Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 341 Breaking the Formation

Chapter 341 Breaking the Formation
Chapter 340 Breaking the Formation

what? !

Aware of this scene, Bei Luo Zetian couldn't help shrinking his pupils suddenly, and at the same time, his evaluation of Lin Chen's magic halberd once again rose to a higher level.

He knew very well that the strength of the gong on that side was not even inferior to the skate in his hand. If it were him, he would never be able to damage the gong like this, but Lin Chen did it.

I thought this magic halberd was not simple for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be so heaven-defying. At least, in this northern region, no one can forge such a weapon.

His arm was numb from the shock, and Lin Chen gasped. Sure enough, this formation is not so easy to break, but he also found that crack. It seems that although it is difficult, it is still possible.

Immediately, he gathered his strength and attacked the Tonggong again.

On the other side, the tiger, wolf, and beast sensed that the gong was damaged, and immediately became berserk, its eyes were scarlet, and it crazily rushed towards Beiluo Zetian.

This gong is the foundation of its life, if it is destroyed, it will no longer be able to get the nourishment of that kind of blood.

This is absolutely intolerable, it has to tear these guys to shreds!

hum. .

When the gong was attacked, it immediately activated the formation. In an instant, the sound of humming sounded, and the gong stopped spinning. .

The gong flew up and magnified in an instant. Every rune on it was filled with terrifying suction, causing gusts of wind to blow up in the underground hall, and Lin Chen, who was in the center, couldn't even stand still.

Wow. .

Immediately afterwards, a blood-colored brilliance was released from each rune, and they gathered together to form a blood column, sweeping towards Lin Chen, where the blood column passed, the air was corroded, and the ground under his feet also had deep cracks. trace.

While he was in a hurry to dodge, Lin Chen also raised the magic halberd to defend, and at the same time inspired the scriptures of Nirvana, and golden Dao Sanskrit scripts surged out, flowing on his body surface, which was extremely miraculous.

At this time, Lin Chen has not obtained the complete Nirvana Sutra. It is naturally impossible to use such power in ordinary times. Only when he encounters the power of curse, or the evil blood power like now , the Nirvana Sutra will be activated and appear autonomously.

The bloody power dissipated in an instant when it touched the Nirvana scriptures, and it was impossible to conquer the golden brilliance. This also made Lin Chen feel a little more at ease. Obviously, the Nirvana scriptures are extremely powerful against evil forces. restraint.

Since the gong has nothing to do with him, then he is about to make a move!

Swinging the magic halberd, the afterimage of Dao Dao came out, and he was familiar with the method of opening the sky halberd. Even without the assistance of Yuanli, he definitely could not be underestimated. The halberd was chopped on the gong again, which also made the crack widen and deepen. Of course, Lin Chen himself was also pushed back by the powerful force, half of his body was a little numb.

It has to be said that the hardness of this gong cannot be underestimated.

After slightly calming down the surging blood, Lin Chen attacked again.

A figure in a blue shirt was already bleeding from the corners of his mouth, but he rushed forward again and again, almost numbly, and swung the magic halberd in his hand to chop it down. Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

A little dazed, Lin Chen only felt that with each blow, a powerful shock force surged towards his limbs, and part of it rushed to the ground along the soles of his feet, making his feet The ground, fragmented.

Vaguely, he seemed to feel that he wanted to grasp something, but he had no clue.

Continuing to attack, he tried his best to comprehend this mysterious feeling, feel the vibrating power, pass through his body, and then transmit to the ground under his feet.

Shock, conduction, earth...

Lin Chen murmured, attacking again and again, his palms were already bleeding, and his whole body was so shaken that he lost consciousness, but he didn't know it, and the gong in front of him kept trembling, and the cracks on it almost reached To the point of traversing the entire gong, causing a large number of runes on it to be dim, almost collapsed.

This scene shocked Bei Luo Zetian.

He understood that Lin Chen had already fallen into a state similar to an epiphany in the midst of such a battle, and if he continued, he would definitely gain something. This person's talent is truly the only one he has ever seen in his life.

At this time, he had already cut off a head of the tiger wolf beast, and his whole body was almost frozen. The power of the blood demon was resisted by the Nirvana Sutra. This beast was almost no threat to Bei Luozetian. The ice blade shot, blood was seen on the blade, this wolf, tiger and strange beast is already at the end of its rope.

It's just that Bei Luo Zetian didn't feel much complacent in his heart. The performance of the two clearly showed that Lin Chen had the upper hand.

He just beheaded this strange beast, but Lin Chen wanted to break the gong of the eye, and he still had some insights, Bei Luo Zetian understood that it would be difficult for him to rely on his own strength To break the gong, it is necessary to use some treasures.

There was another collision, and the magic halberd in Lin Chen's hand slammed down on the gong, which almost shattered the entire gong into two halves. At the same time, a strong shock force was transmitted into Lin Chen. While causing great pain in his body, it also caused the ground under his feet to shatter into pieces again.

If someone pays attention to observe, they will find that with Lin Chen's attacks again and again, the ground under his feet is more and more broken.

The carrying capacity of the earth is enormous, Lin Chen is now trying to transmit as much damage as possible into the ground under his feet, so as to reduce the damage he suffers!
This is undoubtedly a true meaning that is extremely against the sky, and it is related to the earth. Once it is practiced, as long as the battlefield is on this earth, Lin Chen can transmit the attack he receives into the earth during the battle to reduce his own strength. Hurt, let me ask, under such circumstances, who can hurt him?
Bang bang bang!
After hitting three attacks in a row, Lin Chen's body was thrown backwards by the strong shock and counterattack, and hit the rock wall hard, causing the rocks to splash. At the same time, the gong in front also It was finally the end of the road.

At the same time as there was a loud bang, the center of the gong, where Lin Chen had attacked countless times, finally cracked violently, and all the runes on it exploded at this moment, losing their brilliance, and the bloody energy consumed Exhausted, the entire gong was completely abolished at this moment.

Falling to the ground, the gong lost all its brilliance, and it looked like scrap metal. No one could tell that it was once a powerful treasure.


(End of this chapter)

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