Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 229 I will go by myself

Chapter 229 I will go by myself

"Senior, let me try!" Mo Yu was the first to stand up. The extraordinary true meaning she realized can eliminate the poison of corpses, and it must have an effect on the poison of ten thousand grievances.

Su Rang waved his hand and stopped her.

"Don't mess around, you just realized the true meaning of transcendence, but this poison is based on the secret meaning of the king, which is far beyond the strength of corpse poison. Unless you reach the level of king, you will be eaten back by this poison." Heavy, Su Rang said.

"This poison was originally refined by He Chao to deal with me. It is a miracle that Lin Chen survived." Pressing his palm on Lin Chen's chest, Su Rang's palm was already a shining holy light, which penetrated into Lin Chen's body.

Along with it, there is also a mysterious Qianjilinglong Sealing Technique, centered on Lin Chen's chest, spreading to his whole body, but even so, the most stubborn poison of ten thousand resentments is still deeply rooted and extremely difficult to remove.

Su Rang sensed the situation in Lin Chen's body, and his complexion became more and more ugly.

This time, He Chao has really surpassed him. This poison of ten thousand grievances is not only based on He Chao's King's Profound Truth, but also cooperates with the evil corpse technique, making this poison permeate every corner of Lin Chen's martial soul , cannot be removed.

If the poison hadn't penetrated into the Koi Martial Soul, I'm afraid that Lin Chen at this moment would suffer even more terrifying pain, life would be worse than death.

All along, the enemies he faced were very powerful, far beyond his own realm, and by virtue of many means, Lin Chen had finally suffered a big loss all the way to the present.

Facing the poison of ten thousand grievances shot out by the death lotus, he didn't even have a chance to dodge. If he hadn't possessed a holy martial spirit, he might have died at this moment.

"Senior, even you can't do anything?" Yan Nantian asked Su Rang with an ugly expression.

Su Rang possessed the profound meaning of a king, but Yan Nantian hadn't reached that step yet, and Su Rang's methods were powerful and superb, so this sentence of a senior is worthy.

Shaking his head, Su Rang let out a long sigh.

"I can't cure this poison, I can only rely on him. This kid has two holy-rank martial spirits, and this one has been corroded, but the sleepy dragon can still cultivate. Moreover, he is still a star soul master, so stop here Impossible, but if the resentment is not eliminated, it may be difficult to achieve a very high level of cultivation."

Hearing this, everyone's hearts were mixed with sorrow and joy.

On the one hand, the toxin cannot be eliminated temporarily, on the other hand, Lin Chen can continue to practice without risking his life.

"Damn it, damn it!" Yan Mingyu slammed his fist on the ground, he would rather be poisoned himself than Lin Chen.

"With He Chao's temperament, he will never let it go. He didn't attack me this time because all the wronged souls he collected were used to attack Lin Chen. If he leaves this time, he will definitely harm more innocent people! "Su Rang's face was filled with gloom.

This place is no smaller than Lingxiu Qianjie, it is just a relatively backward secular continent, the emperor realm is not obvious, and the strongest warriors on the surface are no more than the holy realm, and among these small dynasties, the strongest is no more than the king Forget it, with He Chao's strength, he can definitely be swept away.

In time, when He Chao appears next time, his strength will definitely be even stronger!
With a heavy heart, Su Rang didn't expect that the evil corpse technique obtained by He Chao was so broad and profound. Whether it was building the underworld or refining the corpse abyss, such methods reminded Su Rang of something.

Although he was not sure, Su Rang knew very well that He Chao must not be allowed to continue to grow.

"There are many secrets in Jieyang Mi Territory. This continent is far from being as simple as I imagined..." Su Rang pondered, but there was a gleam in his eyes.

Judging from his knowledge and experience, if there is anything that can get rid of the venom in Lin Chen's body at this time, it must be within the Jieyang Secret Realm.

Just in the outermost area, I got a fragment of the source of life talisman. It is hard to imagine what kind of treasures there will be in the deeper secret realm. Thinking of the charm heart in Mei Wuer's body before, Su Rang felt Many conjectures.

"The power of the stars may also be able to detoxify. Even the holy light is not as good as the power of the stars in terms of purity and holiness. Shen Xing had boasted that night before that in the seventh-level star tower that the Star Dynasty will open this time, there will be A pure star heart will be formed, and it may be possible to wash away the poison." Yan Mengyue thought for a while and said.

Looking at Lin Chen, she was full of worry. Yan Mengyue was so old, and there was no man like Lin Chen who moved her heart.

"The heart of pure stars can get rid of the poison of ten fragrances and seven absolutes, but I'm not sure about the poison of ten thousand grievances, but I can try it." Su Rang said.

"Let me go, I will go to the Star Dynasty." Yan Mengyue said immediately.

Yan Nantian twitched her lips, she really didn't want to be a girl, the poison on her body also needed the heart of a pure star to cure, but this girl only cared about Lin Chen.

This father is really a failure. .

"No way, Ye Chenxing's mind, don't you know that going here will definitely be in danger!" Yan Mingyu gritted his teeth.

Indeed, the Xingkong Dynasty has always wanted to invade the Dayan Dynasty. Although Ye Shenxing was sent on a mission, everyone saw his covetousness for Yan Mengyue.

"Only I am a star soul master. If I don't go, why don't you go?" Yan Mengyue also knew the seriousness of the situation, but she had no choice.

Yan Mingyu was silent, he understood that what Yan Mengyue said was right, only Yan Mengyue had the opportunity to go to the Star Dynasty and enter the seventh-level Star Tower.

"I'll go by myself."

A hoarse and calm voice sounded, but it instantly stunned everyone present.

Putting his hands on the ground, Lin Chen sat up slowly, frowning, feeling the powerlessness in his body, the pervasive pain in all parts of his body, and the endless wailing in his ears, and then he smiled wryly.

At this moment, he can no longer exert his strength.

The koi was infected by toxins, and the trapped dragon had not yet been unsealed. Lin Chen's cultivation base of Yuanli has no progress, and will regress as time goes by.

However, fortunately, the star sea between eyebrows has not been infected, which means that Lin Chen can still use the power of the stars to practice as a star soul master.

In fact, Lin Chen had woken up a long time ago. He was giving himself a period of time to buffer, even though he was desperate, but he knew that he must not fall down.

Not for his parents, not for Xia Xinxuan, Mei Wuer, Li Lianyu, just for Lin Chen himself, for that heart of asking, he had to pull himself together.

Lin Chen knew that if he gave up in despair at this moment, it would be completely over, but if he continued to fight, there might still be a glimmer of chance, and as long as he had even the slightest hope, he would not give up!
The thousand-year-old Tianshan lotus seed has been obtained, which can save his parents. With Su Rang in the dynasty, there will be no problems in a short time. There is still one year before Xingnan College is admitted to the hospital. For Lin Chen, this year's time , must catch!
Therefore, he immediately decided to go to the Star Dynasty!

(End of this chapter)

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