Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 258 An Ominous Sign

Chapter 258 An Ominous Sign

hum. .

Under Lin Chen's deliberate urging, the sleepy dragon martial soul hidden in his body immediately reacted.

Compared with when he just awakened, the black chains that restrained the trapped dragon's martial soul had obviously loosened a lot. Although it was not enough to completely release the trapped dragon, it was already considerable.

If you continue to practice, you will definitely be able to completely untie this chain, and only then will this martial spirit truly display its due power.

At this moment, it is obvious that it is impossible to release the martial soul, but under Lin Chen's full strength, a faint to the extreme light began to shine under every blue scale of the sleepy dragon. It finally started running slowly.

The scales shone, and Lin Chen concentrated on running the magic formula. Looking inside his mind, he also saw that the dark poison full of endless resentment hidden in the deepest part of his flesh and blood was slowly being separated by a mysterious force. .

The strange poison as thin as a hair was drawn into the scales under the traction, and instinctively wanted to burst out the power of its own venom to infect everything around it.

But almost immediately, in the body of this sleepy dragon, there was a powerful force of the most original origin, which suddenly descended and severely suppressed this trace of resentment. Then, he began to try again, from the source, refining this force.

Although the power of poison is partial, it should never be underestimated. Even the king's power would not dare to touch the poison that has truly reached its peak.

And this poison of ten thousand grievances is undoubtedly an extremely powerful poison, that is, Lin Chen. If it were someone else, how could he live up to now under the infection of this strange poison in his innate realm?

However, with the operation of Jielong Bian, this trace of poison of ten thousand grievances has shown unparalleled stubbornness, which is different from absorbing the fire source and the power of life and death in the center of the earth. At this moment, Lin Chen is actually unable to absorb Take this power for yourself!

Could it be that even Jielong Bian couldn't refine such poison?

Sweat continued on his forehead, and Lin Chen continued to run Jielong Transformation, trying his best to refine it, and the most original power belonging to the Martial Dragon Martial Soul continued to surge, completely enveloping this trace of toxin.

After a whole stick of incense, Lin Chen's whole body was already drenched with sweat, and his complexion was extremely pale, and under such extreme refinement, that wisp of tenacious poison of ten thousand resentments was finally absorbed by Lin Chen. Complete refining!
With a sudden sound, Lin Chen heaved a sigh of relief, and his heart was unstoppably cheered up. Although it was difficult, it was not impossible. This also proved that he could completely eliminate such toxins by relying on his own strength!
However, immediately afterwards, Lin Chen discovered that although he could refine the toxin and even use it as an attack method in subsequent battles, he couldn't use his own power to transform it into more ten thousand The poison of resentment.

You must know that by using the Jielong Transformation to absorb the fire source and the power of life and death in the center of the earth, Lin Chen can use his own power to continuously transform it into these two kinds of power through the Jielong Transformation. place.

But now, the poison of ten thousand grievances cannot be transformed at all.

But after thinking about it, Lin Chen was relieved. This toxin was originally refined from the souls of the dead who absorbed countless resentments. It was normal that he couldn't transform it. Right now, it was a surprise that this toxin could be eliminated.

Although the speed is slow, it will be completely eradicated one day!
Although he was tired, Lin Chen felt sincerely happy, a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

But when he looked out of the window again, he was surprised to find that the sky had darkened again.

From noon, I started to try, but it took until the evening!
Withdrawing his gaze, Lin Chen wanted to eat something, but then, his body froze, and he looked at the starry sky outside the window again, but he felt an unprecedented hazy feeling covering the starry sky.

It seems that the entire starry sky is no longer clear and bright, but a little fuzzy!

"Am I too tired?"

Talking to himself, Lin Chen walked out of the room and ran into Yan Mengyue and others.

"Lin Chen, you finally came out." Yan Mengyue looked worried, she was always worried that something might happen to Lin Chen.

A warm current flowed through his heart, Lin Chen smiled: "I have found a solution to the poison of ten thousand grievances, and with more time, this poison will definitely be eradicated!"

"What?! It's really great, it's great!" A burst of surprise in Yan Mengyue's beautiful eyes, even a layer of mist appeared in Yan Mengyue's beautiful eyes, and Lin Chen also saw that this girl sincerely felt for herself. happy and excited.

And the more Yan Mengyue is like this, the more distressed Lin Chen is. He is not a man with a heart of stone. How can he be so good, how can he be indifferent? As any man, I'm afraid he can't refuse her.

Ye Tian and the other three on the side couldn't understand such a conversation, but there was a faint sadness on their faces.

"There seems to be something wrong with the starry sky." After the joy, Yan Mengyue also said to Lin Chen.

"Something went wrong? Could it be my own illusion?" Lin Chen was startled and asked.

"Well, everyone has this feeling, it seems that the entire starry sky is a little hazy, that feeling, it seems, it seems that it is going to be dark..." Yan Mengyue said with some hesitation.

This metaphor was obviously inappropriate, because the starry sky would only appear after dark, but Lin Chen understood the meaning of the words.

Although the starry sky is not as bright as the daytime, it still has stars and moonlight, and now, the light above the starry sky has a tendency to dim. Such a phenomenon has already made the entire starry sky dynasty a little commotion. sign up.

"Of course, it may be caused by some special reasons. After all, it is a whole starry sky, so what problems can arise?" Yan Mengyue said, such words are also the self-consolation of most people.

Lin Chen, on the other hand, instinctively sensed a hint of crisis.

In such a situation, if the scene caused by special reasons is excluded and there is no serious problem, then it must be a natural disaster and a man-made disaster.

No matter what the reason is, the natural and man-made disasters that can affect the entire starry sky are far beyond the level that ordinary human beings can calm down. There is no doubt that if something happens, it will definitely be an earth-shattering event.

For Lin Chen, although he has found a solution to the poison of ten thousand grievances, this is definitely not the time to leave. Both Mu Yi and Mei Wu'er are the people he cares about, not to mention, the pure star Even if he doesn't need the heart, for Yan Nantian, it is a life-saving thing.

"Wait a few more days, after entering the Star Tower and getting the heart of the pure star, we will leave here!" Lin Chen decided.

(End of this chapter)

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