Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 295 Monster Beast Mountains

Chapter 295 Monster Beast Mountains
Chapter 290 Six Monster Mountains

"Take my head? Are you afraid of slipping your tongue when you say such big words?"

With a sneer, Lin Chen didn't pay attention to this person. He turned around, looked at the Guo family who died tragically, and sighed slightly.

These two people followed Yan Zhen, and they must have done a lot of evil things. Now that they have ended up like this, maybe it is retribution.

And Tang Yi's body was filled with faint golden lights, intending to chase after him, but at this moment, Wang Kai and his party had already run away.

"Don't worry, on the road to Feng Yuan, if we meet again, we will never let them go." Patting Tang Yi on the shoulder, Lin Chen also had a cold look in his eyes.

He understood Tang Yi's mood very well.

"Thank you bro!"

Clasping his fists together, he was about to kneel down and salute Lin Chen. Tang Yi was really convinced at this moment. Even with Tang Ke around, Wang Kai might not be able to suffer, but Lin Chen did it.

Whoever can help Tang Yi kill Wang Kai is his benefactor, and he can give his life to the other party!
He hastily stopped Tang Yi, how could Lin Chen make him kneel down, the man has gold under his knees, at first he was forced to kneel down for Cui Yuan, but it made his heart full of dust, and later beheading Cui Yuan eliminated the problem general impact.

Martial arts practitioners kneel down and kneel down to their parents, but they are not allowed to kneel down casually for others.

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

Tang Sheng and Tang Mei also called out Brother Lin Chen in unison at this moment. They followed Tang Ke before, and they were somewhat dissatisfied, but now, they all recognized Lin Chen from the bottom of their hearts.

After some contact, it's not difficult to see Lin Chen's personality. Such a person is bound to be extremely exciting!

After waving his hands, Lin Chen felt joy in his heart. Although there were some twists and turns, he managed to make friends with these people. They come from a big clan, but their character is not bad. They are people worth making friends with. Together with them, we can also spend less time. Lots of detours.

"Let's go, go to Xingnan College earlier, so that we can go on the road to Fengyuan." Lin Chen said, and he had already stepped forward. Tang Ke followed behind, and a group of five continued on the road.

And along the way, while chatting with each other, Lin Chen finally got the information he wanted to know.

These four people came from one of the largest clans in the Northern Territory, the Tang clan. Among them, Tang Ke was expected to run for the next patriarch.

As for the road to Fengyuan that Lin Chen wanted to know the most, he finally got a detailed understanding.

On the road to sealing the Yuan, not only the Yuan Force is banned, but also the power of the stars, and even the power of the physical body will be suppressed!

On this road full of hardships and dangers, everyone's means will be greatly weakened. Any power you are used to in normal times will be unusable here, just like Lin Chen, who is unable to use it at this moment. Yuanli is a truth.

This is tantamount to taking away all the power a warrior needs to survive, from being fully armed to being unarmed. It is difficult for most people to adapt to this sudden change.

That's why the four members of the Tang family were banned from using Yuanli along the way. There is no doubt that the decisions made by the high-level members of the big clan had a certain reason. The road to Fengyuan, when the time comes to really enter it, it can be regarded as taking some opportunities.

You must know that your performance on the road to Fengyuan is not only related to whether you can enter Xingnan College, but also related to the amount of resources you can get. Among Xingnan College, the most precious thing is all kinds of powerful cultivation resources Well, talent is important, but with huge resources, it is also possible to forcibly smash out a strong man.

Some resources are unique, even in such a large clan as Tang's, they don't have them. This is also the reason why so many geniuses want to squeeze in.

"The Road to Fengyuan, in fact, can also be called an extremely powerful secret realm, full of dangers, but also has countless opportunities! Heaven and earth treasures, the inheritance of the strong, everything that one expects to find, there are many Few people didn't enter Xingnan College in the end, and just relying on the opportunities they got in Fengyuan Road, they soared to the sky and became a strong party!"

While speaking, Tang Ke's eyes were also bright.

Within the family, the opportunity to go out to experience is still very precious. After all, they are children of a big family and are easily assassinated by their enemies. Therefore, they are still looking forward to the outside world.

Nodding his head, in Lin Chen's mind, he had an idea about this road to seal the origin, but he couldn't figure out how to suppress all the power in the warrior's body in the road to seal the soul. It's unbelievable.

The power of the Almighty, shaking the world at every turn, is really unimaginable for ordinary people.

Looking at the road ahead, Lin Chen's heart was also excited. For him, the wonderful road of martial arts is just the first step. , and even the Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie in Su Rang's mouth are waiting for him to challenge!



Walking with everyone, Lin Chen didn't ride Xiaoyu anymore, he was still refining the poison of ten thousand resentments, meditating to absorb the power of the stars, Lin Chen cultivated diligently, and the sickness caused by the poison of ten thousand resentments also recovered. Many, no longer as ugly as before.

There was nothing to say along the way, and after a few more days, this dense forest finally went out, and in front of it was the mountain range full of monsters. After crossing the mountain range, it was considered that he had truly arrived at Xingnan College.

"In my opinion, Wang Kai and those people will definitely not be reconciled. They will still attack us in this monster mountain range." Tang Ke knows Wang Kai very well. If everything is recovered, the Monster Beast Mountain Range will definitely be an excellent place to bury the bones.

As a matter of fact, many geniuses who rushed to Xingnan College every time were buried in this mountain range. According to legend, among them, there are monsters in transformation form that are as powerful as kings!

When a monster grows to the level of a king, it truly possesses the ability to transform into a human form, has the power to reach the sky, and even surpasses the power of an ordinary king.

"If you have the chance, keep it."

Lin Chen spoke lightly, as if he was talking about the most common thing.

Indeed, for Lin Chen, Wang Kai has killing intent towards him, so he must be killed. You want to come and kill me, why should I hold back? Naturally, I will try my best to kill him You get rid of it!
Feeling the murderous intent rising from Lin Chen again, Tang Ke and the others were shocked, and also remembered what the Guo brothers had said before. Perhaps, this big brother is really the one whose hands are covered with blood.

With him here, the road to Xingnan College this time will probably be full of bloody storms.

(End of this chapter)

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