Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 504 Demon Soldier!

Chapter 504 Demon Soldier!

Chapter [-] Magic Soldiers!

Boom boom boom!
The two attacks collided together, and while the space was constantly cracking, the explosions continued, and the ground at the bottom of the cold pool was blown apart.

The black soil was flying, exuding a faint magical aura.

It's just that no one paid attention to these details at the moment, Xiao Yu and Huo Qilin kept retreating, and they had already approached the colorful palace, while Luo Shuirou launched his defense, looking at this scene in shock.

For Lin Chen, this battle was even more intense than the previous battle against Beiluo Zetian, and it was the first time for Ye Fan to meet such a formidable opponent.

I'm afraid even Dao Yu couldn't fight him like this.

This is still in the state where Ye Fan is holding the holy weapon. If he didn't have this sword of flames, Ye Fan might have been defeated long ago.

The loud noise continued, the space was like paper, and the two of them had already exchanged hundreds of moves between their breaths.

There was another strong collision, the two retreated together, their faces were a little pale, Lin Chen's body continued to hear the mantra, and quickly recovered from his injuries.

"Impossible, how can a weapon condensed from the power of Xuanhuang be able to compete with the Holy Weapon?" Ye Fan finally sensed something was wrong, staring at the Xuanhuang Halberd in Lin Chen's hand, frowning.

On the other hand, Lin Chen had a smile in his eyes. Even though the Flame Prison Sword was a holy weapon, it suffered huge damage after all, far from the power of an ordinary holy weapon. How could it compete with the Senluo Demon Halberd?

That's right!

Lin Chen wrapped the Senluo Demon Halberd with the power of Xuanhuang, otherwise, he might not be able to compete with Ye Fan in this kind of battle. A magic weapon can definitely decide the outcome of the battle sometimes.


There was an extremely pleasant cracking sound, but to Ye Fan's ears, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, because he found that there was an undetectable crack on the Infernal Sword in his hand!

"This is impossible!"

Ye Fan's eyes widened, staring at the Flame Prison Sword in his hand in disbelief, his whole body trembled at this moment.

Holy soldier, actually cracked?
The weapon in Lin Chen's hands is probably not as simple as being condensed by the power of Xuanhuang!
His eyes were full of killing intent, looking at Lin Chen, Ye Fan's voice was hoarse: "Lin Chen, what weapon are you using?!"

"A dead person, why do you know so much?"

Lin Chen chuckled, and the eight-clawed golden dragon moved again and opened its mouth. This time, there was no flame, but there was an equally powerful dragon chant, moving into the sky.

Sky Wrath Dragon Cry!
The Sky Wrath Dragon's Cry casted by the eight-clawed golden dragon was even stronger than the Supreme Jielong. The golden sound wave rushed straight to Ye Fan, and the aftermath made Luo Shuirou unable to back up. .

"Lin Chen's weapon..."

While murmuring, Luo Shuirou also discovered that every time the mysterious yellow halberd in Lin Chen's hand collided with the Yan Prison Sword, the mysterious and yellow power fluctuated and could be vaguely seen. , a faint black appeared.

The terrifying dragon chant came to Ye Fan in an instant. In the panic, he felt that all the blood in his body was going backwards, and his complexion turned pale.

The Flame Prison Sword was damaged, and his fighting spirit also fell to an underestimation.

This holy weapon was his most powerful trump card during his trip to the Qingdi Holy Mountain. What he didn't expect was that Lin Chen would be absolutely suppressed here.

The weapon in Lin Chen's hands was at worst a holy weapon in peak condition!

He flew upside down and headed for the exit. Ye Fan wanted to flee, but how could Lin Chen let him do so, and immediately chased after him on the eight-clawed golden dragon, pointing at Ye Fan's back.

"Lin Chen, let me go, I promise I will never be your enemy again!"

Ye Fan panicked. He found that Lin Chen was a little bit faster than him riding the Octopus Golden Dragon!
If this is caught up, I am afraid it will be broken here today.

However, Lin Chen sneered at this, and his speed increased instead of decreasing. Within a few breaths, he had already arrived behind Ye Fan, raised the magic halberd and slashed down fiercely.

The hairs all over his body suddenly sprouted, Ye Fan really felt the threat of death, and he couldn't care about anything at the moment, a mysterious rune appeared in his hand, and suddenly, a wave of spatial fluctuations surged extremely strongly.

"Big Teleportation Talisman!"

Luo Shuirou exclaimed in the distance, unexpectedly, Ye Sheng's family valued Ye Fan so much, and even gave him a big teleportation talisman.

You know, when Che Li entered the teleportation channel in the East Pole Continent, Che Li used a small teleportation talisman, but the big teleportation talisman that Ye Fan took out at this moment is a rare treasure. It may be difficult to find one on the polar continent.

Even in Qingdi Holy Mountain, Ye Fan's Great Teleportation Talisman can still allow him to escape instantly!

"Lin Chen, I, Ye Sheng, will never die with you!"

As he spoke viciously, he crushed the Great Teleportation Talisman, and Ye Fan's body was immediately enveloped by a wave of spatial fluctuations, and the surrounding space twisted wildly, trying to take him away from here.

Squinting his eyes, Lin Chen shook his arm, and the magic halberd turned into an afterimage and flew out, but just before Ye Fan's figure disappeared, it slashed fiercely across his right shoulder!


In an instant, Ye Fan's right arm fell off completely, and the blood gushed out like a flood. Ye Fan screamed in pain, looking at the falling right arm, and the flame prison sword tightly held by the right arm, the ferocious hatred in his eyes Meaning, it seems monstrous.

The figure disappeared, and a blood-stained arm also fell to the ground with the Infernal Sword. Lin Chen made a move with his palm, and the Senluo Demon Halberd flew back. He also picked up the Infernal Sword.

When he was fighting just now, he felt the magic halberd's longing for the Infernal Sword, but now, the magic halberd started to vibrate crazily, an indescribable terrifying power spread out from the magic halberd, one after another Tentacle-like black silk thread, entangled, has already covered the entire flame prison sword.


The Flame Prison Sword hummed fearfully, but it couldn't break free from the bondage at all. Instead, under this level of power, it gradually became dim, and the wave that belonged to the holy soldier also dissipated.

Lin Chen was surprised to find that in just a few breaths, the Flame Prison Sword had turned into a piece of scrap iron.

But the Senluo Demon Halberd in his hand is even sharper!

"Magic soldiers!"

Luoshui Rouyu covered her mouth with her hands, let out a coquettish cry, and looked at Lin Chen, her eyes full of disbelief.

There is no doubt that this halberd is definitely a demon soldier. Could it be that Lin Chen's identity, apart from being a young master of the Longmen, is still a person of the demon way?

But at this moment, without waiting for her to think, a crazy fluctuation has already gushed out from the colorful palace behind, and in an instant, the brilliance of the five elements permeated, and a phantom appeared, it was an old man looking at Lin Chen and Luo Shuirou.

Patriarch of the Five Elements!

(End of this chapter)

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