Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 304 Duantianxia, ​​the ruins of the saints

Chapter 304 Duantianxia, ​​the ruins of the saints

Chapter [-] Duantianxia, ​​Saints’ Ruins

"This relic was left by a strong man in the holy realm!" He opened his mouth to reveal a golden tooth, with a philistine face, but the words of this person instantly attracted a lot of attention.

The inheritance relics of the strong in the holy realm?

Immediately, countless fiery gazes were fixed on the worn parchment in his hand, full of longing.

Even Lin Chen was a little surprised.

He is very clear about the meaning of the things left by the strong in the holy realm.

Strictly speaking, the Vientiane Senluo Art, the Senluo Demon Stele and even the Senluo Demon Halberd that he obtained back then were all left behind by the Senluo Demon Venerable Ye Tianchen. The foundation of Chen is the most fundamental thing in his martial arts path. How many people have practiced formulas and weapons, and it is difficult to meet the right one in his life?

Following the path left by the strong in the holy land, there is a great opportunity to grow into a real strong in the holy land. It can be said that there will be a large number of people rushing to snatch any holy land relic.

However, instinctively, Lin Chen sensed that something was wrong.

Generally speaking, if someone gets a map of the holy land ruins, they will definitely treasure it, and be careful not to let others know about it. I am afraid that even their own brothers will not reveal it, let alone sell it like this person.

"The map of the holy land ruins, you just took it out so casually?"

"It's true, it can't be a liar..."

"This big gold tooth is not a good person at first glance. I think this map is also fake..."


Immediately, a series of voices of questioning came. The genius who was able to come here was not a fool, so he questioned immediately.

Da Jinya was not annoyed when he heard the words, and smiled before speaking.

"Everyone, the relics of the Holy Realm are precious, but you have to go there with your life. To tell you the truth, the location of this relic is in the most dangerous Duantian Gorge in the middle of the Fengyuan Road. I still have some self-knowledge. Instead of going Fighting for your life is worse than gaining wealth." Da Jinya shook his head and said.

Duan Tianxia!
As soon as these words came out, many people's complexions changed drastically, and they shook their heads immediately, giving up such thoughts, not to mention that the ruins of the strong in the holy realm will be full of dangers, just the three of Duantianxia Words are enough to discourage most people.

If you want to explore the road to Fengyuan, you must understand the details of it. Lin Chen also knows that this Duantian Gorge is one of the three great places on the road to Fengyuan. It is extremely narrow and bottomless. , or in a place like the Road to Fengyuan where Yuanli cannot be used, the degree of danger is greatly increased, and the name of Duantian is worthy of the name.

The vast majority of people who have entered the Duantian Gorge have almost never come out, and even if they have come out, they will never mention their experiences and keep a secret.

But now, the birth of this ruin is definitely explosive. Although it is dangerous, there will still be a large number of people going to investigate.

After all, a holy word can make people forget many things.

Looking at the entire continent, all the strong in the holy realm are definitely giants. Just ask the warriors in the world, who can resist such a temptation?
Lin Chen stared at the blueprint in Da Jinya's hand. In the depths of his eyes, pure white light flowed, and the picture in front of him was also changing. At this moment, the blueprint no longer held any secrets in his eyes.

"This is just a remnant map, not complete. After entering the Duantian Gorge, there is a very critical journey missing. There is no problem with the year of the drawing. It is something that has existed for thousands of years, but the missing journey is a recent one. It was just erased." Lin Chen spoke, and transmitted the voice to Tang Ke and the others, but it shocked their hearts.

This is too against the sky, can you even see this? !
However, they were already immune to Lin Chen's monstrosity, and as they thought of the power of the white-eyed tiger, everyone felt a little relieved, and at the same time, they also had some different thoughts in their hearts.

According to what Lin Chen said, there must be something wrong with this big gold tooth, and the blueprint should be real, but he deliberately erased a section, which undoubtedly put the person who got the blueprint in danger.

And this kind of public selling of blueprints, no matter who gets the blueprints in the end, there will inevitably be a large group of people going with him, or waiting in Duantian Gorge in advance, so, the people who finally enter Duantian Gorge will definitely not only be The person who got the blueprint is a large group of geniuses!
It is easy to think of these things, and the big golden tooth naturally calculated all these things accurately, so his purpose is to let a large number of geniuses fall into the Duantian Gorge this time!
Now that he has done so, he must be fully sure that he can completely keep those people behind. No matter what the purpose is, it is too terrible.

With a chill all over his body, Lin Chen's eyes also turned cold, and Lin Chen's thoughts turned, thinking about how to deal with it.

But at this time, after a brief silence, those geniuses were already red-eyed and began to compete for this blueprint.

Da Jinya smiled brighter and brighter, and a look of complacency flashed in his eyes.

"Sell it to me, and I'll give you 1000 yuan for the best spirit essence!"

"Cut, 1000 yuan? Where did the bumpkin come from? I'll pay you [-] yuan!"

"Twenty thousand, sell it to me!"

"I'll exchange it with the Heavenly Grade Jade Falling Jade!"


All of a sudden, a large number of geniuses surrounded the big gold tooth, asking for purchase or exchange. What they said was priceless treasures, which made Lin Chen dumbfounded. These guys are really rich and powerful.

The scene suddenly became heated, and Lin Chen frowned. It seemed that even if he wanted to dissuade him, no one would listen to him.

Soon, the price was raised to the level of [-] top-grade spiritual essences, but there was no tendency to drop at all. The weight of these four words, the ruins of the saints, far exceeded Lin Chen's imagination.

After all, he is a person who has received the inheritance of the saint, so he will naturally be much more rational and not as fanatical as these people.

"Brother, what should we do?" Tang Ke asked Lin Chen via voice transmission.

Now that he saw that this was a conspiracy, he naturally had to find a way to stop it. Only Lin Chen followed suit, and the eyes of Tang Ke and the others all fell on Lin Chen.

"I'm afraid it will be very difficult, Tang Sheng, what can you do?" Among the crowd, Tang Sheng had the most knowledge, so Lin Chen looked at Tang Sheng and asked.

With twinkles in his eyes, Tang Sheng opened his mouth slowly while thinking.

"There are two possibilities. First, this person is just trying to harm a large number of geniuses, so as to increase his chances of getting a quota. However, this possibility is very low. Second, there is a bigger conspiracy involved, and if The first possibility, according to the rules of Xingnan College, this is not a big deal. After all, in the road to Fengyuan, the brave man wins when he meets on a narrow road. This is also a means. Although it is a bit sinister, it is understandable! As for the second Two, if we can use the ruins of the saints, there must be a bigger conspiracy, I'm afraid we can't mix it up, in my opinion, the best way is to stay out of it!"

ps: Thanks to the book friends of Qidian, Yunli Yihe for their support!

(End of this chapter)

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