Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 359 King's Warrior!

Chapter 359 King's Warrior!
Chapter 360 King's Warrior!
"Bei Luo Ze Tian wins!"

"Such handsome combat skills, worthy of being the eldest son of the Beiluo family!"

"The strength of this natal soul skill is simply unimaginable!"


The sounds of exclamation were endless, and everyone looked at the proud figure sitting on the Frozen Throne above the sky, and they were also shocked.

On the other side, when Lin Chen saw this, his heart sank. Bei Luo Zetian's true natal soul skill was so strong that he could kill the fourth soldier in one blow.


With a cold snort, Lin Chen didn't hesitate any more. After using the Golden Scale Transformation, he could suppress the soldier a little bit. He came out, and immediately moved everyone's eyes to him.

"Lin Chen is working hard!"

"How could he have so much power?!"

"The power of wind and fire, the power of stars, and the black and white light, could it be the power of life and death?"


While exclaiming in surprise, everyone also saw that with Lin Chen's raised palm, above his head, there was also a giant star palm that seemed to be able to pick up the stars and the moon.

Star Picker!
This powerful star skill derived from the star chains was finally displayed in Lin Chen's hands again. The huge star-picking palm pressed down hard, and the sound of air explosion roared. At the same time, Lin Chen displayed various This kind of power also enveloped this soldier, making it impossible to resist.

There was a loud explosion, and this soldier was crushed and blasted away in an instant, turning into nothingness and dissipating.

It was also an instant kill, but unlike Beiluo Zetian's gorgeous sword, Lin Chen used various methods to crush this soldier in all directions!
"The true meaning of wind and fire, the true meaning of life and death?" Frowning, Che Wenhai found that he couldn't see through Lin Chen, and, until now, Lin Chen still hadn't exerted a little bit of energy, but he still achieved such a record , this is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

You must know that no matter whether it is natal soul skills, transcendent true intentions, or halberd techniques, etc., it needs the cooperation of a strong elemental force to exert real power, but Lin Chen did not rely on any elemental force.

So, on the surface, it seems that Beiluo Zetian is one step ahead, but in fact, it is really uncertain who is stronger.

Almost immediately after Bei Luo Zetian completed the beheading, Lin Chen also completed the beheading in less than one breath, and immediately after that, there was a force that truly transcended the extraordinary level. Surging inside the cage, two burly figures, all wrapped in star-blue armor, appeared in front of Lin Chen and Bei Luo Zetian.

This is the real power of kings!
The power of the fifth warrior has really reached the level of the king's power. Although it cannot be compared with the real king's power, it has really stepped into the threshold of the king. No matter how strong Lin Chen and Beiluo Zetian are , but at the innate level, it is absolutely impossible to defeat these two warriors.

At this moment, everyone else has been eliminated, and there are only two of the more than 900 cages in the sky.

Whoever can last longer under the attack of the king's soldiers will be the first!

No matter what, fight for it!
The power belonging to the mighty king spread out, making the cage a little unstable.

In an instant, Bei Luo Zetian's Ice Throne trembled, and the originally stable ice layer also had cracks and cracks under the pressure of powerful forces, which were about to collapse.

And around the soldier's body, the space is constantly fluctuating, and it may break at any time, and every gesture will make the space unstable. This is the power of the king's power!

Bei Luozetian's complexion changed, and he also felt the real danger. Immediately, the ice knife slashed down, and went to the soldier again, but this time, he could no longer achieve the same effect as before.

I saw that this king's soldier waved his palm, and he easily defeated this attack, and then, with undiminished momentum, he slapped Beiluo Zetian again.

Caught off guard, even Bei Luozetian's complexion changed drastically, and he had no time to dodge, but was hit on the chest with a blow, and even the strange martial soul of the Xuanbing Divine Armor directly shattered back into his body , the whole person vomited blood and flew out, smashing hard on the edge of the cage!
At the same time, the Ice Throne under him suddenly shattered away, and the ice in the entire cage collapsed and ceased to exist.

After a face-to-face meeting, Beiluo Zetian was defeated!
This scene once again deeply shocked everyone present.

Similarly, Lin Chen also suffered the same attack. The warriors of the king attacked Lin Chen frantically without showing any sympathy. Lin Chen had no choice but to follow the pace of the opponent, and opened the star-scattered phenomenon.

With the power of vision, for Lin Chen, it is almost equivalent to cheating. After all, if he wants to truly hone the secret art of divine enlightenment perception, he cannot rely on other powers, but at the moment he can't care so much up.

With the star-studded movement, Lin Chen once again clearly perceived the attack trajectory of the king's soldier and the weakness of his whole body, but at this time, he no longer expected to be able to defeat the king's soldier.

If he could use his power, he might still be able to make some moves, but at this moment, Lin Chen only wanted to be able to hold on for a while longer.

"He can actually perceive the attacks and weaknesses of the soldiers in advance?!"

Seeing this, even Che Wenhai was surprised. If Lin Chen could sense the soldiers' attacks before, he could think that Lin Chen had a special secret technique, but now, he doesn't think there is any secret technique. Existence, being able to be so against the sky, can make a person at the innate level see through the king's powerful attack!

Although this soldier is not a real king, he is not far behind.

While Lin Chen kept relying on his advance perception to dodge, on the other side, Bei Luo Zetian also took immediate action, and in an instant, there were a series of profound and distant ancient scriptures recited in the cage, which reverberated At the same time, Bei Luo Zetian's body surface also had golden Dao Sanskrit flowing.

Nirvana Sutra!
With the appearance of the Nirvana Sutra, Bei Luo Zetian immediately recovered from some serious injuries. Disappeared from the spot.

Space to move!

Facing the king's warriors, Bei Luo Zetian didn't dare to take it lightly. The extraordinary true meaning that had been suppressed at the bottom of the box finally began to show.

ps: I wish you all a happy new year, every step of the way in the new year, wealth and wealth, good health, and good luck in everything!In addition, I have the cheek to ask for support~ Ask for votes and rewards~
 I wish you all a happy new year, every step of the way in the new year, wealth and prosperity, good health and good luck in everything!In addition, I have the cheek to ask for support~ Ask for votes and rewards~
(End of this chapter)

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