Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 298 The Mysterious Corpse

Chapter 298 The Mysterious Corpse
Chapter 290 IX Mysterious Corpse

Tang Sheng walked in the front and led the way, while Lin Chen and the other three followed him. Along the way, Tang Sheng was unwilling and kept nagging.

"It is impossible for ordinary people to know that there is an extremely dark place in this monster mountain range, and only I, Tang Sheng, read the Tang clan's scripture library, know many secrets, and have a strategy in my chest like an ocean, so I can point out the way!" Praise it to the sky, Tang Sheng's boasting skills are also top-notch.

However, no one agreed with him. Lin Chen held a jade talisman in his hand, and he was interrogating Su Rang. From Su Rang, he also confirmed that Tang Sheng's words were true, and Su Rang also spoke to Lin Chen. Chen expressed his admiration for his luck. After all, the white-eyed tiger has only appeared no more than ten times in records, and it was actually met by Lin Chen.

However, Su Rang's next words also made Lin Chen's heart tighten, and he secretly became vigilant.

"Boy, it's not easy to break into a place of extreme darkness. In that kind of place, there are often evil spirits that linger all year round and directly attack people's souls. Those who enter by accident may not even know how they died. You'd better Be careful!"

"I see, thank you, Mr. Su." Lin Chen put away the jade talisman after finishing the interrogation.

I have to say that Su Rang has really helped him a lot. With this jade talisman, it is equivalent to having an extra teacher with him who can answer his doubts at any time.

And Su Rang's rich experience undoubtedly surpassed Tang Sheng's by several blocks.

"Ahhh, my beloved girl~~" Tang Yi spit out the grass leaves in his mouth and started singing, which directly interrupted Tang Sheng's boast. He was sneaking a glance at Lin Chen.

Once again, the unruly state before was restored, and nothing could be seen, but Lin Chen understood the pain in Tang Yi's heart.

I learned from Tang Ke that Tang Yi had a relationship with Xiao Nan, a personal maid. Originally, with his efforts, the family had already agreed to the two, but Wang Kai arranged them in the Tang clan. A spy secretly poisoned Tang Yi to death, and Xiao Nan drank poisonous wine by mistake. Although she was treated in time, she could only lie in bed for the rest of her life, like a vegetable.

You know, before that, the most dazzling genius of the Tang clan was none other than Tang Ke, but Tang Yi!
Since then, Tang Yi has been silent.

Sighing in his heart, Lin Chen thought of Mei Wuer and his parents again.

"Shh, there's movement ahead!" Tang Sheng put away his folding fan and made a silent movement. Everyone stopped immediately and looked forward, only to see a few ferocious leopard monsters in the middle of the mountain forest, going crazy Biting a few corpses on the ground!
He raised his hand and shot out a few sword qi, and the aura was released, which immediately startled the monsters. While baring his teeth, a piebald leopard flew towards him, but Tang Ke swung his sword directly and knocked them out. It was cut in half, and upon seeing this, the remaining monsters immediately fled away in a hurry.

"It should be someone who is going to Xingnan College, but he was not bitten to death by a monster." Lin Chen stepped forward and saw a piercing hole between the eyebrows of these disfigured corpses that had been bitten. blood hole.

"It's all killed by one blow." Tang Ke also saw that the murderer was very skillful and ruthless. He pierced his forehead to death with one blow, and his strength was obviously far superior to those killed.

The vast majority of people who join Xingnan College are at the innate level, and it is very rare to grow into extraordinary. Most people will choose to suppress the realm, choose to enter the academy, and try to understand the true meaning of extraordinary before making a breakthrough. However, those who can truly succeed, But there are very few.

And after growing to an extraordinary level, he has the opportunity to enter the so-called inner courtyard for further study. Of course, this is still a bit far away for the current Lin Chen.

"The body is still warm. It should have died not long ago. I don't know who did it." Instinctively, an ominous premonition rose in everyone's hearts.

"Let's go, judging from the traces here, the direction the murderers left is different from the direction we are going, and we should not encounter them." Tang Sheng observed the surroundings carefully and came to such a conclusion.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen also saw the clue, buried the bodies of these people, and continued on the road.

Along the way, nothing else happened, only a monster of extraordinary level tried to attack everyone. After being repelled by Tang Ke, the group finally arrived at their destination.

From far away, a gloomy aura spread, so that almost no monsters set foot in this area. Lin Chen noticed that the ground under his feet showed a penetrating green-black color, and the growing plants It also became monotonous, except for a kind of blue-gray weed growing, it looked extremely desolate.

"This is the place I saw in the classics that seems to be a very dark place... No, someone has been here!" Tang Sheng's eyes flashed as he spoke, and he also saw the front. Clear signs of human activity.

The ground in front of him was covered with messy footprints, and the blue-gray weeds were trampled into a mess. His eyes continued to look into the distance, and he could even vaguely see the shape of a corpse lying on the ground.

"Everyone, be careful, this place should be a place of extreme yin. As far as I know, this kind of place is extremely yin, and there will be lingering ghosts attacking people's souls!" Spirit, vigilant around.

It's just that, within his perception, he didn't notice the existence of anything, and the surrounding wind was blowing, but it made people feel that something seemed to be approaching them!
Her pretty face turned pale, and she walked behind Lin Chen subconsciously, as if she felt safe in this way, Tang Mei looked around, feeling very scared.

After all, she is a girl, and she has a heartfelt fear of these ghosts and ghosts. In fact, several people present are also a little afraid. They are usually blessed by the family, but they rarely experience such things. Those who are in the same battle, even if they are experienced, have master followers, and their lives will definitely not be in danger.

But it is different now. From the moment they stepped out of the family and walked towards Xingnan College, they have already escaped from the asylum. Even if they die, no one will rescue them. Be prepared to bear the wrath of a large family.

With a sudden shot, Lin Chen swung out a beam of stars, and among the flashes, there seemed to be a terrified howl in front of the left side of his body, which suddenly exploded, and then disappeared without a trace!

Ordinary induction was ineffective. Lin Chen used the power of the stars, and only then did he vaguely feel that in all directions, there were faint and dark shadows approaching. Obviously, these should be those so-called evil spirits !

Yuanli attack doesn't work, only pure stars can disperse it, Lin Chen immediately shouted: "Get out quickly, these ghosts can only be dispelled by the power of stars, you wait for me outside, I will go and see for myself !"

(End of this chapter)

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