Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 276 9-foot Xinghua, God-inspired Perception!

Chapter 276 Nine-foot Xinghua, Divinely Inspired Perception!
Chapter 270: Nine-foot Xinghua, Divinely Inspired Perception!

Nine feet Xinghua!

All the people present opened their mouths wide at the same time, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief, and fell into deep shock.

Even though many people are unwilling to believe this fact, how could the nine-foot dazzling stars be faked? !

Star skills at the ninth rank level, looking at the entire starry sky dynasty, and even the vast Northern Territory, are extremely precious, precious star skills that cannot be passed on at all.

I'm afraid that in the entire Starry Sky Dynasty, there will not be more than one ninth-grade star skill, but at this moment, Lin Chen was born among the thousands of star jade slips, and got one!
Although what Ye Wufeng got was an eighth-rank star skill, which was very precious, but compared with Lin Chen's, it was nothing like cloud and mud!
It can be said that I am not as good as Lin Chen, which can be said to be convinced. Ye Wufeng was completely convinced, and he looked at Lin Chen with extremely complicated eyes.

No matter what, he never imagined that he was defeated by this person everywhere. He felt like he had encountered a natural enemy, but he was rescued by the other party, but he couldn't develop hostility. This feeling is really aggrieved.

Feng Bai swallowed a mouthful of saliva, even though he practiced with the old man Xingpan and had seen many big scenes, it was difficult for him to remain calm at the moment.

"Master is really right. There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. The most indispensable thing in this world is a genius. I am just a communication star, and I am really nothing." He whispered softly, and he admired Lin Chen even more in his heart.

But at this moment, Lin Chen had no time to care about other people's thoughts. All his mind was focused on the star jade slip.

With all his heart and soul, he almost searched for all the thousands of jade slips, and even had a few, with a faint breath, which seemed to be higher than the ninth grade level, but Lin Chen did not choose.

At the critical moment, what he thought of was still Mu Yi's words.

Choose, the one that suits you is the best!

This was the case when he chose Fan Xing, but now, Lin Chen is still the same when he chooses the Star Jade Slip.

Lin Chen only felt that the star skills hidden in this jade slip were the most suitable for him, so, not to mention the ninth rank, even if it was the first rank, he would choose it without hesitation!

The state of mind is ethereal, and within this jade slip, there is a huge and obscure ancient message, which frantically floods into Lin Chen's mind, making his head swell and at the same time feeling extremely ecstatic.

Divine perception!

What is recorded on this star jade slip is an extremely remote secret method called divine enlightenment perception.

As the name suggests, the core of this star skill secret method is to detect the opponent's moves and intentions in advance through various means during the battle, so as to prevent problems before they happen, and even respond in advance before the opponent makes a move.

It's like having a revelation from the gods, you can perceive the enemy's intentions, which is undoubtedly extremely powerful.

What's more, this secret method is faintly similar to the true meaning of the stars that Lin Chen has touched the doorway. This is why Lin Chen thinks this star jade slip is the most suitable.

The dazzling brilliance faded away slowly, but everyone was still immersed in the unparalleled shock, unable to calm down for a long time.

Nine-foot Xinghua, God-inspired perception!
Even Lin Chen himself was extremely satisfied with the results. He had an intuition in his heart that if he could understand this secret technique one day, then he would not be far from the true meaning of the powerful stars.

In the previous battles, although there was a similar effect, it was barely achieved with the help of the star-scattered vision, and once the true meaning was realized, it would be in any battle without any disadvantages.

Let me ask, if you can analyze the opponent's intentions, moves, direction and angle in advance during the battle, then you will be almost invincible.

Exhaling a long breath, Lin Chen looked around and saw a door of light appeared in the center of the star jade slip, which was the portal leading to the sixth floor.

However, not everyone present can step into this gate of light. Only those who have obtained the sixth-level and above star skills in the fifth floor are eligible to step into the sixth floor.

Even if the light gate appears at this moment, except for Yan Mengyue, Feng Bai, Ye Wufeng, and Lin Chen, no one else can pass through the light gate.

"It's not too late, let's go!" Lin Chen said, and stepped forward.

He feels the urgency of time all the time, no one knows how far the Star Tower has been refined, and what is the situation of Muyi, so he can only try his best to rush upwards.

Hearing this, the four of them all stepped towards the light gate, and the gray air current that had previously possessed Ye Chenxing's body also flowed quietly onto Ye Wufeng's body at this moment.

The four of them stepped into the Light Gate and entered the sixth floor, but the rest of them had no way to leave the Star Tower. After all, the Star Tower at this moment was still a piece of iron, unable to get in or out, there was no way.

Outside the tower, Ye Xiao and Su Rang looked anxiously at the Star Tower, because the billowing gray air flow had all converged to the fifth floor, and then disappeared without a trace, but they still couldn't control it. Star Tower!
Every minute and every second was a torment. Ye Xiao didn't know what happened to the two sons in the tower, nor did he know what happened to the many star soul masters in his starry sky dynasty.

Above the sky, a crack in space suddenly broke open, and an old figure, sitting cross-legged on a star wheel, appeared above the star tower with deep eyes.

"Old Man Astrolabe!"

Ye Xiao's eyes lit up, and Feng Bai, the apprentice of the old man Xingpan, also entered the Star Tower. This old guy is extremely defensive, and he loves Feng Bai even more. He will definitely not sit idly by at this moment.

"Senior Xingpan, this Star Tower..." Ye Xiao spoke, but was interrupted immediately.

"Needless to say, I know all about it. Someone is refining the Star Tower, but it's not the Soul Eater Patriarch. However, the possibility that he can succeed is not ruled out." The old man Xingpan said, his voice was vicissitudes.

"This time, apart from the escape of the Soul Eater Patriarch, the Starry Sky Dynasty is also facing another huge danger." The old man Xingpan continued, but it made Ye Xiao's eyelids twitch.

"Since you're here, why do you need to hide?" said indifferently, the old man in the astrolabe was still sitting cross-legged, but the star wheel under his seat was spinning more violently.

Hearing this, Su Rang also frowned suddenly, and then, looking into the void ahead, a figure quietly stepped out, with murderous intent in his chest, suddenly boiled.

"Hehe, I have heard the name of the old man of Starry Sky Dynasty Astrolabe for a long time, and I can see him today. He really lives up to his reputation. He Chao admires him."

(End of this chapter)

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