Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 523 Climbing to the top, green characters

Chapter 523 Climbing to the top, green characters

Chapter 520 Climbing to the top, green characters
A small success without a trace!
That's right, during the cultivation just now, Lin Chen had already begun to absorb the black water glaze, and practiced the second strategy of the nine strategies of township without trace.

Different from Xuanhuang Ce's weightiness, Wuhen Policy focuses on the word Wuhen.

Xuanhuang Ce cultivates the power of Xuanhuang, while Wuhen Ce cultivates a kind of Wuhen power that evolves to the extreme speed.

Between shots, the power is invisible and colorless, and it is hard to guard against.

At this moment, Lin Chen flicked his ten fingers repeatedly, and he shot continuously without a trace. Under the cover of the night, there was no trace to be found. In the blink of an eye, with the sound of screams, the remaining four people had already fallen down. three people.

There was only one person left, and he looked at Lin Chen, who was like a god of death, with a horrified expression. His knees softened, and he knelt down.

"Young master of the Longmen, please spare me! I really don't know that this woman is acquainted with you, otherwise I wouldn't dare to offend you. I beg you, please spare my life. I will get out immediately, get out immediately!"

Kowtowing like pounding garlic, this person has been scared out of his wits by Lin Chen.

Even if his realm surpassed Lin Chen, but when he really faced Lin Chen, he didn't even dare to have half a heart of confrontation.

Just the aura emanating from Lin Chen's body made him irresistible!
This is the real powerhouse!
Seeing this, Lin Chen didn't show any pity in his eyes, but shook his head slowly.

"Tranny. A woman is a big evil, I can't let you go."

After all, Lin Chen's palm slashed down from the air, and an invisible force surged towards this person, and immediately, the space was torn apart.

"Damn it, I'm fighting with you!"

Seeing this, this person immediately got up from the ground, and the energy in his body surged violently, full of mania, and he actually chose to blew himself up at this moment!
However, as soon as he took a step, he felt that the force drawn in his body was directly suppressed, and the next moment, his eyes suddenly rose, and he was shocked to find that there was a headless corpse falling down spurting blood.


Before he even had time to say a word, his consciousness was plunged into darkness.

Under Lin Chen's oppression, he couldn't even blew himself up, so he was beheaded directly and died.

This scene also deeply shocked Luo Shuirou, Kong Nian, and Xiaoyu not far away.

You know, this person is the strongest among these few people, even Luo Shuirou at the moment can't suppress him, but in front of Lin Chen, he can't hold out even one move.

After beheading this person, Lin Chen looked at Kong Nian.

At this time Kong Nian had already put on that green shirt, but it couldn't cover up his hot figure.

In her eyes, there was no longer the coquettishness of the past, but instead, there was a deep sense of powerlessness.

Once upon a time, she was looking forward to winning the championship and gaining glory in the Qingdi Sacred Mountain Observation Ceremony, but now, the two accompanying clansmen are dead, and if she hadn't met Lin Chen, she would have died in humiliation.

"Thank you, Young Master Longmen, for saving your life."

Kong Nian lowered his head, his eyes were filled with tears.

How much she loves the man in front of her, but unfortunately, the gap between the two parties is really too big, so big that she, Kong Nian, dare not have the slightest extravagant hope.

With complicated eyes, Lin Chen nodded without saying too much.

But Luo Shuirou looked at this situation, but inexplicably felt jealous in her heart.

This peacock woman must have some entanglements with Lin Chen.

"It's very dangerous here, your cultivation base is not enough, it's better not to go any further, it's wise to leave as soon as possible." Luo Shuirou said a little coldly.

These words immediately made Kong Nian's body tremble again.

The young master of Longmen, the oiran of the blue sparrow.

Such characters are suitable to be matched together. What is she like Kong Nian?
"Thank you for your kindness, goodbye!"

Wearing a green shirt, Kong Nian turned around and disappeared into the night.

Seeing her gone, Luo Shuirou breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was very confident in her appearance, she still felt jealous when she saw other women around Lin Chen.

Speaking of which, she had never felt this way about a man.

Lin Chen didn't speak, turned around and returned to the bonfire, continued to practice Wuhence, pondered the true meaning of the world, and stabilized the realm.

But the demon sheep in his body was a little sloppy and said: "Boy, this woman is obviously interested in you, if you don't know nothing, you are so stupid, remember me back then, but I used to control ten women at night..."

Of course, Lin Chen ignored the demon sheep.

There was nothing to say all night, although there were strong people not far away who felt the fluctuation of the battle, but in such a situation, ordinary people would not intervene.

"Today we are going to climb to the top, and if we want to get the opportunity to observe, in addition to the holy spring baptism, there is also a three-party competition for the best seat. If you feel above the best seat, you will have a greater chance to succeed in enlightenment." !"

In the early morning of the second day, Luo Shuirou said.

Lin Chen had heard about this for a long time. For him, it was natural to compete for the best seat of the three parties. Perhaps, there was more than just one seat to fight for!
Quickly heading towards the peak, everyone could already feel a mysterious and vast aura coming from the peak, the closer they got, the stronger the aura.

Even the primordial power in the body boiled up, and the extraordinary true meaning in everyone's body also gave birth to many insights.

This can't help but surprise people.

It has such an effect before seeing the green character. If you observe it in person, it will definitely have a miraculous effect, and your cultivation base will greatly increase!
Everyone's hearts became hot.

Even Lin Chen was looking forward to it. The purpose of this trip to the Qing Emperor's Holy Mountain was to observe the Qing character. After all, it was something left by the Qing Emperor. It will be unimaginable.

As for the other two directions, Longcheng and Ye Fan were also delighted, quickened their pace, and headed towards the peak.

"Hmph, when the Qing character realizes the Tao, that's when I break into the power of the king. At that time, Lin Chen, I want you to die without a place to bury you!" Ye Fan's sleeves and robes were half empty, and there was indescribable hatred in his eyes.

On the other side, Longcheng's eyes were extremely cold, and he also had the heart of killing Lin Chen.

In the future of Longdiyu, there can only be one young emperor, and that is his Dragon City. As for Lin Chen, no matter how amazing he is, he is destined to die in his hands!

Lin Chen naturally knew that many people wanted him to die. Even though he was unparalleled in talent, facing many powerful enemies, he might not be able to retreat unscathed.

What's more, there are Xiaoyu and Luo Shuirou to protect.

However, in Lin Chen's heart, there was no panic at all. Instead, he was vaguely looking forward to the upcoming battle.

He is now at the seventh level of Transcendent, and he doesn't know how far he will reach after experiencing the Qingzi Enlightenment.

According to the magic sheep, it attracts so much light that no one can do anything to him.

But half a day passed, when the shining sun in the sky almost rose to the center of the sky, figures finally climbed to the peak of Qingdi Holy Mountain, and finally saw the unparalleled man in front of him. The emperor wrote the green characters himself!
(End of this chapter)

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