Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 326 The black robe reappears!

Chapter 326 The black robe reappears!

Chapter 320 The seventh black robe reappears!
An undefeated myth has been defeated!
Although it is not a real battle, anyone can see that Beiluo Zetian attaches great importance to this confrontation, not only coming alone, but also setting up a third-order light falling formation to stop Lin Chen and win the battle. Time, it can be said that many means have been used.

However, he lost!

Even if it's less than a blink of an eye, it's still slow.

The golden Sanskrit writing entered Lin Chen's body, causing a faint golden glow to spread out from his whole body, making him look extremely miraculous. Everyone looked at this scene, and dared not breathe aloud.

"Thank you, Tang Sheng."

Turning around and smiling at Tang Sheng, Lin Chen was very grateful. If it wasn't for Tang Sheng this time, he might not even be able to touch the little Jiufang, let alone untie it.

It can be said that this part of the scriptures was obtained entirely by Tang Sheng's means, and the significance of this scriptures to Lin Chen was really great. He also secretly remembered this love and would definitely repay Tang Sheng in the future.

After waving his hand, Tang Sheng thought it was luck, but he couldn't hide the smug look in his eyes.

Although it was Lin Chen who defeated Beiluo Zetian, the reason behind it was that he, Tang Sheng, helped him. Speaking of which, it could also be said that he, Tang Sheng, indirectly defeated Beiluo on the basis of Xiao Jiufang's solution. Zetian!

For him, this was a lot of talk.

After all, the opponent is the No.1 of the younger generation in the Northern Territory. He has never been defeated since his debut, and he is destined to be the best among the peerless and extraordinary.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Bei Luo Zetian also regained his composure at this moment, and looked at Lin Chen with inexplicable emotions flickering in his eyes.

He had to admit that the taste of failure was really uncomfortable. His first failure was to the young man in green shirt in front of him. Looking at Lin Chen's face, Bei Luozetian wanted to remember this moment firmly. , always alert yourself.

If he could calm down and decipher Xiao Jiufang from the very beginning, he would definitely be able to unravel it like a bamboo shoot, but unfortunately, his heart could not be calmed down in time, because it was related to the Nirvana Sutra, and his state of mind could no longer be kept calm.

"Interesting, Lin Chen, don't even think about the next two rounds, I won't give you any chance!" Bei Luozetian's eyes froze, as if a leopard had found its prey, which made the whole body feel sick. Get tight.

And if you are familiar with him, you will find that this already represents the expression that Bei Luozetian will show when he is going all out for a matter.

In the past, Bei Luo Zetian, although he felt that Lin Chen was extraordinary, but the arrogance in his heart told him that this person was not enough to be his enemy, but now, he has already tasted the bitter fruit of underestimating the enemy, if he continues to make the same mistake, then he It's not Beiluo Zetian anymore!
Sensing Bei Luo Zetian's determination, Lin Chen also did his part. You have never lost Bei Luo Zetian, so did I, Lin Chen?
You know, Lin Chen has been dealing with opponents far beyond his own strength. After he came out of the small Xia's manor, he has hardly fought against people of the same level, and even confronted superpowers head-on. Even the power of the legendary king!
Could such forest dust be worse than Beiluo Zetian?

"Let's see, Nirvana scriptures, who else but me!" With a grin, the blood in Lin Chen's body suddenly boiled.

No matter what, it is extremely rare to meet such an opponent among peers. Now that the game has begun, how can I lose?

Not much to say, Bei Luozetian's strength has never been on the lips, and he stepped out. He has left the ancient temple in the swamp, and rushed towards the next place of scriptures without stopping.

He will use practical actions to tell Lin Chen how terrifying his opponent is. You, Lin Chen, will not have the slightest chance of winning!

Expanding the speed to the extreme, Beiluo Zetian had disappeared from everyone's sight, and Lin Chen sensed again, and also sensed the direction of the next scripture, and immediately led everyone to rush there one place.

Although there are so many people acting together, the speed is not as fast as walking alone, but there is never an absolute right or wrong in the world. If Lin Chen went alone before, he might still be trapped in the formation of light and fall Among them, it is absolutely impossible to get this part of the scriptures, and if the previous Beiluo Zetian had a helper, he would not allow so many people on Lin Chen's side to attack the Guangluo Formation together!
"Go this way!"

Lin Chen stepped forward quickly and got the second scripture. The poison of ten thousand resentments in his body weakened a part again, and the golden koi martial soul was already a little agile, which made Lin Chen feel excited.

It had been too long since he had used his Yuanli, and he had almost forgotten the joyful feeling!

And once the poison is completely detoxified and the koi martial soul is freed, Lin Chen even feels that this road to seal the origin, can it really seal the holy rank martial soul?
The owner of the holy rank martial soul can have the opportunity to enter the school without taking the test, and there is no need to enter the road of Fengyuan. Therefore, I am afraid that this road of banning all powers may not necessarily affect the holy rank martial soul.

"Brother, is Bei Luo Zetian really that powerful?" Ye Cai asked.

He has been living at the bottom of the starry sky dynasty, so he has never heard of the name Bei Luo Zetian. Similarly, Ye Wufeng, Ye Chenxing, Feng Bai, Yan Mingyu, and Yan Mengyue are also very curious. Zhang Yu and Wang Yang, although they were not familiar with everyone, saw Lin Chen's strength and followed them cheekily.

With so many strong people around, there must be a lot less danger. Who would want to leave?
"This person has once beheaded the existence of the extraordinary powerhouse. He is still at the innate level, but even on the road to Fengyuan, he can still kill the extraordinary beast king." Lin Chen said.

"Brother, Bei Luo Zetian is about to get serious. He said that you won't have any chance, so he will definitely use all means. Although the Guangluo Formation is more precious, it is not worth it to Bei Luo Zetian." What is it, the road ahead will be more difficult!" Tang Sheng analyzed.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen had already seen Li Mang in Bei Luo Zetian's eyes before, so he had been walking very carefully during this journey, constantly checking the surrounding situation.

The white light flickered in the pupils of the eyes, and the white-eyed tiger's supernatural power to see the soul was activated. Lin Chen's eyesight was enough to find any clues within a kilometer radius.

While continuing to move forward, Lin Chen noticed that there were subtle traces on the ground under his feet, as if it had been turned over. When his eyes scanned and his pupils shrank suddenly, he also suddenly discovered that there was a place not far in front of him. , was actually an erratic black-robed shadow, which disappeared in a flash!
The black robe reappears!

(End of this chapter)

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