Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 245 Shock

Chapter 245 Shock
Immediately stopped the operation of the vision, but the chain of stars has already noticed that Lin Chen is the owner of the vision of the star sea, so the pressure is still far beyond the usual.

What's more, at this moment, four people broke through the chain of stars at the same time. It can be said that Lin Chen suffered the greatest impact.

Among the crowd below, Zheng Jackal's master, the gray-robed old man, also looked at this scene in amazement.

I wanted to follow Lin Chen to the Star Tower and find an opportunity to kill him, but I didn't expect that this kid would seek death by himself and step on the star chain.

Being able to analyze Sui Chao's star skills during the battle, improve them, and pass them on to Ye Tiancai, even led to a change in this person's mood. In the eyes of the gray-robed old man, Lin Chen is definitely a talented person.

It's a pity that the vast majority of such people are extremely proud, just as Lin Chen wants to break through the chains of stars at this moment, it is tantamount to seeking his own death.

Indeed, the current Lin Chen felt that he was on the verge of falling, but he could barely keep standing. The impact on his body was better, and the most important thing was the blow to Xinghai.

Lin Chen's sea of ​​stars was created by nature, without cultivation at all, it formed naturally when he was awakened, and this kind of gift, although it is beneficial to him, also has disadvantages!
A star soul master communicates with the stars of his natal life, and absorbs the power of the nine heavenly stars to build the star sea. Although this process is difficult, it is extremely important, and it is related to the development of a star soul master.

In the process of constructing the star sea, many issues need to be considered, whether it is the size, strength, stability, etc. of the star sea, all need to be carefully considered.

Skip this process directly, Tiancheng's star sea is naturally perfect, but Lin Chen did not get this precious insight from it.

Therefore, at this moment, Xinghai was subjected to a severe impact, and almost instantly, a crack appeared!
Horrified in his heart, Lin Chen's complexion instantly turned pale.

"Don't panic!"

Immediately calm down, many times of wandering between life and death made him understand that in this situation, he must not panic, once he loses his footing, it is equivalent to stepping into the gate of hell with one foot.

And as if aware of Lin Chen's abnormal state, Yan Zhen looked back, and immediately laughed wildly again.

"Hahaha, Lin Chen, don't you want to kill me, come on, I'd like to see how far you can go on this chain!" These words were sarcasm, obviously to provoke Lin Chen.

If Lin Chen is hotheaded and continues to move forward regardless of the consequences, there is a great possibility that he will die on this chain of stars. This is naturally a scene that Yan Zhen is very happy to see.

"Lin Chen, don't be impulsive. Your vision is too strong and you are under the greatest pressure. You should go back. I will hunt down Yan Zhen!" Yan Mengyue immediately dissuaded her.

"Count me in!" Ye Cai took a step forward with a firm expression on his face.

To Lin Chen, he was very grateful. If there was no Lin Chen, he would still be the fat man at the bottom right now, who would be regarded as a fool and bullied at will.

While the two were talking, they both walked towards Lin Chen, but Lin Chen, who was standing there, raised his arms directly to block them.

The next moment, under everyone's surprised eyes, Lin Chen sat cross-legged and sat down on the spot with his eyes closed, his figure fluctuating with the swing of the chain.

"Is this kid crazy?"

"What is he going to do?"

"Don't he know that the longer he stays on the chain, the greater the impact?"


It has to be said that Lin Chen really doesn't know these rules and regulations, and there is no need to know.

Letting go of the suppression of the star-studded vision, the scene of seeing the three sky-reaching chains for the first time reappeared in Lin Chen's mind, and his body and mind were ethereal.

"That rhythm..."

While muttering softly, Lin Chen let go of his body and mind to feel the truth of heaven and earth contained in this chain. Gradually, although his body was swaying, he was no longer so passive in a vague way, but seemed to be interacting with such a Shaking, they fit together!
And in Lin Chen's star sea, even though the star sea was still vibrating under the powerful impact, under Lin Chen's deliberate manipulation, it was incomparably coordinated with the vibration force.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Pupils shrank, and Yan Zhenxin suddenly had an ominous feeling in his head, but he was still stubborn, snorted coldly, turned around and quickly walked towards the second chain.

Frozen in place, Ye Tiancai and Yan Mengyue were also shocked by this scene, Yan Mengyue went in without knowing it, but Ye Tiancai had heard rumors about that person.

That guy back then did just that, sitting cross-legged directly on top of the star chains, and finally. .

Just when Ye Tian was thinking about the legendary scene, Lin Chen's eyes suddenly opened, a flash of starlight flashed, and he stood up.

Amid the clattering sounds, he took a step forward, his whole body swayed with the shaking of the chains, his figure turned into afterimages, and the star sea between his eyebrows was vibrating at a unique frequency, no matter how powerful The shock, it can no longer have any impact on him.

Like a small boat swaying in the wind and waves, it gives people a feeling that it is on the verge of falling, and it may fall at any time, but it is very tenacious, and it is dangerous and dangerous every time, passing by the edge of falling!

At this moment, even a fool can see that Lin Chen has definitely mastered a certain method, so that he can not be affected, but this is too unbelievable!
Surprised and speechless, everyone stared dumbfounded at this scene, at the guy who was walking on the star chain like a flat ground.

"Damn it, it's impossible!"

Looking back again, Yan Zhen almost jumped up when he looked at this scene with eyes full of tears. Even with the support of He Chao's supernatural ability to hide from the sky and the sea, he couldn't move forward much faster.

At this moment, Lin Chen's speed has already surpassed him!

Gritting his teeth, he didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and moved forward with all his strength, Yan Zhen took three steps in parallel, and he had already reached the end of the first chain of stars, and was already very close to the second chain of stars.

Then Lin Chen, who stepped up, was only a hundred meters away from him!
Horrified in his heart, Yan Zhen had already planted the deepest shadow in Lin Chen's heart, even above He Chao's awe, even though this young man couldn't continue to use Yuanli, he was still like that, amazingly talented!

Once caught up by him, today's result will definitely not be wonderful.

The two people in front and one behind have completely stunned the onlookers in Suoxing City. The speed of these two guys is enough to enter the top ten of the inscription rankings, or two appear at the same time.

When did the chain of stars become so easy to break through?
Deep shocks and doubts arose in everyone's hearts, and at this moment, Yan Zhen had already stepped forward, one step ahead, and set foot on the second chain of stars!

(End of this chapter)

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