Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 368 Confinement

Chapter 368 Confinement

Chapter 360 Ninth Confinement at the Prison Peak Xuanzi Level

As early as a long time ago, Che Wenhai had seen the scene when Ye Tianchen made a move. It can be said that it was surprisingly similar to Lin Chen today.

Especially that arrogance that is unrivaled in the world is even more frightening.

Looking at Lin Chen, Che Wenhai also felt very complicated.

There is no doubt that Lin Chen is definitely a talent of the world, and it is very likely that he will be inherited by Sen Luo Mozun. In time, his strength will definitely exceed imagination. From this point of view, Che Wenhai is reluctant to give up this talent anyway. Like a genius expelled.

However, according to Xingnan College's rules, anyone who blatantly kills the disciples of the inner court at the Eighth Peak will be expelled, and those who are more serious will even be deprived of their cultivation!
What's more, Lin Chen also contradicted Elder Ji Feng, ignoring Lingxiao Palace without any restraint. If this is passed on, it will definitely affect the relationship between Lingxiao Palace and Xingnan College.

Sitting in the dean's seat, what needs to be considered is never just one's own feelings, but for the entire college, from the longest-term perspective.

"Lin Chen, do you know your mistake?"

Looking at Lin Chen, Che Wenhai opened his mouth. He had made up his mind that if Lin Chen gave in, he would find a step down for him. After all, such a genius really made Che Wenhai love talent.

Immediately, everyone looked at Lin Chen.

Know wrong?

Shaking his head, Lin Chen never felt that he did anything wrong.

"This Hao Yongqiang has had old grievances with me for a long time, and he has never ceased to die. When I was extremely weak, he would bully and kill me with his extraordinary power. If it weren't for someone to save me, I would definitely not be able to stand here at this moment. He bribed the assassin to assassinate me, and I have already sworn that one day I will kill him with a halberd!"

"But today, when I was just admitted to the hospital, he came to trouble me again. How could I tolerate him? Just ask, who would save this person's life if it were anyone present?!"

Opening his mouth loudly, Lin Chen's words were sharp, and many people nodded after hearing such words. Indeed, if there is such an enemy, his life must be taken.

"Huh, what a bunch of nonsense!" Unexpectedly, Ji Feng with the rosy nose jumped out again, "This is all your one-sided words, how can you take it seriously, how can my Xingnan Inner Court disciple be so unbearable?"

Frowning, Lin Chen already had a murderous intent towards this person.

It's unbearable for this person to target himself again and again for no reason!

"Hehe, what this elder said is wrong. Talent does not represent a person's character, just like your nose. Although it is ugly, it cannot cover up your cultivation. This is the same reason." Lin Chen said with a sneer .


When even angry, Ji Feng took a step, and the mighty aura of the king broke the space, trying to crush Lin Chen, but he was blocked by Che Wenhai in an instant.

"Enough, Ji Feng!" With a wave of his sleeve robe, Che Wenhai was already extremely impatient, "I told you, I will decide this matter, do you want to do it for me?"

Hearing this, Ji Feng couldn't help but hesitate, his face turned red, but he had no choice but to take a step back, and said in a low voice, "Don't dare."


With a cold snort, Che Wenhai continued to look at Lin Chen.

At this moment, anyone can tell that Che Wenhai wants to protect Lin Chen.

Indeed, such a genius is really rare. If he is placed in any power, he will be regarded as a treasure. To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter if he kills one Hao Yongqiang. One Lin Chen is worth a hundred Hao Yongqiangs!

"Whether the grievances between you and Hao Yongqiang are true or not, but it is true that you killed him at Xingnan College. This is against the rules. There is no way to make the rules. If you break the rules, you will be punished. Let me ask you, is it true? Dissatisfied?"

Naturally, Lin Chen was not stupid. If he continued to be tough at this moment, it would be very difficult to end. The dean's presence in person was enough to give him face, and he immediately saluted respectfully, and then he spoke to Che Wenhai.

"Although the disciple is right, he is convinced of his mistakes and is willing to be punished!"

The phrase "disciple" means that Lin Chen has regarded himself as a disciple of Xingnan College, and it is Che Wenhai's attitude that gives him a sense of belonging.

"Okay, the punishment for killing Hao Yongqiang should not be taken lightly. He was imprisoned in prison peak for half a year, at the level of Xuanzi. In addition, the Lingxiao Palace came from Zhongzhou, and the visitor was a guest. Since you have bumped into a distinguished guest, you can also recognize him." wrong."

When Che Wenhai spoke, such words also caused an uproar in the audience.

Falling prison peak confinement!
That's a terrible punishment for hearing the color change. What's more, Lin Chen is actually at the Xuanzi level in the four levels of Tiandi Xuanhuang. In dire straits, life is worse than death.


Many people gave Che Wenhai a thumbs up in their hearts. Although it is love that protects Lin Chen, it is ruthless enough. You must know that the confinement at the level of Xuanzi can be fatal if one does not do it well.

At the same time, he had long been extremely dissatisfied with the arrogance of the Lingxiao Palace, and now he just let Lin Chen admit his mistake without pain. Needless to say, this method is really brilliant.

Lin Chen naturally understood what Che Wenhai meant, and immediately turned around to look at Zhuge Liuyun.

"Hehe, Brother Zhuge! I was so impulsive just now, how offensive I was, I hope you will forgive me! I will go down to the Lingxiao Palace in the future, but I need Brother Zhuge to remind me!"

Between clasping fists, Lin Chen had put on a smiling face, which also made Zhuge Liuyun's face turn purple, and he couldn't say anything out of the bad breath in his heart.

At this moment, he represents the entire Lingxiao Palace, so naturally he can't lose face.

"It's okay! Seeing Brother Lin Chen's amazing talent today, Liu Yun is ashamed. When Brother Lin Chen comes to the Lingxiao Palace, I will naturally entertain him!"

Hospitality, these two words are worth pondering. However, when was Lin Chen afraid?

Since this Zhuge Liuyun dared to misbehave Xia Xinxuan, Lin Chen made up his mind to teach him an unforgettable lesson, even if he had a Lingxiao Palace behind him, it would not help!
"Okay, then today's matter is settled like this. After three days, Wu Han, you take Lin Chen to the prison peak Xuanzi level confinement, let's go."

With a wave of his hand, Che Wenhai's figure flashed, and he had disappeared in place.

Seeing his disappearing figure, Lin Chen's heart was also filled with gratitude.

The three days were naturally left to him by Che Wenhai. He had to be prepared for confinement at the Xuanzi level, not to mention saying goodbye to Xia Xinxuan. For Lin Chen, these three days were really very precious.

Scholars died for their confidants. In Lin Chen's heart, he felt a sense of belonging to Che Wenhai and even Xingnan College at this moment. If Lin Chen used to use this place as a springboard to find Xia Xinxuan, And if he came only after improving his own strength, then now, he undoubtedly has truly regarded himself as a member of Xingnan College, and he will advance and retreat together with honor and disgrace!

(End of this chapter)

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