Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 506 Conquering Geng Li, Xiao Yu Transformed into Form

Chapter 506 Conquering Geng Li, Xiao Yu Transformed into Form

Chapter Five Hundred and Eight

After getting the five-element rune into her body, Luo Shuirou's whole body was immediately enveloped by an extreme multicolored brilliance.

Obviously, in the contest between the Five Elements Patriarch and the Immortal Demon Emperor Geng Li, Geng Li was the winner. Not only did he not die, but he also controlled the inheritance left by the Five Elements Patriarch to future generations.

According to Geng Li's temperament, Luo Shuirou with the Five Elements Dao Body would definitely be eliminated by him, but for Lin Chen's sake, he didn't deal with Luo Shuirou.

"Young master, thousands of years have passed, and I don't know about my Demon Emperor's Domain..."

Geng Li opened his mouth, his voice trembling.

Although he is a member of the devil way and has a surly temper, he is absolutely loyal to the devil emperor.

At this moment, he had turned into his original appearance, a middle-aged man with a fleshy face, looking at Lin Chen with full expectation.

Shaking his head, Lin Chen said: "I don't know too well, it didn't take long for me to teleport from the low-level continent, but now the entire Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie seems to be torn apart following the battle that year. , the situation in the Demon Emperor's Domain should be very complicated."

Hearing this, Geng Li frowned deeply.

"Young master, your current strength is not high, so don't expose your identity, let alone let outsiders know that you are holding the Devil Emperor God Tablet and the emperor's remnants!" Geng Li said.

"Well, I know this, and besides being the heir of the Devil Emperor, I am also the Young Master of the Dragon Sect." Lin Chen said with some embarrassment.

Hearing this, Geng Li gasped.

Such an identity is really embarrassing!
Thousands of years ago, the devil emperor wanted to go against the sky, which directly led to the siege of the other eight powerful emperors. Unexpectedly, the devil emperor's skill was involved in the good fortune, and the world was shattered in that battle, and both sides suffered in the end.

That Dragon Emperor can be said to be a major force in the battle. To this day, people from the Dragon Emperor Domain and the Demon Emperor Domain have always been incompatible.

It is unprecedented for Lin Chen to be the young master of the two major forces.

"The general trend of the world is to crusade against the Demon Realm. Young Master, don't expose your identity as a Demon Dao. Let's grow up as the Young Master of the Longmen for now. When your strength reaches the holy realm, few people can shake you."

Indeed, with Lin Chen's fighting strength, if he reaches the holy realm, he might be able to rule the entire Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie.

At that time, even if such double identities are exposed, it may be enough to protect themselves.

"Then how do you leave Qingdi Sacred Mountain?" Lin Chen asked.

This is indeed a big problem. Geng Li, as a giant in the way of magic, once he appears in the Qingdi Holy Mountain, will inevitably trigger a huge wave. It is almost impossible to retreat completely.

Hearing this, Geng Li smiled.

"Young master, I was tricked by the old man of the five elements at the beginning, and up to now, I am nothing more than a soul body. If it weren't for the strange skills I cultivated, I'm afraid I would have perished long ago."

Soul body!

Lin Chen's pupils shrank, only then did he realize that Geng Li's body seemed a little illusory and transparent.

"If the young master is trustworthy, just let me hide in your body. As long as there is no comprehensive search, there will be no clues." Geng Li continued.

hide in oneself...

Lin Chen was a little hesitant. It wasn't that he couldn't trust Geng Li. It's just that he must be on guard against others. Moreover, if other people's souls are hidden in his body, wouldn't he know all the secrets?

Seemingly seeing Lin Chen's worry, Geng Li slapped his head: "Young master, I am reckless, I am willing to donate my soul seal and become the young master's soul slave."

Soul slave!

Lin Chen's heart was shaken again. Giving his soul seal and becoming a soul slave meant that he would never recover. Even Lin Chen could decide his life or death with a single thought.

It can also be seen from this, Geng Li's loyalty to the Devil Emperor.

Since Lin Chen was selected for the Devil Emperor God Tablet, it means that Lin Chen is the heir of the Devil Emperor. When he sees Lin Chen, it is like seeing the Devil Emperor. Even if Lin Chen asks Geng Li to die at this moment, he will not have No hesitation.

"There is no need for the soul seal. I have a secret to control the soul here. If you trust me, open your mind." Lin Chen said after pondering.

Geng Li voluntarily became a slave, which was really a great help to Lin Chen.

Zuo Jinglong has not recovered from his injuries. Although Liu Yonghan is a saint, his strength is obviously not strong. The enemy Lin Chen will face in the future is definitely very strong. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to develop his own forces.

"The secret of soul control..."

Geng Li was startled again, but without hesitation, he immediately opened his mind and waited for Lin Chen to cast a spell.

Seeing this, Lin Chen pinched his handprints, and directly used the Soul Control Art, the white light in his eyes flickered, and flew towards the center of Geng Li's eyebrows, and began to condense into a complex rune.

"This kind of secret technique is so powerful..."

Even though he has done a lot of research on the soul, Geng Li was still extremely shocked.

This kind of secret technique, even if it is placed in Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, can be called extremely powerful.

Immediately afterwards, Geng Li felt a white rune appeared in his soul, which had achieved a kind of extreme control over him. Under such circumstances, he was completely reduced to Lin Chen's soul slave.

Of course, this is what he wants.

"After I go out, I will find a way to help you recast your body." Lin Chen said with a long breath.

Controlling such a powerful soul as Geng Li was also a big burden for him, but fortunately Geng Li cooperated very well, so he was able to complete the control.

"Thank you young master!"

Geng Li immediately knelt down.

Waving his hand, Lin Chen signaled that he didn't need to perform this etiquette, and at this moment, there was a roar from the side, and he saw that all the colorful brilliance on Luo Shuirou's body had been absorbed by her, which also caused her aura to become even more intense. Much stronger.

Her beautiful eyes glowed with excitement, Luo Shuirou was very excited to have received the inheritance from the ancestor of the Five Elements.

There was another roar, and Lin Chen saw in astonishment that Xiaoyu's body was curled up into a ball, twisting continuously in an unimaginable posture, as if... changing in the direction of a human figure!
"Is Xiaoyu going to transform into a human form?!"

Lin Chen was very excited. After taking the Golden Crow's golden pill, it was only a matter of time before Xiao Yu transformed into a form, but Lin Chen was a little surprised that it could be done so quickly.

"Brother, I can finally take form!"

A slightly jerky voice came out, and a handsome man with a hooked nose gradually showed his appearance.

The Fire Qilin at the side was also envious. As a strange beast, it would have been more difficult for it to transform itself, and with the impure blood in its body, the chances were even slimmer.

"Okay, okay!" After saying three good words, Lin Chen was very happy.

The harvest this time is really not small.

Not only did Luo Shuirou get the inheritance from the ancestor of the Five Elements, but he also subdued a powerful subordinate. Xiao Yu also successfully transformed into a human form. Even with Lin Chen's heart, he couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Let's go, go to find the holy spring for baptism, in order to realize the Tao under the green character!" Lin Chen waved his hand, and the fierce soul shadow entered Lin Chen's body and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen also put away the fire unicorn, and left the cold pool together with the transformed Xiao Yu and Luo Shuirou.

As for the remaining strong man who broke into the colorful cave before, he had already died in Geng Li's hands. It has to be said that this time Lin Chen had a bumper harvest and Ye Sheng's family suffered heavy losses.

Killing Ye Lingtian, crippling Ye Fan's arm, and seizing the Flame Prison Sword, the enmity between Lin Chen and Ye Sheng's sect is serious. It is conceivable that Ye Sheng's sect will definitely take action after leaving Qingdi Sacred Mountain.

This also made Lin Chen more eager to become stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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