Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 515 1 sheep

Chapter 515 A Sheep
Chapter 510 A Sheep
Boom boom boom!
The manic demonic energy was tumbling, and streams of pure magical power also surged at this moment, recklessly rushing into the Senluo Demon Tablet in Lin Chen's hand.

And through the magic tablet, this power also continued to transform, entered his body, turned into billowing black primordial power, and flowed through his whole body.

"how can that be?"

Dai Xichao was about to burst into tears, just now he wanted to kill Lin Chen and seize the remnants of the emperor's soldiers, but now, Lin Chen actually took out the God Monument of the Demon Emperor!
And Lin Chen's eyes were also full of splendor. He could feel that with such absorption, there was a very weak aura inside the magic tablet, which was growing and waking up.

Obviously, this should be the tablet spirit in the magic tablet.

At the beginning, it caused the death of Senluo Demon Venerable Ye Tianchen, and later infiltrated the power of magic into Lin Chen's body. He wanted to transform Xiaoyu into Lin Chen's third martial soul and transport him from the Eastern Pole Continent to this place. All within the Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie are all this stele spirit!
It can be said that in Lin Chen's entire cultivation path, this magic tablet has played a decisive role, influencing Lin Chen's choice.

Lin Chen even suspected that the reason why the Devil Emperor was defeated in the first place was because of this devil tablet!
If it wasn't forced by the situation, Lin Chen didn't want to use the Senluo Demon Tablet at all, and at this moment, the appearance of the Demon Tablet was not his original intention, but the Demon Tablet, madly wanting to manifest and absorb the magic power!
After coming to Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie, Lin Chen has already noticed that the power of the magic way is different from the ordinary power.

The magic power is more domineering and terrifying, and there is a sinister force. It is much stronger than ordinary yuan power. It seems that it is incompatible with this world. This is why people in the magic way are regarded as aliens.

If the magic tablet wants to recover, ordinary power is of little use. Only by absorbing magic power can it become stronger.

And the magic springs in front of him, which were transformed by six magic saints, are undoubtedly a great supplement to the magic tablet, and it is also the first time since the magic tablet entered Lin Chen's body that he encountered such good fortune.

Lin Chen felt that the consciousness inside the magic tablet was getting stronger and stronger.

Both Dai Xichao and Geng Li looked at the demon tablet in disbelief, and couldn't help but kneel down. Such coercion is undoubtedly fatal to people in the demon way.

If it wasn't for the demon tablet deliberately bypassing the two of them, I'm afraid they would have been absorbed by the demon tablet.

Boom boom boom!
Inside the holy spring, everyone was startled. This kind of movement has affected the entire holy spring. Could it be that Lin Chen really did it?
What exactly does he want to do?
Tsing Yi frowned tightly, feeling a little worried in her heart.

As the Young Emperor of the Qingdi Domain, he understands the dangers below the holy spring, and the surging magic power is even stronger than the power of the stars.

Once these forces are controlled and released, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

"Could it be Lin Chen's handwriting?"

Longcheng was also a little panicked, he understood that that guy Dai Xichao couldn't make such a big commotion no matter what.

"Big brother!"

Worried about Lin Chen, Xiao Yu was desperate, and went directly to the holy spring of riots. Seeing this, Luo Shuirou gritted her teeth and followed.


Long Cheng also flashed his figure and headed downwards, he wanted to see what the hell Lin Chen was doing!

But at this moment, among the gleaming runes on the magic tablet, they crazily swallowed that magical power, and a breath that could be called overbearing, also slowly recovered, as if there was a vague totem, wanting to show out.

At the same time, Lin Chen was infused with a large amount of Yuanli, and the strength in his body was close to saturation. He was only one step away from the seventh level of Transcendence. If he wanted to, he could break through now.

Of course, now is not the time to break through.

"someone is coming!"

Lin Chen looked at the figure above the water spring and was startled.

He owns the magic tablet and the magic halberd, which are secrets that must not be leaked out. Immediately, with a thought, he turned to the magic tablet for help.

At this moment, the magic tablet can only be said to be very strong, and Lin Chen doesn't know what kind of power it possesses.

And the Mobei naturally understood that it could not be discovered by others, and in a flash of black light, it directly took the souls of Geng Li and Dai Xichao into it, and then returned to Lin Chen's body.

It's just that the manic black magic power still didn't stop. Instead, it rushed forward, directly covering Lin Chen's figure completely.

And this scene happened to be seen by Xiao Yu and others who rushed down.

In their eyes, what they saw happened to be Lin Chen being swallowed by the surging magic power!

"Big brother!"

"Lin Chen!"

Xiaoyu and Luo Shuirou both exclaimed, rushing into the wave of magic power desperately, trying to rescue Lin Chen.

When Longcheng saw this, he was overjoyed for a moment.

"Lin Chen will surely die!"

Although he didn't know why these magical powers would suddenly devour Lin Chen, one thing Longcheng could be sure of was that Lin Chen was dead.

"Lin Chen was swallowed by the magic power under the holy spring?!"

"Young Master of the Dragon Gate, is he dead?!"

"what on earth is it?"

Shouts of exclamation spread throughout the holy spring, and Tsing Yi's eyes trembled. Even he didn't dare to break into the magic power below. Lin Chen fell into it, and it can be said that he was dead.

"No, big brother won't die!"

After the shock, Xiao Yu quickly reacted.

Growing up with Lin Chen all the way to the present, he is very clear that there is a demon tablet in Lin Chen's body, and that demon tablet almost turned him into Lin Chen's third martial soul.

Although these magic powers are strong, but Lin Chen has a magic tablet, but there is absolutely no danger!
He could even feel the connection with Lin Chen in the dark, after all, he was also Lin Chen's favorite in battle.

But in fact, it is true, Lin Chen is sitting cross-legged in the middle of those terrifying magic powers, under him, a magic tablet continues to absorb the magic power, while the extremely complicated runes flashing on it, a mysterious totem , became more and more clear.

Lin Chen was also very surprised looking at such a totem, with a faint premonition in his heart.

The artifact spirit that has been affecting him in this magic tablet should be about to manifest.

hum. .

Time flowed slowly, and soon, it took a full two sticks of incense time. Almost three-tenths of these terrifying magic powers were absorbed. On the magic tablet, complicated lines flowed, and finally condensed a shadow.

Lin Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, staring at this shadow.

Immediately afterwards, the magic power surging from all around stagnated, and this shadow also came out directly from the magic tablet, and abruptly turned into a somewhat solid light and shadow in front of Lin Chen.

"Hey, how many years have passed, this deity is finally able to show up again!"

The voice was indescribably weird, and what made Lin Chen even more dumbfounded was that the light and shadow in front of him, which he guessed had countless possible magical lights, turned out to be...a sheep! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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