Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 316 You Really Are Here

Chapter 316 You Really Came Back
Chapter 310 Seven You Really Are Back

It's incredible!

Unable to use the power of origin and stars, and the strength of the physical body is also strongly suppressed. Under such circumstances, even if you are astonishingly talented, you are not much different from ordinary people, not to mention that the opponent is a powerful extraordinary monster , Bear of the Earth!
Following the collapse of the huge corpse, there was an uproar in the beast tide. The death of the beast king was definitely a collapse of the sky for a large number of ordinary monsters.

The tree fell and the monkeys scattered, and the surrounding monsters immediately retreated to the rear, which also allowed everyone to take a moment to catch their breath.

However, Lin Chen's complexion was extremely solemn, and Tang Yi's injury was more serious than Lin Chen's imagination when he was hit by the furious blow of the Earth Bear without any precautions.

Also, at the most critical moment, the reason why Tang Yi was able to display that invisible wave to help everyone escape was because he had realized his extraordinary true meaning!

As the most shining genius in the entire Tang clan, his extraordinary sincerity is absolutely beyond imagination.

Looking at Tang Yi who had passed out, Lin Chen frowned.

"Tang Sheng, come and take a look at his condition." Calling Tang Sheng, Lin Chen knew in his heart that Tang Sheng was the most knowledgeable among them, and he also dabbled in medicine.

Without Lin Chen opening his mouth, Tang Sheng had already checked, but there was also a deep worry in his eyebrows.

There is no doubt about the strength of the Earth Bear's attack. At this moment, Tang Yi's back is bloody and his spine is almost torn apart. Ordinary pills are useless to him, even if he takes Huitian Dan, too, couldn't make him fully recover.

This is also related to the environment of Fengyuan Road. The pressure here makes the penetration of the medicine more difficult. Otherwise, Tang Yi's situation will definitely be much better at this moment.

"Hurry up, there is more than one Beastmaster."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen had already noticed that there were waves of even more terrifying commotions among the beast herd in the distance, and a ferocity stronger than the bear of the earth permeated the air, ready to move.

"Let's go, we'll think of a way when we get to the assembly point!" Everyone nodded, and the three members of the Tang family protected Tang Yi and followed Lin Chen closely.

And Lin Chen also held the magic halberd, and charged forward again.

Such a fierce fight consumes a lot of physical energy for Lin Chen. Although the magic halberd is sharp, he is completely using the purest physical strength at this time. Every shot consumes strength .

Swish swish!
The magic halberd almost melted into the night, only a sound of wailing could be heard, every step Lin Chen took, a ferocious beast in front was picked up and flew out, blood splashed, and his blue shirt was already wet.

Panting heavily, Lin Chen's arms were numb, but he didn't dare to stop for a moment, because from behind, a more fierce aura was approaching quickly.

Once it is delayed, it will be more difficult to rush out of the beast horde. Killing the Earth Bear involves a lot of luck. If there is another beast king, it will be hard to say.

At this time, the beast horde in front of him had also changed from dense to sparse. In the blood bath, Lin Chen's body seemed to have a terrifying killing intent that seemed to have penetrated into his bones. These bloodthirsty beasts all felt sincere fear!

It seems that this guy who is holding a black halberd and whose whole body is soaked in blood is a real peerless beast, coming out in blood!

In comparison, these guys with sharp claws and fangs are ridiculously weak.


As soon as the halberd passed by, a wave of blood surged up, and the head of a saber-toothed tiger flew up at this moment. The hardest pair of teeth in the whole body were cut off directly, and the section was as smooth as a mirror.

Under such a charge, the seemingly unreachable fortress ahead is already in sight!

"Come on!"

"We are about to break out of the beast tide, work harder!"

"It's finally coming out!"


Those people who were frightened and stupid came back to their senses and shouted one after another. Seeing their companions buried under the beast's mouth with their own eyes, this night was definitely the scariest moment in their lives. However, for For Lin Chen, such a scene was not enough.

After experiencing strong winds and waves, the heart will become calmer and calmer, and there will be no waves.

Even though another more powerful Beast King is about to approach at this time, Lin Chen can still calculate the time very calmly when he is almost exhausted. If there is no accident, he can definitely reach the assembly point before this Beast King arrives. within.

And as long as they entered the assembly point, no matter how powerful the Beastmaster was, he would not be able to break through such a fortress.

call. .

He let out a long breath, and at the same time as he took a step forward, he completely rushed out of the beast tide. Looking back, Lin Chen conservatively estimated that there were at least 200 people buried in it, and not far away, there was a A three-eyed Jade Crystal Toad is staring at it, and the aura on it is stronger than that of the Earth Bear!
"Come on!"

With a palm move, they led everyone to the assembly point of the fortress, and these beasts seemed to be scared by Lin Chen, and they didn't dare to rush over while growling. Taking this opportunity, everyone ran out in one breath. After walking a long way, I immediately saw the gate of the fort assembly point.

The four members of the Tang family followed Lin Chen closely, followed by Ye Wufeng, Ye Chenxing, Feng Bai, and Ye Tiancai from Starry Sky Dynasty, and Yan Mingyu, Yan Mengyue, Wang Yang, Zhang Yu from Dayan Dynasty, and everyone. They are all there, but Jiang Jiajia is the only one missing!

Eyelids twitched. For this woman, Lin Chen had always felt a little guilty in his heart. Although he fought for the inheritance at the beginning, he killed Yan Yi, which undoubtedly had a great impact on this woman. She saved, but that didn't stop her from being defiled.

With a flash of white light in front of his eyes, Lin Chen had already spotted Jiang Jiajia's figure. She was bitten by a wild dog on her calf and fell down at some point. What was even more deadly was that her figure was far away from those three eyes. Jade Crystal Toad, but only a hundred meters away!

Going back to rescue her at this time is undoubtedly extremely dangerous, but Lin Chen didn't hesitate at all, but turned back directly.

If he didn't go back, then he wouldn't be Lin Chen.

Holding the magic halberd, Lin Chen's figure disappeared from everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye, and once again entered the billowing beast tide.

"Don't stop, go to that fortress, I'll go back after I save someone!" Leaving only one sentence, Lin Chen waved his magic halberd and rushed towards Jiang Jiajia's place.

While walking forward with difficulty, Jiang Jiajia seemed to be scared out of her wits, her face was pale, and her whole body was trembling. When she saw Lin Chen approaching, her face suddenly beamed with joy.

What Lin Chen didn't notice at all was that in the depths of her eyes, the death will suddenly flashed, accompanied by the killing intent.

"Lin Chen, you really are back, then...don't leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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