Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 345 The Death of Wang Kai

Chapter 345 The Death of Wang Kai
Chapter 340 The Death of Wang Kai


So what about Chaofan, Lin Chen had already fought against Chaofan, and he was not afraid of even the king's power, let alone Wang Kai, who was just a mere king at this moment, was on a dead end, and his life was not long.

The magic halberd in his hand was so fast that afterimages flashed out, enveloping Wang Kai's whole body, and even the strong death energy showed signs of breaking down, which made Wang Kai tremble with fear.

Not only Wang Kai, but everyone else present was also deeply shocked.

From Wang Kai's attack, to Lin Chen's stubborn resistance, and then he used his magical powers to dodge, and Wang Kai's breakthrough, the two fought fiercely, and even Wang Kai was suppressed, all these things happened within a stick of incense. Everyone felt unparalleled surprise.

However, Wang Kai's feelings are undoubtedly the strongest. At the same time, he also discovered in despair that for some reason, his strength is rapidly weakening, as if his own life is passing away, and what is replaced by an absolute desire to die !

Although he was practicing the true meaning of death, Wang Kai had never felt that death was so close. He was already panicked, and his moves were even more chaotic. He was not Lin Chen's opponent in the first place, and he was even more retreating at this moment.

Lin Chen fought more and more bravely, and every halberd caused an extra injury on Wang Kai's body. At the same time, all of Wang Kai's attacks were neutralized by him using the true meaning of the earth, so that he did not suffer any injuries at all.

The death energy around him showed signs of collapse. Wang Kai's heart was completely cold. Just now he was high-spirited and wanted to kill Lin Chen, but now he found that his practice was completely wrong. Bewitched, life is not long.

This is a result he can't accept anyway. As a genius of the big clan in the Northern Territory, he should have a more exciting path of practice, instead of falling into this ghostly place full of corpses, or in other words, after his death , Will it also be reduced to these corpse-like existences, like walking dead?


It was another tyrant's halberd, carrying the power to open the sky and slashing down. How could Wang Kai be able to stop it? At the same time as the death aura dissipated, another bloodstain on his chest was added, intersecting with the previous one, showing a wrong fork The shape seems to be mocking Wang Kai's ridiculousness.

And this halberd penetrated even more directly, almost piercing through Wang Kai's entire body, almost cutting him in half, how could there be any life left?
What's more, even if Lin Chen doesn't do anything, Wang Kai himself will definitely not live long. Even if he practices the true meaning of death, he can't live without his own vitality. Wang Kai's situation has gone to a wrong extreme, making his whole body It was completely filled with death energy and lost its vitality. It was better before, but at this moment he used the death energy in this place to forcefully break through to the extraordinary, which undoubtedly accelerated his own death.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Wang Kai suddenly realized that he could no longer make a sound. With difficulty, he lowered his head and looked at the injury on his chest. He smiled miserably, his body fell backwards, and his consciousness gradually became blurred. into the boundless darkness.

At the same time, on the distant northern continent, in an ancient clan ancestral hall, where life cards were placed, incense was burning, and one person was dozing off, but suddenly heard a snap, and one piece wrote Wang Kai's two-character fate card shattered with a bang, waking him up.

When his complexion changed drastically, the person immediately crawled out and reported to the top.

Wang Kai, die! ! !

The body fell to the ground, without any breath of life anymore, Lin Chen dealt with Wang Kai as quickly as possible, but when he turned around and noticed the scene at this moment, his complexion suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Taking advantage of such skills, at least tens of thousands of corpses were drilled out of the ground. At first glance, it seemed that it almost formed a sea of ​​corpses, which were densely packed, blocking all the way forward, and rushed towards everyone frantically. The screams echoed endlessly, more and more people died at the hands of these corpses, and those who survived were filled with despair.

As strong as Bei Luo Zetian, he was also deeply trapped in it, and when he swung the skates, he was no longer as strong as before.

The suppression of Transcendence's true meaning here is also very serious. Although he can use the space to move the true meaning, he will not use it until the critical moment. With his current strength, he can only use the space twice in a row at most like last time. Movement, after all, is the extraordinary true meaning of the space type, and it cannot be compared with others.

The opportunity to move in space, he has to save it for the most critical time to deal with Lin Chen and compete for the Nirvana Sutra and the relic of the saint, and he must not waste it here.

At this moment, his skates had already been climbed by dead energy, and had been severely corroded. It must be scrapped. This also made him quite distressed. He has always loved this weapon.

With a gloomy face, he rushed forward to fight, there was no corpse around Beiluo Zetian, and those who followed him were almost dead.

Bei Luo Zetian could protect himself, but he couldn't protect those who wanted his protection, right?
Apart from Bei Luo Zetian, Lin Chen and the others, there were very few people present who were still alive.

After Lin Chen killed Wang Kai, he was about to turn back, but with a glance, he also saw the woman, Han Jia, who was outside Xingnan College and in front of Baoshu.

At this moment, Han Jia's face was pale, and her face was full of horror. When had she ever seen such a scene? Everyone in the clan who came together died, and she was seriously injured. Her clothes were about to be covered by many corpses. Torn apart, the spring light leaked out, but these corpses did not have the slightest sympathy.

Heart full of despair, Han Jia secretly regretted walking down. In fact, she also saw Lin Chen taking the lead, so she couldn't help following up. From the side of the treasure tree, she discovered that the shadow of this green-clothed boy had already disappeared. It was engraved in her heart, and she couldn't get rid of it.

Looking at the flailing corpse in front of her, Han Jia had resigned herself to her fate, closed her eyes, and waited for death to come. She didn't even dare to imagine what she would look like after death.

Women are really strange creatures. Even if they are about to die, they still want to die beautifully.

However, Han Jia's idea is destined to be impossible to realize.

The blue-clothed figure in her mind flashed out at this moment, protecting Han Jia with one hand, and holding a black halberd with the other hand, dancing out afterimages, and the corpses around Han Jia disappeared in a flash. They were all torn apart and fell into pieces, and Han Jia, who was waiting to die with his eyes closed at this moment, also found himself falling into a warm embrace, feeling a little dazed.

Immediately, her heart jumped up.

Is it...

(End of this chapter)

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