Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 400 Ji Feng and the Devil's Way

Chapter 400 Ji Feng and the Devil's Way
It can be said that Lin Chen and Che Li almost smashed Ji Feng's face, and the most aggrieved thing is that they can only bear it like this, and dare not take any action.


After drinking Che Li, Che Wenhai looked solemn.

The fact that Che Li beheaded the elder had a very bad influence in the first place. It was already very difficult for him to suppress him, but now, it is really unwise for Che Li to mention it like this.

It's just that Che Li wanted to protect Lin Chen, so he didn't care about these things.

Before she knew it, she didn't realize that this guy had already occupied an extremely important position in her heart.

Seeing Che Wenhai's glaring eyes, Che Li's momentum froze, and he immediately realized that he had made a mistake, but Che Li still stood where he was, without moving a bit.

"Hmph, not only are you mean, but you only hide behind women!" Ji Feng pointed at Lin Chen.

Frowning tightly, Lin Chen couldn't figure out why this Ji Feng was targeting him so much, but the matter had come to this point, and there was absolutely no reason to back down.

Taking a step forward, staring at Ji Feng, Lin Chen said, "Don't tell me you are a powerful king who bullies me as a genius everywhere, isn't your conduct considered despicable?"


"Enough." Che Wenhai waved his hand.

"Ji Feng, step down first, Lin Chen, go down too, save today's challenge until tomorrow!"

After all, Che Wenhai disappeared in place out of thin air.

At this time, the sky had already dimmed a little, and it was time to end. In the past, if people were enthusiastic, it was not impossible to continue fighting through the night, but now that the dean has spoken, he has no choice but to stop. down.

Walking down from the battle stage, Lin Chen and Na Ji Feng looked at each other, both of them saw strong murderous intent in each other's eyes.

No matter what reason Ji Feng wanted to kill him, there was absolutely no way that the two of them would be kind.

"Thank you."

Speaking to Che Li beside him, Lin Chen also walked to his group.

Ye Tian could no longer hold back his anger, and immediately began to curse.

The others were also filled with righteous indignation. From their point of view, this Ji Feng was simply inexplicable. Why did he have to make trouble with Lin Chen?
As for Tang Zheng, he frowned and began to think.

According to his analysis, this matter is definitely not groundless. There must be a reason why Ji Feng and Lin Chen are so hostile, but it is not clear yet.

"Brother, think about who among your enemies can be related to this Ji Feng?" Tang Sheng asked.

This stumped Lin Chen all of a sudden, and he dared not say anything else, but Lin Chen was the most indispensable family of enemies. Since his debut, there were quite a lot of people who had grudges.

Shaking his head, Lin Chen couldn't think of any clues for the time being, and had to give up for a while.

During the conversation, the sky had completely darkened, and many students had returned to their respective residences, but the excitement in their eyes could not be concealed.

Among other things, Lin Chen's three battles alone made the blood boil of the viewers, not to mention that Li Zihao, who knelt down from the beginning to the end, was truly delightful.

In the end, Sheng Yang refused to be crowned king-Dan, and the conflict between Lin Chen and Ji Feng was all talked about.

As night fell, Lin Chen and the others also returned to their residences, preparing for the next day's battle.

But on the first peak, in a rather luxurious residence, a figure was carefully observing the movement around him at this moment. After repeated confirmation, he returned to the room, waved his palm, and cast a Isolated photomask.

Immediately afterwards, he knelt down piously on the ground, facing a stone talisman on the table in front of him.

And following his movements, the stone talisman seemed to have been investigated, and it also lit up a gleam of light. At the same time as the runes surged, a somewhat gloomy figure also flashed in the room.

"Meet the respected master!"

He threw himself to the ground and was very respectful. At this moment, Ji Feng didn't have the half arrogance he had during the day.

But in front of him, this slightly blurred light and shadow snorted directly, looking at Ji Feng with some disdain.

"I heard that you had a conflict with Lin Chen again today, and it's not a small one?"

His pupils shrank, he lay on the ground, Ji Feng's whole body tightened, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then he said tremblingly: "Report to Master, yes, yes."

"Idiot!" shouted angrily, and the light and shadow said sullenly, "I told you to beware of Lin Chen and report to me any situation related to him, but you jumped out again and again, attracting attention!"

Feeling the murderous intent in the light and shadow's words, even Ji Feng felt the threat of death, kowtowed like garlic, his back was drenched in cold sweat, and he kept begging for mercy.

I'm afraid Che Wenhai is not only dissatisfied with you, but also has already started an investigation. If you reveal any clues, you should kill yourself. "

Hearing this, Ji Feng's expression froze, and panic flashed in Ji Feng's eyes.

"Hmph, this time my demon human way to capture the demon's heart has failed. You dare to add trouble, not only you, but your good friend will never end well!"

"Remember, don't provoke Lin Chen again, you just need to report his news, and that Qiu Cheng, if you have any news, you will send me a message at all costs!"

After all, runes flickered one after another on the stone talisman, and the light and shadow also dissipated slowly, leaving only Ji Feng still kneeling on the ground, sweating profusely.

I wanted to take down Lin Chen and make a contribution, but I didn't expect that it would be self-defeating. Besides being annoyed, Ji Feng was also filled with fear that went deep into his soul.

He knows the means of respecting a teacher better than anyone else, as long as he has any negligence, what awaits him will definitely be pain and torture like hell

Lying on the ground, Ji Feng waited until the eastern sky turned bright white before he slowly got up, with deep tiredness in his eyes.

As a pawn placed in Xingnan College by the Devil's Way, last time he did enough tricks to make those people sneak into the road to Fengyuan, but in the end, they were all lost in it.

As for the action of snatching the Demon Heart, it was a complete failure.

Ji Feng was also punished, and he blamed all of this on Lin Chen!
After all, Lin Chen and Bei Luo Zetian didn't dare to offend Bei Luo Zetian, but Lin Chen was a kid with no background, what was there to be afraid of?

He wanted to win Lin Chen and make meritorious service, but he didn't expect that Lin Chen was far beyond his expectations.

Not only did the dean treat him favorably, even Che Li was taken in by him.

call. .

Taking a deep breath, he got up, all the bones in his body exploded due to stiffness, Ji Feng removed the mask, his eyes were cold, and he walked out of the room.

At this time, as the sky brightened, many geniuses came to the front of the battle arena.

It was so hot, even better than yesterday.

After all, the further the battle for the Nine Peaks list goes, the stronger the students will appear, and the battle will be more intense and exciting!
(End of this chapter)

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