Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 307 Homecoming [2 in 1 Chapter]

Chapter 307 Homecoming 【Two Chapters in One】

Chapter [-] Homecoming [two chapters in one, [-]-word chapter]

Everyone's eyes fell on Tang Sheng and the precious ball in his hand.

At this time, the sharp-eyed person recognized Tang Sheng and let out a low voice, his eyes full of surprise.

"This Tang Sheng seems to be a genius of the Tang clan, but this young man in blue has never seen him before. Could it be that he is also a member of the Tang clan?"

"The four members of the Tang family are secretly headed by this person!"

"Perhaps he is a genius cultivated secretly by the Tang Corporation. It seems that this time, there will be another dark horse on the road to Fengyuan."


During the discussions among the crowd, there were many speculations about Lin Chen's identity. Most people regarded Lin Chen as a genius cultivated secretly by the Tang family. Even that Han Jia looked at Lin Chen with some suspicions. Variety.

Born in the Han clan, she is also a young lady, but compared to the Tang clan, she is undoubtedly much worse. She couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in her heart. The previous coquettishness was indeed a bit reckless. .

Not caring about the reactions of these people, Tang Sheng's eyes were a little excited, and the energy surged and poured into the precious ball. Immediately, cracks filled the space. A dazzling precious light came out!
"Baoguang! It's Baoguang!"

There were exclamations one after another in the crowd. You must know that the appearance of Baoguang means that there are precious treasures in this treasure ball.

Her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief, and Han Jia opened her mouth wide as she looked at Lin Chen. How could this guy just get a treasure ball with hidden treasures?
Although her heart was sour, she comforted herself that this guy was purely lucky, but Han Jia's intuition told her that Lin Chen didn't seem to be that simple, but could see through these treasured orbs.

Under the concentration of many gazes, Tang Sheng grasped the palm of his hand hard, and at the same time the treasure ball shattered, the brilliance dissipated, and the treasure inside it, a pen, was revealed.

On the body of this brush, there are many golden lines running around, which looks extremely miraculous. The tip of the brush is made of the hair of an unknown monster. It looks soft, but after injecting Yuanli, it is definitely a sharp tool that can cut gold and stone. Feeling the fluctuations from this precious pen, everyone's expressions also changed.

Magic pens are extremely rare, but for Tang Sheng, they are undoubtedly very suitable. Before Lin Chen gave this treasure to Tang Sheng, the treasure ball did not open at all, which means that Lin Chen already knew , Inside this treasure ball is a treasure pen that is very suitable for Tang Sheng!
This conclusion shocked everyone present.

"Thank you bro!"

Tang Sheng's face was full of joy. With this pen, he could be said to be even more powerful, and his attack power could be increased by at least [-]%. Most importantly, he had a heartfelt love for this pen, holding it in his hand, he couldn't put it down.

Xingnan has a girl who has just grown up

Smiling slightly, Lin Chen didn't say anything, but the people around him didn't believe it.

"I also want to open a treasure ball, this is the essence of a thousand spirits, here it is!"

"Wait a minute, I'm going to drive two!"

"And me, and me!"


The scene suddenly became heated. After sweeping away the downturn caused by Han Jia's failure just now, Lin Chen's attack proved that there is indeed a real treasure on this treasure tree, and it also aroused everyone's enthusiasm.

This was also unexpected by the stall owner. Before he could recover from Lin Chen's reluctance to open up the treasures, he was frightened by the successive smashing of the spirit essence, and hurriedly put away the crowd. The essence of the spirit, he was a little overwhelmed.

clap clap clap!
The eager crowd had already poured their energy and opened the treasure ball. However, with a bang, none of these people were able to open any valuable treasures.

Most of them are tasteless things, it's a pity that there is no meat to eat, and the best one is just an axe, but the fluctuation is far less than the precious brush just now.

"I wasted a thousand spirit essences in vain, and got such rubbish?"

"What is this!"



Everyone felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on their heads, and their hearts ached when they looked at the things in their hands.

Lin Chen glanced around, and after walking around the treasure tree, he gave out the spirit essence again, and gently picked off a treasure ball.

"Tang Mei, here it is for you."

The green shirt fluttered, and Lin Chen handed out the precious ball. This scene made many women present blushed.

She, who has always been famous for her charm, actually has a bit of a little daughter's twisted posture at this moment, which makes Tang Ke and others dumbfounded.

The jade hand poured Yuanli, opened this treasure ball, and a dazzling brilliance emerged in an instant.

The treasure ball broke, and what remained in the center of Tang Meiyu's palm was a jasper hairpin. Not only was it extremely gorgeous, but it was also full of vigorous fluctuations. This is also a precious treasure. When it is fatally attacked, it will automatically Triggered, enough to block the mighty blow of the king!
This is equivalent to a life, so the value is naturally far more than 1000 yuan spirit essence.

Her beautiful eyes were full of surprise, which woman would refuse such a gift, she immediately put on the hairpin, the precious light restrained, but it made Tang Mei look more beautiful, and the gaze she looked at Lin Chen became deeper.

"Thank you, brother." The voice was tender and tender, and many people present felt itchy in their hearts. However, with Tang's identity here, no one dared to make a move.

Smiling, Lin Chen's eyes fell on the precious tree again, but this time the stall owner was scared.

Originally, he could open all the treasure balls at one time and get these treasures, but he came up with such a way to earn more benefits, but when he met Lin Chen, it was unexpected. And.

The two treasures offered by Lin Chen alone are probably worth hundreds of thousands of spiritual essences. He has suffered a big loss, so how can he let Lin Chen make another move at this moment.

"Ahem, I won't sell it anymore. I'm a small business. I met an expert today, and I hope to raise your hand. I'm very grateful." The stall owner said to Lin Chen, clasping his hands.

Lin Chen also smiled, and gave out the essence of the spirit: "Don't worry, I will only take one ordinary thing this last time."

Hearing this, everyone present was also surprised, only took an ordinary thing?
Seeing this, the stall owner couldn't refuse. After all, he had to consider Lin Chen's status as the Tang clan. This was not something he could afford to offend, so he gritted his teeth and agreed to Lin Chen.

Nodding his head in thanks, Lin Chen shot again and picked out a precious ball among the many branches. This time, he handed the precious ball to Tang Yi.

He still looked lazy, but Lin Chen knew the pain in Tang Yi's heart.

He stretched out his hand to take the precious ball, spit out the grass leaves that were always in his mouth, and Tang Yi's stagnant eyes also showed a hint of interest. He didn't know what was inside this precious ball.

Lin Chen said it was an ordinary thing, but he didn't believe it.

I gave Tang Sheng a pen, and Tang Mei a hairpin. Before that, he helped Tang Ke realize the extraordinary true meaning. Now, it is finally his turn, Tang Yi. With Lin Chen's handwriting, how can he give ordinary things? Woolen cloth.

Yuanli swelled and rushed into the treasured ball. With a bang, it broke through the treasured ball and revealed its contents.

It's an earthen jar.

At first glance, there is nothing strange about this earthen jar, just like the containers used to hold water that can be seen everywhere, but, in it, the sound of water rippling, but it reveals a sense of vigor and galloping, It feels like the blood flow in the body is suddenly accelerating at this moment.

"This is.."

Tang Yi stared at the earthen pot in his hand, a little surprised.

"The water of the Cangjiang River."

When Lin Chen spoke, his tone was not high, and everyone's hearts were shaken severely.

Inside this earthen jar is actually the water of the Cangjiang River!
Once lying on the Cangjiang River, Qing Suo went to work a few times. This mighty river, which almost traverses the entire northern region, is famous for its mighty rush, and all warriors who board the Cangjiang River will drink this The water of the Cangjiang River, feeling the sense of wildness, is a good story for countless warriors who had their epiphanies by the side of the Cangjiang River and entered the realm of the strong.

It was because Lin Chen had read a lot of books that he was able to recognize the water of the Cangjiang River in the earthen jar at a glance and pick it out.

Speaking of which, the water of the Cangjiang River is really an ordinary thing. You only need to go to the bank of the Cangjiang River to get it. For a while, no one knew whether Lin Chen had it. What is the intention.

"Tang Yi, the Cangjiang River is galloping and mighty, just like you and me, we both have tigers in our hearts. Although I have no chance to visit the Cangjiang River in person, today, I respect you with the water of the Cangjiang River. Those who go can't be persuaded, and those who come can still be chased. Just like This mighty river has flowed for thousands of years but never returns, what we can do is to seize the moment, I believe Xiao Nan is not willing to see you like this now."

The words came out, but Tang Yi was shocked severely, causing his body to tremble, and Lin Chen made a sudden move, directly breaking the earthen jar, condensing two cups with the power of the stars with a wave of his hand, The water of the Cangjiang River was divided into two, one was held in his hand, and the other came to Tang Yi.

"Do first and respect!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Chen had already raised his head, and suddenly poured the muddy water in the cup. This scene made the whole audience silent.

On the other hand, Tang Yi's eyes were complex, filled with memories, remorse, resentment, and a new kind of relief. Lin Chen's words were like enlightenment, which gave him an unprecedented feeling. He reached out to take the cup of stars, After drinking all the water from the Cangjiang River, Tang Yi's whole body was a little different from before.

It can be said that he seems to be alive again!

Indeed, the previous Tang Yi was lacklustre, like a walking dead, muddled, but now, finally, a long-lost fighting spirit reappeared in him!

In addition, Tang Yi felt that the cultivation base that had not improved for a long time had shown signs of breakthrough, and the extraordinary true meaning that he had not been able to comprehend was suddenly enlightened, his heart was open-minded, and everything he saw was completely different feeling!

"Brother, Tang Yi dare not forget this love and righteousness even if he dies!"

Immediately saluting Lin Chen respectfully, Tang Yi understood that the old him had returned.

And if Lin Chen hadn't used the water from the Cangjiang River to wake him up today, I'm afraid he would still be in such a depressed mood without end.

In fact, from Lin Chen's point of view, Tang Yi is actually very similar to him. He has already seen that Tang Yi's talent is by no means inferior to anyone else, but it was only because of the pain in his heart that he stopped. He is an ambitious person, as Lin Chen said, he has a tiger in his heart, Lin Chen doesn't want to see Tang Yi sink like this, so it is undoubtedly the best to take this opportunity to wake him up.

And his action also made the four of Tang's completely return their hearts!
This time, from the bottom of their hearts, they truly recognized Lin Chen as the eldest brother, and treated him as a true life and death brother.

"Big brother!"

The four of them spoke at the same time, and shouted at Lin Chen, "Brother". Such a scene also made everyone present dumbfounded. Not only were they surprised by this scene, but they were also shocked by Lin Chen's talent. The ordinary characters are really amazing.

That Han Jiamei's eyes glowed with brilliance, looking at Lin Chen, the initial doubts and contempt had long since disappeared, replaced by full of admiration, who could not be moved by such a young and handsome man, how much he wished, that jade hairpin , Lin Chen can give her Han Jia. .

Lin Chen understood that he had been completely approved by the four of them, and he was very happy in his heart. At this time, the movement here was not small, but the sound of fighting suddenly came from another direction, which immediately made people Everyone's eyes shifted, and people with troubles went one after another.

Lin Chen didn't bother to pay attention to it at first, but he keenly felt that there was a familiar aura in that battle, and when his whole body tightened, he immediately ran away.

At this moment, a burly young man with a bow in his hand was looking at the people opposite him with a smirk on his face, with undisguised mockery in his eyes. In Song Da's view, these people were no different from country bumpkins. Well, those weak dynasties can be wiped out with a wave of their Song clan.

Shooting arrows with a bow, the shot is like a string of beads. Song Da shot out an arrow and made a sound of explosion, attacking the people on the opposite side. It has to be said that his strength is indeed very strong. At least the people on the opposite side are still powerless to parry. Barely resisting and dodging, suddenly seemed to be stretched.

"It's too deceitful, we clearly bought this piece of ancient jade first!" A handsome young man said loudly, full of dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, Song Da sneered.

"Come first, come first? With your strength, you still pay attention to these things with me. Let me tell you, strength is everything. If your skills are not as good as others, just be good to me! Now hand over the ancient jade, and give me that chick to play with, and I will be fine." Treat it as if it never happened!" Song Da said, staring at a beautiful woman opposite, his eyes flickering.

He was really interested in that ancient jade, but when he saw Yan Mengyue, he naturally had other thoughts.

Yes, the people Song Da is going to deal with are the people of the Dayan Dynasty!
And just when Yan Mingyu was gnashing his teeth, and was about to make a move at any cost, a figure in a blue shirt flashed out from the crowd, and a faint word spread with murderous intent.

"You dare to touch my people. It's so reasonable to say that your skills are inferior to others. I can't say that I will keep you today."

(End of this chapter)

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