Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 265 Soul Eater Ancestor

Chapter 265 Soul Eater Ancestor
Horrified howls filled the entire Suoxing City in an instant, and a large number of star soul masters even only felt a breeze blowing, followed by a shock to the head, and there was no more sound!

Such a method of killing people is simply unheard of!

A series of gray air currents constantly shuttled between them, and under such engulfment, they continued to grow and become stronger.

Plop, plop. .

The sound of bodies falling to the ground, like a movement of death, was played in the dark night, making the already ubiquitous panic even more raging.

In just a few breaths, the huge Star Lock City was already full of corpses, and most people didn't even know how they died until they died.

On the dark night sky, there are also stars, which dimmed in an instant.

The death of a star soul master also means that the communication with the natal star ends here, and this star will wait for the arrival of the next star soul master for a long time.

"The taste of the star soul is still so pleasant!" A sneer sound that seemed to have nothing, echoed with arrogance, and the gray air current became more unscrupulous.

And at this moment, the space broke open, and amidst the shining stars, Ye Xiao took a step forward and appeared in the sky above Suoxing City.

Realizing such a scene, even Ye Xiao's complexion changed instantly, and then he roared angrily.

"Monster! How dare you hurt the people of my Starry Sky Dynasty!"

As he raised his hand, starlight flickered, instantly illuminating the entire Starlock City, and within this starlight, there was also a strong sense of sharpness, as if stabbing down with a sharp sword, instantly making those gray air currents , nothing to hide from.

gurgling. .

The gray air flow surged, and under the light of the stars, it condensed into a gray-clothed boy again. Looking at the night owl above the sky, a wicked smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Auxiliary star Qingyang, Jin Rui's profound meaning, swallowing the star soul of this junior like you, will definitely make this clone of this old man go one step further!"

With a viciousness and maturity that did not match his age, Ye Xiao's complexion changed instantly when the gray-clothed boy opened his mouth.

Being able to tell the truth about him, and claiming to be an old man, and more importantly, such a strange method, as well as this evil aura, made Ye Xiao instantly confirm a fact.

The young man in front of him is the terrifying existence that was suppressed after Suoxing Shimen!
Even if it's just a clone, it shouldn't be underestimated at all!

"My Star Dynasty has no grievances with you. You are suppressed here, and it has nothing to do with us. Why did you do such a killing thing?!" Ye Xiao gritted his teeth.

However, such words sounded like a big joke to the young man's ears.

"Hahaha, when did the old man say that I was suppressed, and it was related to you? What's more, when did the old man need a reason to kill people?!"


Ye Xiao's pupils shrank suddenly, but he was already intimidated by such aura. The person in front of him had a terrible reputation, even if he was half a step five, he definitely didn't dare to make a rash move.

"It's ridiculous, pitiful, pitiful and pitiful! You are so timid when you practice Jinrui Profound Truth, you have no hope of level five in this life, why don't you obediently offer up your star soul for the old man to absorb!" The young man laughed even more flamboyantly.

Hearing this, Ye Xiao's face turned pale instantly.

Such words obviously hit his pain point. He has long since failed in his cultivation, and he has been unable to find the reason, but now he was directly pointed out.

Seeing Ye Xiao like this, the gray-clothed boy's eyes showed a fierce look, his body collapsed into a gray air current, and at this moment he also charged forward, heading straight for Ye Xiao in the air.

At a loss, Ye Xiao's mind was unsteady at this moment, but he couldn't react immediately, and taking advantage of this opportunity, the gray air surged in front of him in an instant, and was about to invade his star sea!

The Xinghai is the most fundamental place for a star soul master, once the Xinghai is invaded, it will definitely be a disaster.

In fact, the true strength of this gray-clothed youth clone is not considered tyrannical, nor can it match Ye Xiao at this moment. The previous words were just to break Ye Xiao's psychological defense and make him lose his mind for a moment.

But for the gray-clothed boy, a battle of this level, if he dared to have the slightest clone, was almost doomed to an end.

Suddenly shocked, Ye Xiao came to his senses at this time, but he already felt an extremely cold and evil force, which crazily eroded into his star sea, and it was of no use to resist it with all his strength!
"how can that be?!"

Having been in charge of the Starry Sky Dynasty for many years, Ye Xiao has rarely fought against strong people. Ye Xiao has never encountered such a terrifying method. At this moment, he has suffered a big loss if he is unprepared.

"Hahahahahaha, the soul of the assistant star is still so delicious!" The sound of wild laughter full of pride echoed in the sky of Suoxing City. This scene also made the panic even more intense.

Ye Xiao, the lord of the country, is actually no match for this person? !

In the entire Starry Sky Dynasty, who else can stop him, that is to say, everyone has become lambs to be slaughtered at this moment!

The shadow of death occupied everyone's heart.

Standing in the sky, Ye Xiao felt a sense of powerlessness. At this moment, the power of the stars in his star sea was being crazily devoured, and that star soul also tended to be absorbed.


With a shout of anger like thunder, the space cracked open at this moment, and an old figure suddenly appeared through the space, and it was Su Rang!

Lin Chen came to Starry Sky Dynasty, Su Rang was very concerned about Starry Sky Dynasty, and now he was aware of such a big movement.

This person has a strange method, devouring other people's star souls to strengthen himself. In Su Rang's view, such methods are no different from He Chao.

Accompanied by the dazzling flash of holy light, Su Rang's appearance undoubtedly gave Ye Xiao instant hope, and the boy in gray felt a fatal crisis immediately.

This kind of sacred power often has miraculous effects against darkness and evil. Where the holy light shines, the gray air current, like Tang Woxue, has suffered a great blow.

"Damn it, where did the practitioner of the Holy Light Profound Truth come from?!" The air flow collapsed, so naturally he couldn't attack Ye Xiao again, but fled away in a panic, looking at Su Rang who suddenly appeared angrily.

"Hmph, Your Excellency is such a powerful means to cover the starry sky of the entire starry sky dynasty!" With Su Rang's knowledge, he could see the clue at a glance, and at this moment he directly explained it.

At this time, Ye Xiao also came back to his senses, looked at Su Rang, his eyes were full of gratitude: "Senior, be careful, this person has been suppressed here for thousands of years. , was trapped behind the star-locking stone gate by the former star-seeking old ghost, he must be even more terrifying after a thousand years!"

He didn't know much about the secrets of the East Pole Continent, so Su Rang raised his brows when he heard the words.

Obviously, the existence of this kind of soul body is quite rare even in the Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, and this person's method of devouring other people's star souls is also extremely unique.

If this person is in full bloom, Su Rang might shy away from his sharpness, but now, what's there to be afraid of, just a mere avatar?

(End of this chapter)

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