Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 331 The power of the curse!

Chapter 331 The power of the curse!

Chapter 330 The Power of the Curse!
There is only one!
Lin Chen and the others were also shocked, especially Tang Ke and Ye Wufeng, both of them were very disappointed.

Except for Lin Chen, the two of them realized the true meaning of transcendence. A true fruit of meaning is extremely precious to them. If there are more, they will have the opportunity to share it.

But now there is only one, so it can only be given to Tang Yi.

Yes, they had already regarded this true fruit of meaning as something in their pocket, and they didn't even consider the people who were fighting and watching. After all, for Lin Chen, defeating these guys was simply a piece of cake.

This is a person who can use extraordinary sincerity even on the road to Fengyuan. Before killing the extraordinary beast king in the dead and silent plain, and killing nearly a hundred people at the fort assembly point, in contrast, these few people who are fighting are completely Not enough to watch.

And Lin Chen really thought so, since he had already come, then this true fruit of implication must be his own.

He has this confidence and this strength.

Aware of the appearance of Lin Chen and his group, a young man in a gorgeous robe looked over beside the real fruit of the meaning. Immediately, he snorted coldly and shouted at Lin Chen and the others. : "You guys, if you don't want to die, get the hell out of here!"

While speaking, this person was full of arrogance, and looked at everyone with disdain in his eyes, as if he was chasing away a few stray dogs.

Hearing this, Lin Chen chuckled, and immediately looked down on this person a bit. Obviously, this is a dandy who looks down on others. To deal with this kind of person, there is no need to talk nonsense, just hit him until he is afraid.

Ignoring this guy, Lin Chen and the others walked straight towards the true fruit of meaning.

At the same time, Tang Sheng also taunted softly: "They don't even recognize our Tang family members, they must be the so-called young masters from some tiny place, ha ha."

Indeed, it is impossible for a person who truly has a powerful force in the entire Northern Territory to fail to recognize people in other great forces. Bei Luo Zetian can recognize the members of the Tang family. It can be seen from this that the guy in front of him, In fact, it is just a paper tiger.

And when he saw Lin Chen and his party being aggressive, this guy immediately became angry. When would anyone dare to ignore him like Yang Shiyong? !
"Kill them for me!"

With an order, Yang Shiyong waved his palm, and three more people came out behind him, blocking Lin Chen and the others.

"Hmph, I don't know the heights of the world, I want you to know the fate of offending me, Yang Shiyong. The genius of my subordinates is definitely not something you can match!" Yang Shiyong said, his eyes were full of pride.

I saw that these three people were shirtless, their bodies were very strong, their muscles were bulging, and there were veins like earthworms on them, their skin was bronze in color, they looked like gold and stone, they looked like warriors who had refined their bodies.

"The Road to Fengyuan suppresses all forces, but in comparison, the body-refining fighters are still the most dominant, and this guy is also well prepared." Tang Sheng said.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen naturally saw it too, but these half bottles of vinegar were still too weak in his eyes.

Leaving aside the sharpness of the magic halberd, no flesh can resist it at all. What's more, Lin Chen himself is also a body refiner. The pressure of the road is the best practice, and his body has been strengthening.

Although the three people in front of them are physically strong, their strong muscles only look mighty. Although Lin Chen looks very thin, if anyone wants to underestimate the huge strength in his body, he will definitely eat it. Big loss.

He didn't take out the magic halberd, but greeted the three with bare hands, Lin Chen still had a smile on his lips.

Seeing this scene in Yang Shiyong's eyes, he was also quite surprised. His intuition told him that Lin Chen didn't seem so simple, but at this moment, he absolutely couldn't give up. He snorted coldly and looked at Lin Chen: "Stupid! My father bought six places for me, and asked me to take six attendants with physical strength at the innate peak level, looking at the road to Fengyuan, and this kind of combat power is also..."

However, before he finished speaking, Lin Chen's figure suddenly moved, and an iron fist was thrown out without any warning. The huge force that could be resisted burst out, and the person vomited blood and flew upside down, his chest collapsed, and he rolled on the ground for a long distance before stopping, and he passed out.

"Noisy! How dare you stand out with such combat power?" Lin Chen said lightly, and Yang Shiyong's words instantly made Yang Shiyong feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave. The innate peak body!
This young man in green shirt, is his body made of fine steel?


Two more punches came out, too fast to dodge, and the other two were also sent flying, losing their ability to fight. Lin Chen took the time to shake his fists and looked at the pale-faced Yang Shiyong with mockery in his eyes.

And this kind of movement also made the other people present dumbfounded.

Starry Sky Dayan and the people of the Tang family were better, they were used to seeing Lin Chen's abnormal fighting power, but including Yang Shiyong, other bystanders, and even the four people who were fighting, they all seemed to see Lin Chen at this moment. It's like a ghost.

"This fruit of meaning is mine, do you have any opinions?" Lin Chen looked at Yang Shiyong.

At this moment, Yang Shiyong dared to be disobedient in the slightest, his head was shaking like a rattle drum, his face was earthy, and he completely lost the arrogance he had just now.

He only asked Lin Chen to let him go, and not to pursue what happened just now.

As for this kind of rubbish, Lin Chen didn't bother to do anything at all. He just shot the three people away just to show his prestige, otherwise, there would always be someone thinking about this piece of real meaning.

However, just as Lin Chen stretched out his hand to pick the true fruit of meaning, the person who was being besieged by three strong body refiners suddenly spoke.

"That fruit is mine!"

Looking back at this person, Lin Chen also had a look of surprise in his eyes. He didn't pay much attention to it before, but now it seems that this guy has not shown the slightest sign of defeat under the siege of the three people. Moreover, he Every shot makes the surrounding air a bit colder. Unlike Bei Luo Zetian's ice coldness, this person's coldness is tinged with coldness and darkness, and can even make people smell a trace of blood !
Looking at the three people who were fighting against him, the surprise in Lin Chen's heart also increased to a higher level.

During such a battle, for some reason, the three of them had a strange black color all over their bodies, and their originally strong bodies were becoming shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye. The most serious one, half of his body became Like dry wood, there are streaks of black mist lingering around him, it seems that he can't live!

His pupils shrank suddenly, and Tang Sheng also recognized such power, and immediately exclaimed.

"This, this is the power of the curse in the legend?!"

(End of this chapter)

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