Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 513 Intense Competition

Chapter 513 Intense Competition
Chapter 510 The fifth fierce competition

wow wow...

The water in the holy spring is full of pure energy. It is hard to imagine what level that star soul master has reached.

But at the bottom of this water flow, there is a gloomyness different from the shining stars, and there is even a hint of evil, which makes people chill.

This is naturally the magic power that ordinary people talk about, and it was transformed by the six dead magic powers back then.

For ordinary warriors, this level of power means destruction, but for Geng Li, it is definitely a great tonic.

His arsenic, my honey.

"Haha, you six guys, I didn't expect that, in the end, it's still cheaper than me!"

Sensing that magical power, Geng Li couldn't help laughing, extremely excited.

He is a soul body, which can be said to be very weak. It will be very difficult to restore the peak strength, or even recast the physical body. At this moment, the power of these six demonic powerhouses is like a helping hand to him. Most of his strength has been restored.

In the next few days, he will be able to have the strength to help Lin Chen.

Although Geng Li is evil and terrifying, he is absolutely loyal to Lin Chen, the young master.

It's hard to imagine how powerful the former Demon Emperor would be to make strong men like Geng Li so desperate.

In his heart, the devil emperor has long been a kind of belief, so how can he die.

And just when he was about to start devouring this kind of power, he suddenly felt a terrible crisis coming, almost deflecting his body with instinct, and the next moment, there was a terrifying attack, rubbing against his shoulder However, it exploded violently, and the fluctuations made the water waves extremely turbulent.

Looking back, Geng Li couldn't help but shrink his pupils suddenly.

"It's you!!!"

And it seemed that he was very satisfied with Geng Li's reaction, a cloud of black ink-like smoke rippled away, and slowly turned into a figure, looking at Geng Li, his eyes were full of coldness.

"It's worthy of being called the Undead Demon Emperor. Even that old guy, the ancestor of the Five Elements, couldn't kill you. Geng Li, don't come here!"

The voice was a little hoarse, the man stared at Geng Li, and the blackness behind Geng Li, with greed flashing in his eyes.

This kind of power is extremely important to Geng Li, but it is also a great supplement to him.

"Dai Xichao! You're not dead!"

Geng Li opened his mouth and stared at this person in shock, his eyes full of disbelief.

"You're not dead, so why would I want to die? Geng Li, it's time to settle the grievances from the beginning." Dai Xichao stared at He Chao, and his handprints had already begun to move.


"Lin Chen's talent as a star soul master is so strong. Even if he communicated with Fan Xing, this shortcoming has been perfectly made up for by the heart of the stars. What's more, the star-studded vision can really be called unique in the world!"

Sweat dripped from his forehead, and Tsing Yi felt the pressure.

In this kind of battle, he has already started to fall into the bottom, and although he has absorbed a lot of energy, it is not as good as Lin Chen, which is unacceptable to him who is proud.

He not only represents himself, but also represents Qingdiyu. If he is weaker than Lin Chen in such a battle, it means that Qingdiyu is not as good as Longdiyu.

With the pride in his heart, this is absolutely impossible.

"Boundless God Tower!"

Squeezing the handprints, he began to recite silently in his heart. Suddenly, when the situation changed, the shadow of a huge cyan tower appeared behind Tsing Yi. That kind of momentum instantly suppressed the entire holy spring, making everyone feel Breathing stopped.

"That's the Boundless God Tower!"

Accompanied by exclamations, Lin Chen also found that the Qing Emperor Wujiang seal on his head was buzzing at this moment, conveying a sense of surrender.

Lin Chen could feel that what Tsing Yi conjured up was just a phantom of a divine pagoda, but this kind of aura was already a bit stronger than the ancient Kunlun Pagoda of Kunlun Academy. This was the aura of an imperial soldier!
With the appearance of the Boundless Divine Pagoda, the wind and thunder around Tsing Yi accelerated the speed at which he absorbed the power of the Holy Spring, reaching the same level as Lin Chen, and even faintly surpassing Lin Chen. a trace.

"Tsing Yi actually used the power of the Wujiang God Tower, this is clearly cheating!"

"Within the Holy Mountain of Qingdi, with the blessing of the Boundless God Tower, he is almost invincible, who can fight him?"

Luo Shui and Ruan Xiaoyu were also very dissatisfied and looked at Tsing Yi.

And Lin Chen also frowned slightly, he felt that Tsing Yi was wantonly plundering these powers, in this case, the power he could get would be less.

Such an opportunity is once in a lifetime, so we must strive for it!

Immediately, the handprints were pinched, and behind Lin Chen, a huge cyan shadow of Jielong manifested. He opened his huge mouth and began to swallow. The surge of golden awns in the body increased the power of such swallowing and sucking, causing the entire holy spring to fluctuate at this moment.

Unleashing the twin holy-rank dragon souls to absorb this power, Lin Chen felt that the two martial souls were also emanating joyful emotions. This pure energy is also a great tonic for the martial souls.

If the Jielong Wuhun is already a sleepy dragon ascending to heaven, then the koi carp Wuhun does not yet have the real golden scale leaping over the dragon's gate. Although it has completely transformed and reached the level almost like a real dragon, Lin Chen understands that it is still missing. Then some wind and rain.

The golden scales are by no means a thing in a pool, they will transform into a dragon when it encounters wind and rain!

These words are by no means empty words. Lin Chen still has a long way to go to unearth the true power of the Octopus Golden Dragon, and the pure power absorbed at this moment is a foundation, a savings.

The dragon's chant reverberated, the water waves burst, and some people with weak strength even kept retreating at this moment, their faces shocked.

And with the appearance of such a holy dragon soul, even the phantom of the divine tower behind Tsing Yi swayed a little, which made Tsing Yi even more surprised.

Even an ordinary holy-rank martial soul can't shake the phantom of the divine tower at all, even if it's just a phantom, it's still an extreme imperial weapon!
But now, Jielong's power directly threatened the Phantom of the Divine Pagoda.

"No one has ever surprised me so much!"

Tsing Yi murmured, and Longcheng in the distance also gritted his teeth. Although he himself possessed a holy dragon soul, compared with Lin Chen, it was not enough.

It's simply not comparable.

However, when Longcheng received a message at this moment, a cold smile suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he immediately stared at Lin Chen, with the corners of his mouth raised quietly.

"Lin Chen, Lin Chen, I want to see if your heart is more decisive and ruthless than that devil emperor back then, or is it indecisive!"

(End of this chapter)

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