Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 351 Dean, Che Wenhai!

Chapter 351 Dean, Che Wenhai!

Chapter 350 Dean, Che Wenhai!
is fear!
As if this beating heart of the gods and demons could naturally restrain the magic halberd in Lin Chen's hand, even the Senluo Demon Tablet in his body emitted a subtle fluctuation, as if it was extremely sensitive to this heart.

And with the appearance of this demonic heart, the whole scene fell into an unprecedented panic.

The astonishing black gas flames soared, making people frightened. The beating heart could actually affect people's heartbeat. Before they knew it, everyone felt that the heart was about to leave the body, and their faces turned pale.

The heart is the vital center of the human body. Once the heart is damaged, it is difficult to live, not to mention the heart is separated from the body, it is certain to die.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically at this moment, including Lin Chen, who tried their best to protect their heart, but the more they tried to hold it steady, the more violent the beating would be. In just a few breaths, There was already one person who was powerless, screamed, and saw his heart burst out, and flew directly to the huge heart of the gods and demons in the sky, and was completely swallowed by it, which also made the black flames more intense. point.

Not only the people in this underground space, but at this moment, even everyone in the entire Fengyuan Road felt the terrifying attraction coming from the heart of the god and demon.

If action is not taken in time, I am afraid that everyone will die under such a mutation.

"Damn it, why did the devil's heart change like this? It's stronger than we imagined. In this case, how can we take it away?" A black robe flashed out from a corner of the underground space, staring at the god and demon. The heart flashed with worry.

"In my opinion, it's most likely because of the kid with the cursed spirit!"

"Kill him, maybe the abnormality of the devil's heart will be alleviated, and then he can be taken away!"

"Move quickly, those guys from Xingnan College are definitely coming, this time the operation has been planned for so long, it must not fail!"


While speaking, black shadows appeared out of thin air, surrounding the huge heart, and quickly arranged a formation, and there were still several black shadows, shooting at Qiu Cheng who was in a coma, one after another powerful The attack was extremely penetrating, and it had already shot at Qiu Cheng's face.

If this is hit, it is absolutely certain to die!

When his pupils shrank suddenly, Lin Chen's whole body tensed up. A series of accidents almost made him forget about these guys in black robes. A demon heart suppressed in the Yuan Road came!

The sudden shot was too fast, even if Lin Chen wanted to save Qiu Cheng, it was too late, the black glow was so fast that it cut through the air and pointed at Qiu Cheng's eyebrows, trying to pierce it.

And at this moment, a figure in a star-blue robe appeared out of thin air. Immediately, the black lights that came from them suddenly solidified, and they could no longer move an inch. Then, with a wave of the palm of the figure, all the black lights disappeared. At the same time, those figures in black robes also collapsed directly, turning into fly ash!
With his appearance, even the beating of the god's heart stopped for a moment, and an extremely mysterious aura pervaded, instantly suppressing the audience.

"Che Wenhai!"

An exclamation came from the corner, followed by deep fear, looking at this star-blue robed man who was not angry but mighty, the people in that corner immediately wanted to flee in a hurry, However, how could the dean, Che Wenhai, let them do what they wished?
"Ma Ren said, this seat has never taken the time to clean up, do you really think that you jumping clowns, there is still room for a comeback?" Che Wenhai sneered, "Since you are here, you can stay."

Hearing this, Tang Sheng's complexion changed drastically, and his heart was filled with turmoil. Unexpectedly, these black-robed men with mysterious origins and unpredictable methods are actually the legendary demons!

You must know that the faction of the Devil's Way was once very famous in the entire East Pole Continent, and it is definitely a giant that can compete with Xingnan College. Moreover, it can be seen from the name that the cultivation of this faction is all evil forces. .

A long time ago, Xingnan College united with other major forces to destroy the lair of the Demonic Dao in one fell swoop. Everything related to this great force was almost destroyed. There are few records even in the books. Unexpectedly, there are still remnants of evil.

"Che Wenhai, don't get complacent too early. This evil heart has broken the seal. I want to see what tricks you have at Xingnan Academy to suppress it!"

"Huh!" With a cold snort, Che Wenhai waved his sleeve robe, and an invisible ripple swayed away. In an instant, everyone felt their whole bodies froze, unable to move at all, as if they were trapped in an absolute realm. Lost control of the body.

Presumably this is the domain power of the strong in the holy realm, this is absolute suppression!
Those so-called monsters were also unable to move their bodies, and they couldn't help feeling cold and completely accepted death.

Starting from the big golden tooth, the purpose is to let these geniuses come to die. With their lives and blood, they cooperate with the large formations they have arranged in various places on this Yuan Road to hinder and weaken the seal of the demon heart. According to the original plan , They were able to successfully transport away this demon heart, but, there was an unexpected change.

First of all, Lin Chen and Bei Luo Zetian were recognized by the Nirvana Sutra, and secondly, Qiu Cheng led to the riot of the devil's heart, and the complete breaking of the seal also made it impossible for this road to Fengyuan to suppress power, even The restrictions on realm no longer exist, which led to Che Wenhai's appearance!
Having met Lin Chen and Bei Luo Zetian, two peerless talents, and one of the few possessors of the cursed martial spirit, it can be said that the failure of the Demon Human Way this time is really not wronged.

With Che Wenhai's attack, how could these powerful demons who sneaked into Fengyuan Road be opponents? !

Pressing down with the palm of his hand, all the figures in black robes were annihilated, leaving only three entities. In fact, the black robes who Lin Chen had encountered before were like smoke. However, they are all avatars condensed by special means. Naturally, they are not enough to look at in front of Che Wenhai.

With a light grasp, the space was broken, and the three men in black robes fell directly into the space crack, wrapped by Che Wenhai's power, and teleported to an unknown area.

"Let's put you on the Ninth Peak for the time being." Che Wenhai's voice came to the ears of these people through the space crack that hadn't been completely closed, and it immediately made them feel ashamed and pale.

The Ninth Peak of Xingnan College, that is really more unacceptable than death.

(End of this chapter)

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