Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 270 Who is it?

Chapter 270 Who is it?

When Ye Wufeng made a move, the star blade pointed straight at Lin Chen's face. It was so sharp that it not only cut the air, but also made a long trace appear on the ground.


With a cold snort, Lin Chen swung the magic halberd in his hand.

With the help of the star-studded vision, Lin Chen had already seen the direction and angle of this attack. Like a prophet, the magic halberd had already blocked the light blade.

The sound of gold and iron interlacing exploded, and the power of the light blade exploded, all of which were applied to the magic halberd. Lin Chen also felt that a huge force was transmitted along the magic halberd to his arm, which also made him step back continuously.

A third-tier star soul master is a powerhouse with extraordinary combat power. Even a simple probing attack is enough to achieve such an effect.

"Just broke through to the second level, what are you fighting with me?" Ye Wufeng looked at Lin Chen proudly.

"A third-tier star soul master only has this little power?" Lin Chen shook his arms, but there was a trace of an unruly smile on his face.

Hearing this, Ye Wufeng's complexion suddenly became ugly, and the star power surged in his body, and in front of him, there was already a starburst cone, forming rapidly.

hum. .

During the rapid rotation, the starburst cone pointed directly at Lin Chen, and Lin Chen had already noticed that the move Ye Wufeng was going to perform, with a sweep of the magic halberd, the halberd just hit the weakest point of the starburst cone above.

When he just woke up, the first star skill he learned was the Star Explosion Cone. With the help of the star-scattered vision at this moment, Lin Chen knew this martial skill well, and he could see the weakness in it at a glance place.

There was a bang, and the seemingly inadvertent point of the magic halberd caused the starburst cone to collapse. This time, it didn't even make Lin Chen take half a step back!

"Your starburst cone, no way!"

Shaking his head, Lin Chen made a move with his palm, and a starburst cone suddenly formed, shooting straight at Ye Wufeng.

"You can also explode star cones!"

The pupils shrank suddenly, Ye Wufeng seemed to have seen a ghost.

Although Star Explosion Cone is the most basic star skill, it can only be cultivated by the starry sky royal family, and there is absolutely no reason for it to be spread. Now, Lin Chen, a guy from the Dayan Dynasty, unexpectedly In front of him, he used the starburst cone!

The starburst cone rotated rapidly, and the buzzing sound it made was even stronger than that of Ye Wufeng's. At the same time as the sound of the wind was blowing, it came to Ye Wufeng in an instant.

"Hmph, so what if you can explode the star cone? With your second-level strength, you also want to hurt me?!" Ye Wufeng shouted angrily, and a star light shield suddenly formed in front of him, "I'll let you hit me standing, you Can it hurt me?!"

Indeed, with his realm strength, he does have the confidence to say such words.

Tier [-] fighting against Tier [-] is like an innate warrior fighting against an extraordinary powerhouse. There will be no chance. However, Lin Chen has never been a person who can be judged according to common sense.

With him, nothing seems impossible!

The starburst cone roared and whirled, and it had already shot on the light shield. Just as Ye Chenxing expected, this star technique couldn't shake his light shield at all. However, the next scene made him dumbfounded .


At the same time Lin Chen opened his mouth quietly, that starburst cone exploded loudly, and the heavy power contained in it violently bombarded the light shield at this moment, causing the light shield to crack a fine line!
Although the Star Explosion Cone is a basic star technique, its destructive power should never be underestimated. Lin Chen can be said to have perfectly controlled this explosive word. What's more, he also mixed the mystery of the triple star explosion into it, making This star skill has a new sublimation.

In contrast, Ye Wufeng didn't think highly of this star technique at all, so the starburst cone he displayed was nothing more than a show.

Stunned by this blow, Ye Wufeng hadn't reacted yet, and then, one after another, starburst cones shot out continuously, and at the same time, mixed with small star swords, each sword made Ye Wufeng Wufeng felt his skin tighten.

Gritting his teeth, Ye Wufeng stared at Lin Chen on the opposite side, the murderous intent in his heart kept rising, he never thought that Lin Chen would be so difficult to deal with, if this is the case, it is even more impossible to keep him!
Bang bang bang!
The sound of explosions continued. While Lin Chen was attacking wildly, on the other side, Feng Bai, Yan Mengyue, and Ye Shenxing and others fought together. The scene was very chaotic, but what no one noticed was that , During such a battle, the gray air flow in the entire Star Tower seemed to have noticed something, and slowly flowed here.

Hidden under the earth, the gray air current surges, carrying a terrifying evil spirit, which is chilling.

At this moment, while the panic continued to spread in the outside world and within the Star Dynasty, Su Rang and Ye Xiao also left Suoxing City.

The clone of the Soul Eater Patriarch escaped by special means, and they had nothing to do. After thinking about it, Su Rang immediately realized that the matter might have something to do with the Star Tower.

So, the two also came outside the Star Tower.

"Senior, this Star Tower has never been refined, but I can open and close it, but now, I can't control it at all." Ye Xiao's face was ugly, and he was worried about his two sons.

"It's normal that it can't be controlled, because someone is refining it." The light in Su Rang's eyes seemed to penetrate the Star Tower.

Someone is refining!

Although he had guessed it for a long time, Ye Xiao couldn't help shaking his whole body when he heard this sentence.

The Star Tower can be said to be the treasure of the entire Starry Sky Dynasty. It can continuously produce powerful Star Soul Masters, and it also attracts many Star Soul Masters to join his Starry Sky Dynasty.

And at this moment, someone is actually refining the star tower.

Who is it?

Yemu who was trapped by him on the top floor?Or the so-called Soul Eater Patriarch?Or did someone else get lucky?
Inexplicably, I felt very uneasy, no matter who refined the Star Tower, it would be a great loss to Ye Xiao and Starry Sky Dynasty!
"Boy Lin Chen, wherever you go, big things will happen. You must not die in the Star Tower. Jin'er's illness is still pointed at you..." Su Rang murmured, staring at the stars tower.

Under such circumstances, he has no choice. After all, the seventh-order star tower is no joke, even with his cultivation level, he can't forcefully break into it.

"It should be the Soul Eater Patriarch who is affecting the Star Tower, making it impossible for you to continue to control it. However, it seems that someone else is refining the Star Tower."

Su Rang let out a light snort, and frowned. Under the induction of his whole body, he also noticed something wrong.

The Holy Light Mystery is born to restrain the evil energy, he can feel that the whole body of the Star Tower is affected by the gray air flow, but he can clearly see that the person who is refining the Star Tower is definitely not the master of the gray air flow.

So, who exactly?
(End of this chapter)

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