Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 273 Level 5

Chapter 273 Fifth Floor

The gray air current that had been dormant for a long time surged wildly at this moment, beyond everyone's expectations, it came to Ye Wufeng in an instant.

"Hahaha, Fu Xingxing Soul, this great tonic, is the old man's favorite food!"

It seemed that he had already smelled the delicacy of the auxiliary star soul in Ye Wufeng's star sea, and while the Soul Eater Ancestor laughed wildly, he rushed into Ye Wufeng's star sea like lightning!

This scene was beyond everyone's expectations, and no one thought that such an accident would happen.

Even if Lin Chen already knew that someone might be secretly influencing this star tower, he couldn't have expected that this guy was hiding around them and could explode at any time.

Without any precautions, Ye Wufeng, who was already frustrated, stood there blankly, a gloomy gray suddenly appeared in his pupils, and the gray air flow drove straight into his star sea, and started to go crazy devoured.

Suddenly, Lin Chen felt an extremely ominous premonition.

This person's purpose is to refine the Star Tower, but now he is attacking Ye Wufeng and devouring the Star Soul. This also shows that his current strength is not enough to refine the Star Tower, and he needs to use such means to Strengthen yourself.

Once he has devoured enough star souls and has the confidence to refine the Star Tower, then everything will be over.

Therefore, we must stop him!

With a flash of thought, Lin Chen made the move without hesitation, even though he was on the opposite side with Ye Wufeng, but considering the overall situation, he couldn't care less at this time.

What's more, this person's shocking talent is amazing, and even Lin Chen has a heart of pity for his talent. It would be a pity if he died in the hands of the Soul Eater ancestor for no reason.

Almost instinctively, in Lin Chen's sea of ​​stars, the star-studded phenomena rotated, and a divine aura surged out from above.

If Lin Chen still had any means to suppress this evil gray air current, there might only be a star-studded phenomenon.

Sure enough, as a wave of extremely gorgeous pure starlight radiated and poured into Ye Wufeng's body, like Tang Woxue, that strong gray air current also suffered a fatal blow in an instant!
chi chi. .

The incomparable pain swept through the Soul Eater Patriarch, and also made the panic in his heart reach the extreme. The power that can be released through the star-locking stone gate is already extremely limited. Some of them condensed into clones, and some came to the Star Tower. .

The avatar had already lost a lot of power at Su Rang's place, but at this moment, at Lin Chen's place, he felt a fatal threat.

"Stars, stars dotted around!"

A terrified scream from the depths of the soul came from the mouth of the soul-eating ancestor. After thousands of years, he felt that desperate breath again, and he instantly recognized Lin Chen's vision.

Even if he only glanced at it from a distance at the beginning, but that power has long been deeply imprinted in the depths of his soul. Now that we see each other again, how can he not panic and fear? !
"Brother!" Ye Chenxing shouted in panic, Ye Wufeng at this moment is his biggest backer, if something happened to Ye Wufeng, it might be difficult for him to get out of Star Tower.

"Lin Chen, what did you do to my elder brother, stop it!"

The first reaction turned out to be that Lin Chen was persecuting Ye Wufeng, and he directly ignored the terrifying gray air current. It had to be said that Ye Chenxing was stupid to a certain extent.


Ignoring this person, Lin Chen continued to use the power of the vision to deal with the gray air flow. At this moment, the ancestor of Soul Eater finally couldn't bear it anymore, the gray air flow surged out, and quickly fled to the ground to abscond.

With the departure of the gray air current, Ye Wufeng also regained his freedom in an instant. Although he was unable to move just now, he saw everything that happened, and at the same time his mood was extremely complicated.

If the two change positions, I'm afraid Ye Wufeng will never be able to do what Lin Chen did to save him.

Immediately, the hostility towards Lin Chen eased a lot in his heart, and Ye Wufeng looked at Lin Chen with a little more admiration.

At this time, that night Shen Xing also crawled over and came to Ye Wufeng's side.

"Lin Chen, you are wise, you... ah!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Wufeng's expression on the side was extremely ugly. He raised his hand and slapped Ye Chenxing's face mercilessly, knocking him into the air.

"Idiot, shut up!"

Before, it was because of protecting his shortcomings that he dealt with Lin Chen, but with the knowledge of this younger brother's character, and Ye Wufeng's own opinion of Lin Chen at this moment, it is natural that he can easily draw a conclusion.

I'm afraid it was Ye Chenxing who provoked Lin Chen all along.

"Brother Lin Chen, Gao Yi, Wufeng is willing to bow down, Shen Xing is not sensible yet, I will admit his mistake to you on his behalf!"

After saying that, he bowed and bowed, Ye Wufeng was very sincere, which made Lin Chen a little embarrassed.

"These are trivial things. We should deal with this guy together first. He should want to refine the Star Tower and create a huge conspiracy. He must not be allowed to succeed."

Originally, Lin Chen had always had murderous intentions towards Ye Chenxing, but now, it was difficult to do so. However, if he did not repent and continued to fight against Lin Chen, then Lin Chen would never let him go.

And just as he was speaking, what no one noticed was that an extremely obscure gray air current had quietly attached to Ye Chenxing who had been slapped away by his palm.

No acquaintance without fighting, turning an enemy into a friend, this situation was beyond the expectations of everyone present, Ye Chenxing was directly stunned by the beating, struggled to get up, dared not speak out, he didn't realize that his Strangeness on the body.

"That guy escaped without further ado. Let's find a way to refine the Star Tower as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." Lin Chen said.

The gray air flow poured into the ground, but disappeared. Lin Chen became more and more anxious. The longer the time dragged on, the more worried he was about Mu Yi.

"Let's go, go to the fifth floor!" Ye Wufeng also felt the seriousness of the matter at this moment, and immediately led the crowd towards the light gate.

"Brother Lin Chen, your visions are scattered all over the sky!" Feng Bai was still in shock. He himself had not been able to awaken the visions, which has always been a heart disease, so he has done a lot of research on visions. .

As for the starry sky, it is definitely the world's top vision of the sea of ​​stars. Looking at the past and present, only one person has it. He did not expect that Lin Chen possessed this kind of vision.

Yan Mengyue looked at Lin Chen with a full face of admiration. Sure enough, no matter what the situation was, it could be solved by Lin Chen.

This guy seems to have infinite charm, attracting himself.

There was no need for the group to fight any longer, and after giving up one after another, Lin Chen also put away Huo Qilin and Xiao Yu, and stepped into the light gate.

In a flash, he had already reached the fifth floor.

(End of this chapter)

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