Chapter 283

Chapter 280 Four Minor Dust, Heart to the Starry Sky
Suddenly, the situation in the tower became extremely bad.

Ye Wufeng was occupied by the Soul Eater Patriarch. Lin Chen's combat power had already lost all combat power, and he was no match for this person at all.

Even if it's just a power coming out of an avatar, it still occupies another person's body, but anyway, the Soul Eater Patriarch's manipulation and control of power is really too strong, a little power is enough to exert [-]% of its power in his hands, How can I fight this?
This is also the first time that Lin Chen has realized the difference in realm most intuitively. As for the difference in power control, it is absolutely impossible for him to achieve this step.

The injury became worse and worse, and the internal organs in his body were all damaged to varying degrees. If this continues, he may be doomed.

As he walked over, Ye Wufeng's face had turned gray. He had been completely taken over by Soul Eater Patriarch and lost himself.

"Stop! You fucking dare to touch Lin Shao, I will fight with you!!!"

Inside the light shield, Mu Yi seemed to be crazy, hitting the star light shield non-stop, while refining the small star tower desperately, the gray in the seventh floor was retreating steadily at this moment, and was defeated by Mu Yi. Easy to persecute, to be squeezed out.

"Hmph, the power of ants."

Feeling Mu Yi's reckless madness, Soul Eater Ancestor sneered, his eyes were full of disdain, and he made a random move with his palm, only to see that the gray on the small tower had already been forced into a corner, but at this moment it exploded When they made trouble, they collided immediately, showing the tendency of crushing, occupying a large area of ​​land again.

For him, Mu Yi was simply too weak. He was a clone of the soul body before, so he couldn't compete with him for the Star Tower. It's just a matter of minutes.

And this scene completely made Demu Yi despair, he worked so hard to refine to such a point, but for the soul eater patriarch, it was just a beckoning thing.

What did he use to save Lin Chen?
Without even looking at Mu Yi, he continued to walk towards Lin Chen. The Soul Eater Ancestor grinned grimly and stared at Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen, the stars are all over the place, you really amaze me."

While speaking, the Soul Eater Patriarch waved his palm again, and Yan Mengyue's tender body was tightly restrained by the gray air current, she could only let out a whining sound, no matter how hard she struggled, it was useless.

"This girl is really affectionate towards you, tsk tsk, it's better to play with her in front of your face today." With the winning chance in hand, the Soul Eater Patriarch is not in a hurry to kill everyone, he admires Wooden very much. Yi's desperate expression, and the way Lin Chen fell in front of him.

This kind of pleasure makes his whole body happy.

Like He Chao, Soul Eater Patriarch is also a pure bad guy. Only this kind of thing can make them excited and comfortable. After being trapped in the lock star stone gate for thousands of years, the hostility in his heart has already reached an unimaginable level. To a certain extent, at this moment, facing such a peerless talent as Lin Chen, it was even more able to arouse the perverted desire in his heart.

It doesn't matter how genius you are, I just want to trample you under my feet and trample on you!
Geniuses are made to perish!

Lin Chen gritted his teeth, stared at the Soul Eater Patriarch, suppressed the injuries in his body, circulated the power of the stars, and raised his hand to shoot out the star sword to attack, but the Soul Eater Patriarch snorted coldly, pressed his palm through the air, and it was a blow. A strong impact force bombarded Lin Chen's chest again, causing the wound to burst again, and the flesh and blood turned outward, revealing the white bone stubble.

The severe pain made Lin Chen faint, but he knew that if he passed out at this time, he might really be dead.

I have wandered between life and death many times, but this time is the most dangerous. This is almost an unsolvable situation.

And the more Lin Chen struggled like this, the happier the Soul Eater Ancestor felt. What he liked most was to torture and kill promising geniuses, not to mention that what was falling in front of him at this moment was the world's top vision, scattered all over the world. owner!
Lin Chen also wanted to use the power of the star-scattered vision, but he was too injured, and he couldn't mobilize more power of the stars. It can be said that the previous sword almost sent Lin Chen to the gate of hell.

In the light mask, Mu Yi watched anxiously, the ubiquitous strong pressure acted on his star sea, making the already cracked star sea even more fragile, but he desperately tried to refine it even more violently Star Tower, this is the only thing he can do.

Boom boom boom!
The strong desire in his heart prompted Mu Yi to put his whole body into such refining. Immediately, the gray in the little star tower was suppressed again, which also made the pupils of the soul eater patriarch suddenly shrink.

He didn't expect that the ant in his eyes had such a strong belief that it could even faintly overwhelm his strength.

"Light of the Firefly, since you want to die so much, this old man will fulfill your wish!"

While shouting angrily, the palms of the hands pressed down, and a thick gray air flow rushed into the small star tower. Such a violent momentum immediately suppressed Mu Yi's refinement completely, and at the same time, the The force of the impact also surged towards Mu Yi in an instant, causing him to vomit blood and fly backwards, while the fragile Xinghai was heading towards the direction of collapse.

His body slammed into the mask hard, and his bones made a crisp sound. In despair, Mu Yi found that he had completely lost the opportunity to refine the star tower, and there was a huge pain in the sea of ​​stars between his eyebrows, a thick crack , continued to spread, almost dividing his entire galaxy into two!
While vomiting blood, Mu Yi's heart completely cooled down. He didn't regret his own death, but he could do nothing but watch Lin Chen die helplessly!

This is unacceptable to him. After failing all his life, is he going to die in failure in the end?

It could be felt that the breath of life in Mu Yi's body was continuously depleting, and Lin Chen's gaze also froze at this moment.

"Mu Lao is both a teacher and a friend to me. He is my star soul master, the real enlightenment teacher." He whispered softly, but Lin Chen slowly closed his eyes at this moment.

And as his eyes slowly closed, in an instant, a wave of extreme mystery suddenly diverged, piercing directly through the Star Tower, the gray sky covering the entire Starry Sky Dynasty, Penetrated the starry sky!

The pupils shrank suddenly, and the Soul Eater Patriarch panicked instantly. At the same time, many strong men outside the tower also immediately stopped their movements. juvenile.

"Pretend to be a ghost, Lin Chen, you are just a piece of dust under my feet, and you will never have a chance to turn over!" With a stern look, the Soul Eater ancestor stepped forward, trampled on Lin Chen's chest with his foot, and shouted sharply.

And what responded to him was a holy starlight falling across the endless galaxy from the nine heavens, and the young man's neither humble nor overbearing words full of piety.

"Although I am insignificant, my heart is toward the starry sky."

(End of this chapter)

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