Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 267 You also found out?

Chapter 267 You also found out?
This is a huge star snake, hidden in the ground, and it is impossible to prevent it from erupting. Many people who wanted to pass through the light gate before were buried under the giant mouth of this snake.

At this moment, a huge force charged towards Lin Chen, and while stepping back, his face darkened, and he once again cast a large number of small star swords, piercing through the body of the ground snake.

It's just that the small sword pierced through the ground snake, but it didn't have much impact on it. Obviously, the star stone in the ground snake's body is not in the body above the surface, but hidden in the ground!
"Find a way to force it out, this guy is very cunning, the star stone is hidden in the ground, we can't attack at all!" Lin Chen said immediately.

Hearing this, Yan Mengyue's pretty face also changed a little bit. It's only the third floor, and she encountered such an obstacle. If she continues to go down, that kind of danger must be even more difficult to deal with.

You know, the beast of the stars at this moment even has its own sanity!

The double blades in the hand slashed, lines flowed on it, and the power of the stars turned into a crescent and shot out, hitting the ground snake, but did not achieve much effect. Such an attack, for the huge ground snake, is almost tickle.


With a cold snort, Lin Chen stepped forward quickly, and at the same time as he made a move with his palm, a fiery air flow was suddenly set off between the sky and the earth, and an equally huge body, roaring, appeared out of thin air among the waves of fire.

Fire Unicorn!
Lin Chen didn't push it any further, but let out the fire unicorn.

At this time, the crisis in the tower was no longer a simple tempering, but an evil spirit everywhere, as if it wanted to put people to death.

In the previous battles, Lin Chen had already stabilized among the second-tier star soul masters, he was able to control the power of the stars freely, and he was proficient in using the star skills he had figured out. I fought so hard.

As soon as the fire unicorn came out, the ground snake immediately felt a strong threat. The blazing flames instantly scorched the ground, and the roiling heat wave made the gray air currents on the ground snake's body show signs of collapse.

At the same time as it spouted flames, the Huo Qilin's huge hoof was also slapping the snake angrily at this moment. For some reason, Huo Qilin felt very uncomfortable when he saw the snake, and wanted to use his own flames to completely burn this guy.

As if facing a formidable enemy, the Earth Snake retreated immediately, wanting to retreat to the ground, but how could the Fire Qilin make it do so.

With its huge mouth open, it spewed out flames. The fire unicorn had already bit the ground snake's neck, and its hooves and claws slapped down angrily, almost breaking the ground snake's body.

A face-to-face, fierce offensive made the Earth Snake overwhelmed. Even Lin Chen was startled by the Huo Qilin's berserk.

The fire unicorn has always represented the beast of auspiciousness. Could it be that this fire unicorn was suppressed for too long by that Wang Shaowei back then, and his heart was too hostile, so it was so violent?
In fact, the reason why the fire unicorn is so irritable is because it is an auspicious beast, and the gray air current attached to the body of the ground snake at this moment is full of evil, making it feel very uncomfortable.


The poor Earth Snake only had time to let out a whimper, its huge body had already been split in two, and it was torn apart abruptly by the Fire Qilin, revealing a star stone in its body.

When his eyes tightened, Lin Chen saw that this huge star stone was not crystal clear, but filled with a faint gray color, which was very strange.

And with the death of the Earth Snake, the gray color on this starstone quickly receded, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye. If Lin Chen hadn't seen it clearly, he would have thought he was dazzled!

"There must be ghosts in here!"

Lin Chen immediately understood that the increased danger in the Star Tower must be related to this gray air current.

After putting away the fire unicorn and picking up the star stone, Lin Chen and Yan Mengyue stepped into the portal after adjusting their breathing, left the third floor and entered the fourth floor.

And not long after they left, a figure in gray robe quietly appeared from behind, it was Zheng Jackal's master.

"To have such a powerful means, fortunately, I didn't act rashly before. Hmph, if you continue to follow, you will definitely have a chance to kill this kid. By then, all the treasures on his body will be mine!"

While sneering, this person also stepped into the portal and followed Lin Chen all the way, as if someone cleared the way, and the attacks he received were actually very few.

On the fourth floor of the Star Tower, Lin Chen and Yan Mengyue felt the sound of the violent wind as soon as they showed their heads. It was followed by a ten-foot wide fist!

"It's the star giant on the fourth floor, why do we meet the strongest opponent every time!" Yan Mengyue was angry and shouted coquettishly.

In the second floor, all kinds of strange plants, star-locking vines are the most difficult to break through, and the ground snake on the third floor, if Lin Chen has a fire unicorn, it would be difficult for the two of them to pass easily. Among the many obstacles, the star giant is the most powerful.

As the name suggests, this star giant is also condensed by the power of the stars, and its structure is similar to the star beasts, but obviously, this star giant is more difficult to deal with.

"Fire Qilin!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Chen released the fire unicorn again, and with this release, the cracked magic bead finally shattered and turned into powder. Fortunately, at Hei Lian's place, Lin Chen was still alive. I got a lot, so I don't have to worry about this in a short time.

In the same way, the fire unicorn was still very violent, as if the star giant in front of him was Wang Shaowei who suppressed it, and while roaring, he spewed flames and rushed up.

Both of them were very large in size. When they met each other and hit each other, the ground shook violently at this moment. As cracks spread, Lin Chen and Yan Mengyue also quickly dodged aside.

I saw that the star giant was much taller than the fire unicorn, and a pair of fists were constantly pounding on the fire unicorn.

Lin Chen frowned, and the vision in the sea of ​​stars rotated, making his eyes pass through the body of the star giant, and he also saw the situation inside it.

It is also a star stone, as the core of the body, above this star stone, the gray air flow floats and spreads to the whole body of the star giant, which also makes its power skyrocket. deadly.

Although the inside of the Star Tower is dangerous, the main purpose is to test the experience. As at this moment, it is absolutely impossible for people to go to death step by step in the past.

"These gray air currents are so weird..."

For a while, Lin Chen couldn't figure it out.

And just as the fire unicorn was fighting the star giant, a figure in white also flashed at this moment. Lin Chen didn't even realize how he appeared, and this person had already come in front of Lin Chen.

"You also found those gray air currents?" When he spoke, his voice was very dignified, and the wind-white breath was a little vain.

(End of this chapter)

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