Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 253 Guchenxing, Fengbai!

Chapter 253 Guchenxing, Fengbai!

Among the crowds, Ye Chenxing stood with his hands behind his back on the newly built star fighting platform, and behind him, a beautiful woman, wearing revealing clothes, was tied to a stone pillar !
The gazes of everyone in the audience were like sharp knives, cutting towards Mei Wu'er who was at a loss. This scene made Lin Chen's eyes burst into flames, and he almost ran away immediately.

Scanning below, Ye Chenxing smiled, even though he didn't find Lin Chen, but he knew that Lin Chen would definitely come, he must be among the crowd!
"I'm very glad that everyone can come. This high-quality cauldron was obtained by the prince from the Dayan Dynasty. To be honest, I haven't enjoyed it myself. I took it out today to arouse everyone's enthusiasm. The opening of the Star Tower is coming soon. More heroes, add luster to our star dynasty!"

Ye Chenxing's high-sounding words undoubtedly made Lin Chen even more angry, but everyone in the audience stared at the poor Mei Wuer more unscrupulously.

"Three tricks! As long as you follow my three tricks, you can embrace the beauty! I'm looking forward to it, who is this lucky?" Ye Chenxing's last words instantly made many people breathe a little bit. Hastened up.

This is not only related to a beauty, but also a kind of glory, a symbol, a chance to show her face!

To be honest, generally those who have strength, status, or face will not choose to go on stage. Many people come to watch, and those who really want to go up are undoubtedly some low-level people who covet beauties, or fantasizing about status.

"I'll try it first!"

As soon as Ye Chenxing finished speaking, a strong man couldn't wait to speak, and his figure flew towards the star fighting platform.

"It's that **** Mo Hai!"

"Tsk tsk, I knew that he would definitely go up. I didn't expect him to be so impatient that he would be the first one to go up."

"If this woman falls into Mo Hai's hands, some people will suffer. It is said that he just tortured a young girl to death, and Wang Lao San next door saw the young girl's body, alas..."


Many people were talking about it. It was obvious that this Mo Hai was a completely obscene person, which also made Lin Chen grit his teeth and stare at the stage.

"Mo Hai, please be merciful!" After Mo Hai saluted Ye Chenxing, he stood where he was, already ready.

"Haha, courage is commendable, since this is the case, I will only use [-]% of my strength for this first move!" Ye Chenxing chuckled, but disdain flashed in his eyes.

After taking the stage, Mo Hai almost never took his eyes off Mei Wu'er. How could such a smart-ass-brained person be able to make a difference?
Of course, Ye Chenxing didn't care about this either, he just wanted to lure Lin Chen out, and as for Mo Hai and others, they just played a catalytic role.

"First move!"

When Ye Chenxing raised his hand, the power of the stars condensed, and a rotating star cone was formed, which also made Lin Chen's pupils shrink suddenly. This is a starburst cone!

Thinking about all the things before, Lin Chen became even more certain that this type of star skill should be unique to the starry sky royal family, so Mu Yi must be Ye Mu, there is no problem.

Seeing that Ye Chenxing's attack was a starburst cone, Mo Hai became a little dignified. The sea of ​​stars roared, and his body surface was also a piece of star armor, slowly taking shape.

This scene immediately made Lin Chen frowned.

Obviously this is a defensive star technique. It seems that this guy has some skills for daring to be the first to take the stage.

The star-studded phenomenon was running, Lin Chen's eyes flashed, and he immediately saw the orbit of the star power in Mo Hai's body, and immediately began to analyze this star technique.

On the Star Fighting Stage, as Ye Chenxing's palm fell, that star-exploding cone also shot fiercely at Mo Hai's chest. In an instant, it collided with the Star Armor and made a sharp explosion. Voice.

Bang! !

The essence of the Star Explosion Cone lies in the word Explosion, which breaks through the enemy's defense with a sharp point, and then uses a strong explosion to deal a powerful blow to the enemy.

At this moment, the starburst cone pierced into Mo Hai's armor, and then burst open. The strong impact all acted on the star armor.

In Lin Chen's eyes, the Star Armor, which was fairly defensive, had dense cracks appearing in an instant. It could no longer support it, and it burst into pieces. The impact still made Mo Hai step back and feel tight in his chest. .

Both sides are at the second level, but Ye Chenxing's talent itself is much higher. In terms of cultivation resources, Mo Hai is by no means comparable. It was still a face-to-face meeting, and the star armor was shattered.

hiss. .

There was a sound of gasping for air, and everyone was surprised. Ye Chenxing repelled Mo Hai with a random move with only [-]% of his strength!
Enjoying this feeling so much, the smile on Ye Chenxing's face became brighter. He had never had a chance before. Now, he wants to tell the entire Starry Sky Dynasty of his strength!

Not all of today's events are aimed at attracting Lin Chen, but also Ye Chenxing wants to build momentum and lay the foundation for future competition for the throne.

"Thank you, Prince, for your mercy!"

Mo Hai's expression was ugly. The Star Armor he was so proud of couldn't hold up even one move. If he tried to forcefully take the second move, his life might be in danger.

He was greedy for beauty, but he had to have his life, so he immediately conceded defeat and walked off the Star Fighting Stage.

And with Mo Hai to explore the way, everyone had an understanding of Ye Chenxing's strength, and suddenly, fearful, no one dared to take the stage anymore.

Looking at Ye Chenxing on the stage, Lin Chen also felt a little troublesome. He himself just broke into the second-level star soul master, and he might not be able to beat Ye Chenxing in battle, let alone pick up the opponent's third-ranked soul master for nothing. Recruited.

What's more, as long as he dares to stand up, he is likely to be recognized. After all, there are many things that cannot be concealed at all.

"I'll try it!"

Among the crowd, a handsome man in white walked out, with a smile on his face, he stepped onto the Dou Xing Terrace.

Seeing this person, Ye Chenxing's heart sank suddenly.

As a member of the royal family, all kinds of information are the top priority, so Ye Shenxing recognized this person at a glance. It is a powerful opponent in this Star Tower battle, called Feng Bai.

As a member of the Star Dynasty, this Feng Bai is said to have a mysterious master. His own strength is also at the peak level of a second-order star soul master. The most important thing is that the natal star that this person communicates with is a A secondary star!
Auxiliary star, lonely star!

Being able to communicate with the auxiliary star is enough to show the potential of this person. Even the entire Starry Sky Dynasty is a well-known strong man. Ye Shenxing did not expect that this handsome young man with a head and a face would show his face on such an occasion.

His face immediately turned ugly, but he had already let go of his words, so he naturally couldn't go back on his word. Moreover, even if Feng Bai could take his three moves and take away Mei Wu'er, Lin Chen would definitely do something. , as long as Feng Bai is under surveillance, Lin Chen can be drawn out.

Thinking this way in his heart, the star power in Ye Chenxing's body has already been set off.

(End of this chapter)

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