Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 280 Climbing to the top and...sneak attack!

Chapter 280 Climb to the summit and sneak attack!

All the while being attracted by the movement from Lin Chen's side, everyone ignored Yan Mengyue's side, but at this moment, the dazzling stars were spreading, not much weaker than Lin Chen's side.

"Dream Moon..."

Lin Chen looked over and saw Yan Mengyue on the wall of the tower in front of her, shrouded in stars, and Yan Mengyue was wrapped in it, like a fairy.

At the same time, on the body of the old woman sitting cross-legged, there was also a crystal clear moonlight chain, which slowly appeared and hung on Yan Mengyue's jade neck.

"Chain of Star and Moon!"

Ye Wufeng exclaimed, looking at Yan Mengyue, he was also full of surprise.

This chain of starlight is an extremely precious treasure in the entire starry sky dynasty. For so many years, no one has been able to obtain it. Unexpectedly, it is now cheaper than Yan Mengyue.

This old woman, in Starry Sky Dynasty, can be regarded as a strange person of a generation, and many female star soul masters tried to obtain her inheritance, but in the end they all returned in vain.

Now, Yan Mengyue has succeeded.

The stars converged, and all of them poured into Yan Mengyue's body, and the inheritance was also completed. The stars surged in her beautiful eyes, and Yan Mengyue obviously gained a lot. On the jade neck, the clear star chains glowed with brilliance, setting off She has a dusty temperament all over her.

"Lin Chen, I knew you could do it!"

Although she was accepting the inheritance, Yan Mengyue still noticed the scene where Lin Chen got the Star Heart, and she was also happy for Lin Chen in her heart.

"You're not bad." Lin Chen smiled, but didn't say much, but looked at a light door that appeared in the center of the sixth floor.

Both Lin Chen and Yan Mengyue have been inherited, so they naturally have the qualifications to enter the seventh floor!
At the same time, Ye Wufeng and Feng Bai also more or less induced some of the power of inheritance and gained something, so they are also qualified to step into the seventh floor.

"Let's go, go to the seventh floor!"

Before speaking, Lin Chen also felt a little nervous.

Mu Yi is on the seventh floor. After such a long time, I don't know what happened to him. Now that he has obtained the heart of the pure star, Mei Wuer is not in any danger. If something happens to Mu Yi, Lin Chen I dare not think about it.

Three steps in two, walked towards the light gate, Lin Chen was a little impatient, and when he stepped through the light gate, his eyes flashed, and at this moment, he finally successfully climbed to the top of this seventh-level star tower.

"Lin Chen has reached the top." Su Rang said with emotion.

Although the seventh-level star tower is not very precious and powerful, it is naturally extremely precious in this small dynasty. Moreover, Lin Chen at this moment is just a second-level star soul master.

Even within Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, very few people can climb to the top of a seventh-tier star tower at the second-tier. Those who can do this are undoubtedly extremely talented and peerless talents.

The people present were also inexplicably moved. Even though their strength was very strong, they all felt threatened by Lin Chen. Given time, this young man would definitely be able to grow to such a level, and even surpass them!

Stepping into the seventh floor one step at a time, Lin Chen saw an old figure in the center at first glance, trapped in a star mask, his face was pale, and he seemed to be enduring a great deal of pain. The pain is exactly Mu Yi!

"Old Mu!"

Shouting in surprise, Lin Chen quickly walked up a thousand steps, and when he raised his hand, the magic halberd appeared in his hand, and it had already stabbed at the star mask.


The halberd edge passed by and touched the mask, but it couldn't cause the slightest damage at all. On the contrary, there was a violent counter-shock force, which acted on Lin Chen.

However, this blow made Mu Yi, who was inside the mask, immediately notice Lin Chen.

"Lin Shao!"

Mu Yi originally thought that he would never see Lin Chen again. To be honest, he had thought of giving up many times, but he was unwilling to die like this. He wanted to see the future when Lin Chen ruled the continent.

He firmly believed that there would definitely be such a day.

After leaving the Starry Sky Dynasty for so many years, the forces he had back then have long since collapsed, leaving only the Blue Star Guard, who is loyal to him, but it is of no use.

After learning that his wife had died long ago and his only son was missing, Mu Yiben came to the top floor of the Star Tower with the intention of dying.

Before leaving, he left Lin Chen's message and told his confidants that if one day Lin Chen came to the Star Dynasty, he must take good care of him. Mu Yi never thought that Lin Chen would come so soon.

Excited in his heart, he wanted to stand up, but he couldn't withstand the strong pressure. As soon as he moved, he was forced to spit out a mouthful of blood, and Mu Yi's whole body looked even older.

"Old Mu!" Seeing this scene, Lin Chen was furious. He couldn't see the suffering of those close to him the most. How could he bear it now.

Immediately, he used his moves to attack the mask continuously, but he didn't know what method Ye Xiao used, and the mask was not damaged at all.

Lin Chen attacked wildly, followed by Feng Bai and Yan Mengyue also came forward to help, Lin Chen even released Huo Qilin and Xiao Yu to attack the mask together.

But Ye Wufeng was the only one who looked at the floating tower of stars in front of the mask, his eyes were a little blurred.

He knew very well that that was the core of refining the entire Star Tower, as long as that small Star Tower was refined, then the most precious seventh-order Star Tower in the entire Star Dynasty would be his!
Even if he is a prince, he can't resist that desire at this moment.

Deep in his heart, there seemed to be a voice telling him to kill everyone and take away this star tower!

"Ye Wufeng, are you willing to lose to Lin Chen?"

"You are the prince. This star tower should belong to you. If you don't do anything, it will be taken away by others!"

"Lin Chen suppresses you everywhere, and you will go to Xingnan College in the future. You will always live in his shadow. If you kill him now, no one will be more genius than you!"

"Your brother Ye Chenxing has also suffered at his hands, you can't let Lin Chen go."

"If you kill Lin Chen, that pure star heart will be yours too, and that halberd is also a treasure!"


One after another of cold voices, like persuasive and seductive, echoed in Ye Wufeng's heart.

Suddenly, all the emotions caused by the defeats in the previous fight with Lin Chen exploded at this moment!
Ye Wufeng's eyes, while constantly flickering, were finally completely occupied by a touch of extreme terrifying gray.

Immediately afterwards, under the shocked or complacent gazes of everyone outside the tower, Ye Wufeng at this moment suddenly rose up, and a giant sword of stars appeared without any warning in his hand, and stabbed straight at him. Lin Chen!

Lin Chen, who was madly attacking the mask, never expected that Ye Wufeng would attack from behind. When the empty door was wide open, blood gushed out, and his chest was stabbed through!
(End of this chapter)

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