Chapter 364

Chapter 360 Five Years One Side

Han Yan's explanation also made Lin Chen calm down a little, but, looking at Han Yan, Lin Chen's attitude was very firm. He must understand all the causes and consequences of this matter!

Naturally, seeing Lin Chen's attitude, a trace of expectation even rose in Hanyan's heart. Even though the strength gap between the two sides reached a certain level, she felt that the young man in front of her was a person who could create miracles.

"Although Xinxuan comes from an ordinary manor, what you don't know, Lin Chen, is that Xinxuan's mother is not very human, and has a lot of background." Han Yan said.

And hearing such words, Lin Chen already guessed all kinds of things in his heart.

Behind this incident, there must be extremely powerful forces involved!
When he was young at the time, he couldn't see the truth, but now, when he recalled the appearance of Xia Yunbo in Xia's Manor, he was clearly depressed and worried all day long, and Lin Chen had never heard anything about Xia Xinxuan's mother.

So, who is Xia Xinxuan's mother?
"Xinxuan's mother was young and rebellious at the time, and refused to accept discipline. She escaped from her family privately and came to a remote corner of the Northern Territory. She and Xinxuan's father, a young warrior, fell in love at first sight. You should have guessed the rest of it. " Han Yan said with a soft sigh.

At the same time, there was an inexplicable emotion surging in her eyes.

What kind of thing is love? !
Even though there are countless courtiers under her skirts, many suitors, there are many young and handsome, strong and giants, but Hanyan has never been tempted by anyone, nor has she ever felt the taste of love.

With the background and strength of a huge clan, how could Xinxuan's mother escape, and if it wasn't for the pressure of death, Xia Yunbo would never have survived to this day just for the dignity of the big family.

But now, this so-called big clan directly ignored the existence of Xingnan College, and put their palms here, wanting to bring Xia Xinxuan back!
The people who came this time alone have three powerful kings and a semi-saint. This lineup is enough to sweep away most of the forces in the Northern Territory. It has to be said that the so-called Ling of the Central Province Xiao Treasure Hall is really of extraordinary strength.

Xia Xinxuan didn't want to follow these people back to the so-called Lingxiao Palace in Zhongzhou. She just wanted to wait quietly in Xingnan College for his brother Lin Chen to come to her. However, how could the other party consider what he wanted to do? What about her feelings?
Being able to live to this day is already the greatest gift of the Lingxiao Palace for a scoundrel, and now that she has some potential, if she is called back regardless of the past, would she still dare to refuse?
At this time, even Xingnan College can't help Xia Xinxuan, unless they are willing to take the risk of seriously hurting their vitality and confront Lingxiao Palace. However, even for the sake of the entire college, this is absolutely impossible!
The so-called words of retreat were just to delay for a while, in order to see Lin Chen's side.

Clenching his fists tightly, his knuckles turned white, Lin Chen's whole body trembled violently, the black flame in the depths of his pupils became more ferocious, and his heart was full of murderous intent.

He waited for this day for ten years.

From the day Xia Xinxuan was taken away by Xingnan College, he swore in his heart that one day he would go to that seemingly unreachable place in person, stand in front of Xia Xinxuan, and tell her in person that I can do it.

However, today, when Lin Chen finally stepped into the gate of Xingnan College with an incomparable attitude, he found sadly that he was one step slower, and the speed at which he became stronger was still not as fast as the accident. It's happening fast!
"I want to see her."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen said.

After ten years in exchange for the present side, he will see Xia Xinxuan no matter what, and for this side, the girl has put in the best effort and is waiting for Lin Chen.

With a wave of his hand, a door of space appeared in front of Lin Chen, and his lips parted slightly in smoke: "Go."

This scene may not be a big deal to many freshmen, but the impact on many old students is not ordinary.

Xia Xinxuan was the dream lover of countless male students, how many people knelt under her skirt, and couldn't even touch a corner of her skirt, but now, a freshman from childhood unexpectedly appeared?

Seeing Lin Chen stepping into the gate of space, among the crowd, Han Jia, Tang Mei, and Yan Mengyue's eyes were full of loss. They had never seen Lin Chen's love for him. A woman cares so much.

At the same time, among the crowd, there was also a sinister gaze looking at Lin Chen's disappearing back. Gritting his teeth, Hao Yongqiang turned and left, walking straight down the first peak.

He didn't expect Lin Chen to really come to Xingnan College, and he was so dazzling, even though he himself was peerless and extraordinary, but he understood that with Lin Chen's potential, it was only a matter of time before he surpassed him.

And he couldn't tolerate Lin Chen staying at Xingnan College, or even living!
Since you can't do it yourself, then... borrow a knife to kill someone!
Wow. .

The light gate was closed at this moment, and Lin Chen's figure disappeared, leaving only the people on the top of the first peak, unable to recover.

Even if it is Beiluo Zetian, he is thoughtful. I have to say that it is too difficult for Lin Chen to really qualify to be with this girl. This means that his strength must be recognized by Lingxiao Palace. Recognition is enough, but without any backing, if you are alone, even if you are a powerful king, with the strength of Lingxiao Palace, what is a king?
Everyone present could think of these things, but Lin Chen had no time to worry about them. With a flash of his figure, feeling the fluctuation of space, he had already left the first peak and arrived at the eighth peak.

Looking forward, there is a small pavilion on the mountainside of the eighth peak, which is very unique. It is Xia Xinxuan's residence. As he steps forward, even with Lin Chen's concentration, he can't bear it at this moment. My breathing became short of breath.

rustle. .

Walking step by step, walking slowly, Lin Chen even felt a little timid in his heart. He couldn't imagine that he would part with Xia Xinxuan again. Not counting Xia Xinxuan's return to Xia's Manor, Lin Chen waited for ten years. In order to rely on her own strength, she truly stood in front of Xia Xinxuan.

It seemed that someone was coming, and in the pavilion, there was also a beautiful figure, just like the appearance in the dream for the past ten years, walked out pretty, and met Lin Chen's eyes.

The moment the four eyes meet, everything seems to be still at this moment.

Looking at each other without words, we have been together for ten years.

Xingnan has a girl who has just grown up.

(End of this chapter)

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