never lost a single person. Now, it is you, the boss, who killed Lao Whip with your own hands!"

"Damn it, why did the boss turn into a corpse? Could it be that Yang Shouyang?"


The remaining 17 people retreated one after another in grief, looking at Yan Nantian with mournful faces.

Killing the whip guard with one punch, Yan Nantian looked at the shattered corpse, his eyes were still scarlet, but his body stood still and trembled involuntarily.

Consciousness was engulfed in an inextricable darkness, Yan Nantian was like a puppet, in front of his eyes was an inextricable scarlet, and the violent killing intent in the deepest part of his mind made him unable to resist bombarding everything in front of him.

However, at this moment, there was an inexplicable pain in his heart, as if he had lost something extremely important, Yan Nantian instinctively wanted to resist all of this.

There was an inaudible call faintly in his ears, making him struggle hard, wanting to break through all the shackles, but unfortunately, it was doomed to be in vain.

"Hmph, kill them for me!"

With a burst of shouting, Yan Nantian felt that his body was out of control at all, and the tyrannical killing intent in his heart once again suppressed the remaining rationality, driving him to strike again.

Boom boom boom!
The astonishing power, accompanied by every punch, caused holes in space to appear in the sky of the palace, and the sky was riddled with holes.


Yan Mingyu's heart is full of despair, is this still Yan Nantian?
"Yan Zhen, you are not human, you consider a thief as your father, colluded with outsiders and harmed your father, you should be hacked to death!" screaming bitterly, Yan Mingyu wanted to change all this, but found that he could do nothing.

"Hahaha, whoever can give me the throne will be my father!" Yan Zhen laughed.

In his heart, it has been completely distorted. In his eyes, the so-called family relationship may really be worse than dung.

"Damn it, you turned Yan Nantian into a corpse. It seems that Yang Shouyang is also this guy's subordinate. I have long suspected the origin of this technique!" Lin Chen said to himself, and immediately figured everything out.

Yang Shouyang was definitely unable to turn Yan Nantian into a corpse, so behind all this, it was all written by this fake Yan Nantian.

The entire Dayan Dynasty, no matter the size of the city or the supreme commander, were completely eroded by his means!

"It doesn't matter, get the lotus seeds first!" With a thought in his mind, Lin Chen's figure flickered and turned into a cloud of mist, which had disappeared above Huo Qilin's head.

At this moment, the palace is in chaos. A large number of soldiers are fighting with the mountain-piercing ants. Although the soldiers are stronger than the mountain-piercing ants, the mountain-piercing ants are better than the number. They are all crushed.

The scene was very chaotic, which also gave Lin Chen a chance, shadows were everywhere, he used the shadow-escaping magic power, even the fake Yan Nantian didn't notice his presence immediately.

At this time, that Xu Yu, who had never seen such a scene before, was too frightened to move, and shivered in a corner. Just flowers in the greenhouse.

Therefore, at that moment, when a figure of black flame holding a magic halberd suddenly appeared from the shadow under his feet in a gesture of being caught off guard, his complexion was also extremely wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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