Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 348 The battle of natal soul skills!

Chapter 348 The battle of natal soul skills!

Chapter 340: The Ninth Soul Skill Controversy!

The power of icy cold overflowed, accompanied by the explosion of dark energy one after another, and the ice shards gradually opened. Lin Chen and Bei Luozetian interlaced their fists and palms, dancing afterimages, and the battle was inseparable.

And the miraculous Dao Sanskrit, while continuously flowing, also poured into the bodies of the two of them one by one. The poison of resentment has been reduced by one point, and his strength has been increased by one point!
The toxin at this time could no longer cover up the brilliance of the koi martial soul. While wagging its tail and jumping in Lin Chen's dantian, although it hadn't fully recovered, it was not far away.

Bei Luozetian on the opposite side also made a real fire at this moment. Dao Sanskrit was evenly distributed between the two, and no one was too much or too little. If this goes on, how can the winner be determined? Then he lost to Lin Chen. In this final battle, he must not lose!

But, he didn't want to lose, so did Lin Chen?
Sensing that Bei Luo Zetian's heart was in a mess, Lin Chen's eyes flashed brightly, and he immediately caught a flaw!
Divine perception!

Everything in the world has flaws, not to mention a Bei Luo Zetian, no matter how amazing and talented he is, he still has his weaknesses, and Bei Luo Zetian's weakness lies in the nine characters No. 1 of the younger generation of the Northern Territory above!
How can such a title be easily managed? With this title, he is doomed to bear unimaginable pressure and cannot withstand a defeat. Before, he had already lost once in Bei Luo Zetian , The pressure in his heart has reached a critical value.

And under such pressure, no matter how careful you are, there will inevitably be flaws in your shots. Others may not be able to catch it at all, but Lin Chen can!

Raising his brows, he bullied him forward, and smashed down his fist with nine layers of dark energy. Under Bei Luozetian's horrified eyes, it landed directly on his left shoulder. Suddenly, half of his body went numb, and he couldn't help stepping back. , Bei Luo Zetian couldn't help the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Compared with this injury, what made his heart even more on the verge of collapse was that in just a short moment, due to his retreat, the Nirvana scriptures that should have poured into his body poured into Lin Chen's body one after another, making his body The scriptures of Nirvana surpassed oneself in an instant!

At the same time, Bei Luo Zetian was even more alarmed when he discovered that as the Nirvana scriptures possessed by Lin Chen surpassed himself, the Nirvana scriptures in his body seemed to be suppressed, and they actually came out of his body and turned to Lin Chen. Chen's direction made him break out in a cold sweat.

Sensing such a change, Lin Chen couldn't help sighing in his heart.

The person who left the scriptures of Nirvana is absolutely beyond imagination, and there is no way to leave any loopholes in doing things. The two candidates, whoever gets more scriptures of Nirvana, are qualified to send the other One person's Nirvana scriptures are completely deprived!

Even if Lin Chen and Bei Luo Zetian hadn't made such a bet, the final result would not have changed in the slightest.

Gritting his teeth, there was even a hint of hostility in his eyes, Bei Luo Zetian absolutely did not accept such a failure, no matter what, he would beat Lin Chen today!
While feeling ruthless in his heart, Bei Luo Zetian directly urged the true meaning of space movement, and his figure disappeared in place immediately, and then appeared beside Lin Chen without any sign, and at the same time a palm print slapped out. , his figure disappeared again, and when Lin Chen was in a hurry to deal with this attack, Bei Luo Zetian had already slapped Lin Chen's back hard with another domineering palm!
puff. .

A mouthful of blood spurted out, Lin Chen was unstable, and was immediately thrown a distance away. Taking this opportunity, Nirvana scriptures poured into Bei Luoze Tian's body, immediately pulling back the previous gap!
Another two consecutive space moves, not to mention the terrifying pressure here, this exquisite control alone represents that Bei Luo Zetian's control of this extraordinary true meaning has reached its peak.

That's right, there are levels in the practice of transcendental true meaning.

The fire is perfect, the pinnacle is perfect, and it is superb!
These are the three levels of the extraordinary true meaning. Only when a true meaning has been cultivated to a superb level can it be expected to advance to the king level. There are very few people who have reached the peak, which is why there are so few kings.

But now, Beiluo Zetian has mastered a space-type extraordinary true meaning to the peak in the innate period!
Unparalleled talent!

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Bei Luo Zetian straightened his body, and once again made a gesture to face Lin Chen.

On the other side, Lin Chen smacked his lips, feeling the bloody smell, and immediately turned around to attack Bei Luo Zetian.

Taking advantage of this gap, the two of them held their respective weapons again. The magic halberd and the ice blade intertwined, making the sound of gold and iron. However, Belozet's pupils shrank, and he also saw the ice blade in his hand. Above, a gap appeared directly!
In the previous battle, he was infected by death energy, and this ice skate had already been damaged, so how could he be against the Senluo Demon Halberd at this moment?
Taking advantage of the situation to suppress it, the magic halberd in Lin Chen's hand danced, turning into a black whirlwind, covering Beiluo Zetian from all directions.

The true meaning of the wind!

Lin Chen also used his extraordinary sincerity. Although it is not as good as space movement, it is not very bad in attack. Wind whirls appear out of thin air, which greatly restricts Bei Luozetian's actions. It seems to be stretched out.

He wanted to use space movement again, but the backlash was definitely not easy to bear. Bei Luozetian didn't dare to try it lightly, and tried his best to resist. The ice blade kept colliding with the magic halberd, and it was almost broken.

But at this moment, the Nirvana scriptures surged, and the amount they got was still evenly matched. There were not many left of this last rune.

Lin Chen used the Heavenly Halberd technique, and at the same time he was calling for the two martial spirits in his body. At this moment, if there is any way to completely suppress Bei Luo Zetian, it is probably only his natal soul skills .

Similarly, Bei Luo Zetian also thought of his natal soul skills. After all, under such pressure, there are really too few methods that can be used reluctantly.

In addition to the pure physical strength, the strength of weapons, the power of supernatural powers, and the extraordinary true meaning, only the soul skills of life are left. This is the case when the two of them have the Nirvana scriptures. It is a soul skill of natal life.

Hoo hoo. .

His complexion was solemn, his handprints changed, within Lin Chen's body, a golden glow that had been suppressed for too long, was a little dim, but still stubbornly lit up, causing his strength to increase immediately, and at the same time, an unwilling roar came out , a faint cyan light lit up, Lin Chen's left hand, at this moment, gave birth to a dazzling red center of fire source out of thin air, and his right hand was a black and white light of life and death!
On the opposite side, a looming mysterious ice armor flashed on the surface of Beiluoze Celestial Body, and an extreme cold that seemed to be able to freeze everything in the world quietly spread at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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