Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 376 Because You Are Not Strong Enough

Chapter 376 Because You Are Not Strong Enough
Chapter 370 Seven Because You Are Not Strong Enough

Forget it?

When Wang Kaixuan heard the words, anger rose in his eyes.

If he hadn't been here today, Wang Yan would definitely die, and Wang Kai had already been damaged. If Wang Yan died again, it would be a big blow to the next generation of the Wang clan.

While Wang Kaixuan was angry, on the other side, Song Rui, the patriarch of the Song Clan, also appeared on the battle platform in a flash, and a powerful momentum burst out immediately, crushing Lin Chen.

The mighty power of the king is not something the current Lin Chen can compete with. After meeting each other, Lin Chen felt the energy and blood surging all over his body, and he stepped back again and again, each step leaving a footprint on the battle platform.

And this is just the impact of the opponent's momentum!

It has to be said that the strength of these people is beyond doubt to become a giant in this huge northern region.

With killing intent in his eyes, Song Rui looked at Lin Chen, his palm was already raised in the air, and he was about to take a picture. Suddenly, Lin Chen felt that the space around him was frozen at this moment, making him unable to move at all. .

"Boy, people from my Song clan are not so easy to kill!" With an angry shout, Song Rui's murderous intent made everyone in the audience feel chills.

The pupils shrank suddenly, and in an instant, Lin Chen really felt the threat of death.

And at this moment, Che Wenhai's figure flashed again, and immediately stopped in front of Song Rui.

"Brother Song, how can we intervene in the competition between juniors? Since the Song Clan's genius has signed the certificate of life and death, he should be prepared to accept death!"

"Nonsense!" Song Rui was obviously very angry, and shouted directly at Che Wenhai, "I think this Lin Chen must have used aggressive methods to force me, Song Ming, to sign the life and death certificate. Such a despicable person, at this time Cut, when will you wait?!"

Provocative method? !
Hearing that Lin Chen frowned tightly, this was entirely Song Rui's subjective assumption, but in fact, Song Ming and Wang Yan were the ones who really resorted to aggressive tactics!
Lin Chen was originally unwilling to have too many entanglements with them. If Wang Yan hadn't attacked Xia Xinxuan, how could he have angered Lin Chen to the point of signing a life-and-death battle?
And this scene was seen by many people.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Lin Chen took a step under the pressure and said, "I didn't intend to provoke these people. After realizing it, I will leave. There are many senior brothers and sisters who can testify. It is Wang Yan who probably angered me. I just signed the fight to the death."

"Could it be that the state officials are only allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps? The children of your big family can kill me, but I can't kill them? Dare I ask this senior, if today I am not as good as Lin Chen, and I am killed in a life-and-death battle... Beheading, how will you react? I am afraid you will only clap your hands and praise them!"

Every word and every sentence was resounding, Lin Chen's words were simply irrefutable.

Immediately, Song Rui's face also turned red, of course, more because of anger.

In his eyes, even if Lin Chen had some talent, he wasn't just an ant?
And now, such an ant actually has plausible arguments to refute him?

On the other side, Wang Kaixuan also had a bad expression on his face, staring at Lin Chen. There were still ten powerful figures in the sky, even if they didn't let go of their aura, the pressure was all gathered on Lin Chen. It was really too big. up.

But even so, the young man's body was still straight and straight, as if the three-foot green front would rather bend than bend, with deep eyes, looking at Song Rui in front of him, Lin Chen was waiting for his answer.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing his anger, Song Rui's face was still very ugly, he hadn't been so angry for a long, long time.

Looking at the young man in front of him, he vaguely thought of himself back then.

Who is not young and frivolous, Song Rui was so tough and sharp back then, which is exactly what his name is, but after all, his edges and corners have been smoothed by this world after all.

As Lin Chen said, only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps, which is a fairness, but in this world where the jungle preys on the strong, where is the so-called fairness?

Everything is based on strength, and this has been an unbreakable truth since ancient times.

Whoever has the biggest fist is the truth. As for fairness, these two words are just a joke.

"If you want to know why, then I will tell you."

Knowing that Che Wenhai was here today, there was nothing he could do about Lin Chen. Song Rui was also a well-known strong man, so he immediately calmed down, looked at Lin Chen, and spoke calmly.

"Because you're not strong enough."

Just six words, but Lin Chen fell into silence immediately.


If Lin Chen was a strong man in the holy realm today, who would be able to say no?
Now, in a fair duel, he beheaded his opponent, but the opponent's elders came to ask him to punish him. There was only one reason, and that was not being strong enough.

Without enough strength, how can we expect fairness?
If Lin Chen was full of dissatisfaction before, now he is completely convinced.

If the opponent is strong enough, then whatever they do is right, because the weak do not have the power to speak, nor do they have the power to demand fairness. Others can hit you or kill you, but you cannot fight back because you are weak!
This reason is enough.

Nodding his head, cupping his fists and bowing, Lin Chen said to Song Rui, "Thank you for your teaching, senior, I am convinced by this junior."

This time, without words, Song Rui just looked at Lin Chen.

If Lin Chen complained about injustice because of this sentence today, and if he argued with reason, then he would not be worthy of anyone's attention at all. This is what Song Rui wanted to see, but he could see that Lin Chen was He really listened to this sentence, and it also made him pay more attention to this young man.

With such a mind, even if his talent is not good, he will definitely be able to grow up, not to mention Lin Chen's talent, especially one that can be described as good.

Therefore, such a person is destined to stand at the top of this world!

Today, because he is not strong enough, he swallows his anger and endures injustice. It is very likely that one day in the future, the entire Song clan will be no match for him alone!
It's not an exaggeration, but Lin Chen definitely has such potential.

"I remember you." With a swipe of the palm of his hand, Song Rui put away Song Ming's body, and walked away directly through the space. Immediately afterwards, other giants also left one after another, taking their own genius with them.

The original intention was to come and enter the Wanyizhen Palace, but they didn't want to be disturbed like this. Afterwards, they might not have the face to come again. This also made them feel very depressed, and they remembered Lin Chen, the instigator, even more.

And as they left, Lin Chen felt his whole body relax. Only then did he realize that his back was soaked and his legs were a little weak, but compared to the exhaustion of his body, his heart was full of thoughts. Thousands.

It's still too weak, too weak, and it's even difficult to stand upright and speak, so why can I go to Lingxiao Palace to find Xia Xinxuan?

(End of this chapter)

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