Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 517 Shinto Oath, Divine Power Art

Chapter 517 Shinto Oath, Divine Power Art
Chapter 510 IX Shinto Oath, Divine Power Jue
A word out, it is stone-breaking.

Lin Chen looked shocked, looking at the demon sheep in front of him, waiting for his explanation.

However, the demon sheep shook his head slowly.

"There are too many involved in this, it is useless to tell you now, you just need to concentrate on cultivation, I admit that before I wanted to infiltrate your body secretly with devil energy, but now, I will assist you wholeheartedly !” The devil swears.

Lin Chen also understood that there was a purpose behind the secret arrangement of the devil sheep, and even helping him become stronger. It turned out that he wanted to take himself away.

"Then why should I trust you now?" Lin Chen asked.

"You have the physique of a twin holy-rank dragon soul that never changes in ten thousand years. You are just as strong as the yang, and you have the vision of a top star soul master. In my state, if I want to snatch you from you, it is tantamount to killing myself. You You can also see that I am a demon cultivator, and a real demon cannot blend with you!"

These words made Lin Chen somewhat believe it.

Although with the help of the power of the magic tablet, he can display extremely magical power, but he can also feel that that power is different from the original force, even incompatible!
The demon sheep is a real demon, and I am afraid it cannot occupy his body.

But Lin Chen is still unwilling to gamble with his wealth and life. With the method of the devil sheep, he may be able to play him to death without anyone noticing.

Seeing that Lin Chen was worried, the Demon Sheep sighed softly.

"Then I will make a Shinto oath with you, it's okay."

Shinto oath? !
Lin Chen had never heard of it. The oath of the way of heaven in this small world is already extremely binding, and no one dares to violate it. But now, the magic sheep actually proposed a so-called oath of the way of God?

What is this?
Seeing Lin Chen's appearance, the Demon Sheep was naturally very proud.

"It's okay to tell you, this deity is a strong man of the divine way, and the only one who can restrain the strong man of the divine way is naturally the oath of the divine way, the oath of the heavenly way of the small thousand world, at most restraining the little guy in the emperor's realm, it is not worth a bit for the divine way carry!"

Shinto powerhouse!
Lin Chen had guessed for a long time that there is a higher level above the Emperor Realm, which was originally called Shinto!

"I, Yang Xiao, made a divine oath today to help Lin Chen wholeheartedly before he reaches the emperor's realm. If I violate it, I will fall into reincarnation forever!"

It turns out that this demon sheep has another name, Yang Xiao.

And as Yang Xiao's words fell, suddenly, above the nine heavens, there seemed to be a mysterious force restraining him. As long as he dared to disobey, he would definitely be severely punished.

Of course, Lin Chen would not naively think that Yang Xiao would assist him wholeheartedly, and in this oath, it was mentioned that before the Emperor Realm, once he reached the Emperor Realm, maybe Yang Xiao would turn his back on him immediately.

However, in a short time, there should be no changes.

"Okay, you tough kid." Yang Xiao was annoyed.

Lin Chen, on the other hand, showed a meaningful smile and looked at Yang Xiao: "My holy spring baptism has been delayed a lot, can you help me?"

Don't take advantage of the bastard, since Yang Xiao has made an oath, he must squeeze this guy hard.

Although he is just an illusory soul body now, but with his knowledge and background of a superpower in the divine way, he is equivalent to a know-it-all handy.

You know, the jade card and Su Rang's communication with Su Rang at any time before also helped Lin Chen a lot.

On the road of practice, the guidance of seniors can play a decisive role in many cases.

"Sacred spring baptism, hehe, this kind of thing is worthless in my world. With your talent, baptism in this kind of place is a waste of your talent!"

Yang Xiao, the devil sheep, was lying when he opened his mouth.

"Here is the essence power of six demon powers in the Holy Land. Although it is magic power, with me here, I guarantee that you can absorb it perfectly!"

This is true. Lin Chen had absorbed a lot of energy when he passed the magic tablet just now. At this time, as long as he is willing, he can break through to the seventh level of Transcendent.

"But the power of the holy spring has the power of a star soul master. What I want is the breakthrough of a star soul master." Lin Chen said.

"It doesn't matter, I will teach you a secret method, no matter what kind of power it is, it can be transformed into the power you want. This is a secret that involves the core of the powerhouse of the divine way!"

As Yang Xiao, the demon sheep, danced its hooves, it looked a little funny, but in front of him, at this moment, black spots of light appeared, converging into three miraculous characters.

Divine Power Jue.

"This name is so vulgar, Demon Sheep, are you sure what kind of powerful secret technique this is?"

Lin Chen taunted, but made the devil sheep jump.

The name Divine Power Jue is indeed a bit vulgar, but it is undeniable that this method is powerful.

You know, after a martial artist reaches the Emperor Realm, he can turn his hands into clouds and rain, and the legendary Divine Dao realm transforms all the power of a warrior into divine power!

Whether it is the power of the physical body, the power of the origin, or the power of the stars, they all become divine power, which is the greatest reliance of the strong in the divine way.

Just like Fan Zhenhao back then, when his physical body was sanctified, he could flatten a mountain with one palm, but if he reached the realm of the divine way and became a god with his physical body, he could transform the power of the physical body into divine power just like ordinary divine powers.

And this divine power formula can transform all other powers into a kind of pseudo-divine power for the needs of warriors.

Although it is said that this kind of pseudo-divine power is far from the real divine power and is not on the same level at all, it is still much stronger than ordinary power.

Using this divine power formula, you can transform all the magic power in front of you into the power of the stars or Yuan power that Lin Chen needs, but you can temper your physical power!
Comprehending the mysterious formula, Lin Chen's heart was also filled with turbulent waves.

This kind of formula, really can defy the sky!
Without hesitation, he made a handprint, and suddenly, a black vortex appeared in Lin Chen's palm, and the terrifying magic power around him also surged towards Lin Chen's palm, entering the vortex of the magic formula. among.

And after the transformation of the vortex, the magic power immediately turned into the pure power of the stars, rushing towards Lin Chen's sea of ​​stars!

"nice one!"

Lin Chen's eyes lit up, and he speeded up immediately. Although the magic power in front of him could not be completely absorbed, it could definitely improve his cultivation in an all-round way.

Whether it is Yuanli, the power of the stars, or the body, it will all undergo a transformation!
"Boy, hurry up. When you finish absorbing, this deity is about to start absorbing. Heh heh, I'm sorry you can't absorb much. At this moment, you still have one-thousandth of the energy equivalent to a powerhouse of the Divine Dao. I think See how much you can absorb!"

The demon sheep Yang Xiao looked at Lin Chen, and in his heart, he was also looking forward to how much Lin Chen could absorb.

(End of this chapter)

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