Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 525 Amazing move

Chapter 525 Amazing move
Chapter 520 Seven Surprising Moves

Lin Chen actually wanted to monopolize the two jade seats?
Naturally, it is impossible for one person to occupy the two jade seats. No one can break this kind of rule. At this moment, Lin Chen's move is naturally for Xiaoyu or Luo Shuirou beside him.

Seeing this, Tsing Yi also glanced at Lin Chen with great interest.

I don't know, if he wins the two jade seats, the extra seat will be for a brother or a woman.

Of course, Tsing Yi was absolutely proud. It was naturally the best that Lin Chen didn't come to snatch his seat at this time. If Lin Chen wanted to snatch it, he was also confident that he would never be snatched away by Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen, you are too deceitful!"

"It's too arrogant to want to fight two with one!"

Long Cheng and Dao Yu immediately became furious, staring at Lin Chen, wishing they could tear him apart.

Lin Chen is insulting them, everyone is a genius, but no one can bear this tone.

Immediately stood up, without further ado, Longcheng had already unleashed the steel-winged flying dragon martial soul, as well as that desolate true meaning, a powerful force radiated out, pointing directly at Lin Chen.

Similarly, Dao Yu's side also immediately displayed a tyrannical method, as if his whole body was wrapped by an indescribable stone pillar, turning into a stone man, and his fists could shatter the sky and earth.

Both of them are top geniuses, such fluctuations immediately shocked the audience, all eyes were fixed on the battle situation, looking forward to such a result.

But Lin Chen snorted coldly, raised his palm, and a dark purple false divine power appeared.

The last time I got the sweetness, I still have to use my pseudo-divine power today.

At this moment, the pseudo-divine power condensed and turned into a ferocious dark purple halberd. Wherever the halberd edge swept, the space quietly collapsed.

"Damn it, it's this kind of power again!"

Longcheng's pupils shrank, obviously because he was extremely afraid of this pseudo-divine power, after all, he had already suffered a loss once.

Dao Yu on the other side also tensed up. He had witnessed the scene where Lin Chen used his pseudo-divine power to defeat Dragon City.

"Dao Yu, you and I join forces, I still don't believe that he can turn the world upside down!"

Longcheng roared angrily, his fingerprints changed, and he had cast a huge dragon-shaped phantom, roaring up to the sky, rushing out and rushing towards Lin Chen's face.

"Rising Dragon Shadow, destroy!"

At the same time, Dao Yu gritted his teeth and shot, a stone pillar that seemed to reach the sky swept away, pointing straight at Lin Chen's back.

When the two attacked together, the color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed, and a tyrannical energy storm swept away. No one present, except Tsing Yi, was likely to be able to catch it.

Seeing this, a sneer flashed in the depths of Lin Chen's eyes.

"Opening the Heavenly Halberd Technique!"

While waving the dark purple halberd in his hand, Lin Chen directly used the Heaven Opening Halberd Technique, and directly displayed a full thirty strokes of the 36 re-opening the sky energy.

Thirty halberd lights that were completely condensed by pseudo-divine power gathered together in the air, turning into a huge dark purple halberd light that was hundreds of meters long, as if it could tear apart the sky and the earth. cut down.

According to Longcheng's plan, it is Qingzi who enlightens the Tao, and immediately kills Lin Chen after breaking into the king, but at this moment, it is still unknown whether he can realize the enlightenment safely.

Above this halberd light, Longcheng felt a breath of death.

Even the dragon shadow he cast trembled, just facing this sky-opening power, he was on the verge of collapse!

When Lin Chen hadn't learned the divine power formula, maybe he could still fight Lin Chen, but now that Lin Chen possessed the divine power formula, he had no chance at all.

"I'll help you!"

Dao Yu roared angrily, and at this moment, Longcheng must not be defeated, otherwise he would definitely not be able to defeat Lin Chen with his own strength.

With a pinch of the handprint, the huge stone pillar in his hand shot out, darting towards the huge purple halberd light.

The next moment, the halberd light, the dragon shadow, and the stone pillar collided fiercely. Suddenly, an extremely strong explosion sound spread, and the space above the sky was distorted.

Fortunately, the space on the top of Qingdi Sacred Mountain is relatively stable, and its recovery ability is also very strong, so this kind of battle did not cause much damage.

"Damn it, what kind of power did Lin Chen possess, so that he won't lose the slightest bit with one against two?!"

Staring at this scene, Ye Fan was extremely shocked.

He had broken his arm at this moment, and he would never think about following in Lin Chen's footsteps in this life.

If you want to get rid of Lin Chen, you can only rely on the power of Ye Sheng's clan.


With a sinking heart, Longcheng suddenly felt that his own dragon shadow had begun to collapse on a large scale, completely unable to withstand the sky-opening halberd light, and at the same time, the stone pillar displayed by Dao Yu had also been cracked inch by inch open.

But Lin Chen's dark purple halberd light is still powerful!

"Break it for me!"

At the same time that the dark purple halberd of pseudo-divine power fell in Lin Chen's hand, the huge halberd light above the sky also crashed down at this moment, and the dragon shadow that was still resisting collapsed directly, and along with that, the huge stone pillar also completely collapsed and go.

At the same time, blood spurted from the mouths of Long Cheng and Dao Yu, and their momentum also weakened.

With one against two, Lin Chen actually defeated his opponent. Immediately, even Tsing Yi was a little surprised.

He expected that Lin Chen would win, but he didn't expect that with just one move, the two of them could be defeated.

Falling from the sky, the two of them looked a little pale and complicated. Looking at Lin Chen's figure, they finally chose to compromise.

If the fight continues, the two of them will pay a heavy price. Such a price will delay Qing Zi's realization, and they cannot afford it.

Therefore, both of them were also very decisive, and immediately chose the second-class stone seat, kicked two unlucky guys out at random, and occupied the seat.

Seeing this, Lin Chen turned his head and looked at Xiaoyu and Luo Shuirou.

At this time, most of the competition for other seats was settled, and everyone's eyes also fell on Lin Chen.

Will Lin Chen give up the extra seat to Xiaoyu or Luo Shuirou?
Xiao Yu had just turned into a human form not long ago, so not many people knew him, he was only regarded as Lin Chen's follower, most of them thought that Lin Chen and Luo Shuirou would occupy the two jade bodies together. seats.

Naturally, Xiaoyu and Luo Shuirou also wanted to feel comprehension on the jade seat, but they both didn't want to make things difficult for Lin Chen, so they both wanted to open their mouths and give up their seats.

But before they could make a move, Lin Chen made a move that shocked the audience.

I saw him walking towards the back slowly, came to the end of all the seats, and said to Xiaoyu and Luo Shuirou: "The two jade seats, you two, go over."


Lin Chen actually gave up the jade seat and gave it to these two people, so what about himself, how should he feel?

(End of this chapter)

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