Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 528 Untitled

Chapter 528 Untitled (Happy May Day!)
Chapter 530 Untitled
The audience was shocked, one after another exclamation sounded, and then gradually subsided.

Everyone looked at Lin Chen again.

This time, Lin Chen's loss was a bit big!

Even though Luo Shuirou is extremely talented, few people present in Chapter 530 would give up their jade seats for a woman.

After all, such an opportunity is really too rare.

And Lin Chen, without even blinking his eyes, gave Luo Shuirou the jade seat, and allowed her to make such a breakthrough.

To everyone's disappointment, Lin Chen's expression remained calm, showing no sign of regret.

"Tsk tsk, this girl's talent is not bad, and she has attracted [-] feet of green light, but most of it is also due to the credit of the jade seat." Demon Sheep said.

But at this moment, Lin Chen had lost half of his words, he was completely immersed in such a feeling, his eyes were fixed on the green character, and he remained motionless.

The Demon Sheep even wondered if Lin Chen had seen the [-] zhang blue light drawn by Luo Shuirou.

Moreover, the demon sheep felt that Lin Chen seemed to have entered a mysterious and mysterious state. Others could not feel it, but he could feel it.

Therefore, he shut his mouth wisely and did not bother Lin Chen any more.

Perhaps, this kid can really create a miracle...

"The blue light soars to the sky, [-] feet, good guy, I don't know which genius wrote it."

At this moment, under the Qingdi Holy Mountain, in the Qingdi City, Nie Qianlou, Dao Guantian, Zuo Jinglong, Liu Yonghan, Ji Ning, and the leaders of many other forces are all staring at the movement on the holy mountain.

With the cultivation base of these masters, it is natural that they can easily see how long the blue light is, but they don't know who caused it.

The patriarch of Ye Sheng's clan, Ye Gai, stared at the blue light and snorted softly.

"Such a blue light must have been drawn out by me, Ye Fan of Ye Sheng's clan!"

At this moment, he only knew that Ye Lingtian was dead, but he didn't know that Ye Fan, his favorite student, had lost his arm in embarrassment and had been deprived of his holy weapon.

What's more, he didn't know that the blue light drawn by Ye Fan was only two hundred feet long, which was not enough for a fraction of the thousand five hundred feet at the moment.

"Hehe, Ye Gai, you really know how to tell jokes."

With a sneer, Daoist Guan Tian was a little annoyed.

"This kind of blue light is of course caused by Dao Yu of my Taoist school. Compared with Dao Yu, Ye Fan is still a little worse!"

"Nonsense, Ye Fan has always been on top of Dao Yu on the extraordinary gold list, if this [-]-foot green light is caused by Dao Yu, then Ye Fan must be able to surpass [-] feet!" Ye Gaileng Said loudly.

And as if in response to his words, suddenly, on the top of the Qingdi Sacred Mountain, there was another dazzling cyan brilliance that shot straight into the sky.

Whoa whoa whoa!
The invisible air waves danced wildly, making people unable to open their eyes. Everyone was dumbfounded as they stared at the incomparably huge cyan beam of light surging up from that black-robed figure that no one could look down upon.

Kohane! ! ! !
Everyone only thought that Xiao Yu was Lin Chen's follower. They didn't expect that Lin Chen would give up the jade seat to Xiao Yu. !

Could it be that this little-known kid's talent is even higher than that of Luo Shuirou?
Ye Fan, Dao Yu, and even Tsing Yi, who had always been very indifferent, looked at Xiao Yu in surprise.

The blue light soared straight into the sky, and it actually reached a full three thousand feet at this moment. This achievement is fully twice that of Luo Shuirou!
And if anyone was the most surprised, it would naturally be Luo Shuirou.

She could see clearly that Xiao Yu was originally a Sky Flame Eagle, but she had just transformed into an adult not long ago, and yet she was able to achieve such a result, it was simply unbelievable!
Lin Chen, even the monster beside him is so powerful?

The blue light of three thousand feet really blinded everyone's eyes.

Inside Qingdi City, Dao Guantian sneered, staring at the blue light with joy in his eyes.

"This must have been caused by Dao Yu, it must have been caused by Dao Yu!"

And Ye Gai did his part, obviously because he was extremely at odds with Dao Guantian.

"Bah! If the three-thousand-foot blue light is triggered by Dao Yu, I'll lend you the Ye Sheng Tu axis of Ye Sheng's clan!" Ye Gai was very excited.

"Hahaha! Alright, if Ye Fan caused this blue light, I will also lend you my Taoist talisman!" How could Dao Guantian fall behind Ye Gai.

Hearing this, a smile flashed across Nie Qianlou's eyes.

"You two, if this blue light is neither caused by Ye Fan nor Dao Yu, what should we do?"

Hearing this, Ye Gai and Dao Guantian's eyes flashed coldness.

"Guardian Qianlou, do you think that this kind of blue light was caused by the young emperor in Tsing Yi?"

"Hmph, although the blue light of three thousand feet is already very good, but the performance of the young emperor in Tsing Yi will definitely exceed three thousand feet."

On this point, the two were in unison.

Indeed, although three thousand feet is already very powerful, it is not at Tsing Yi's level.

Looking at the entire Qingdi domain, Tsing Yi's talent is unparalleled.

"No, no, I also think that the young emperor's green light will far exceed three thousand feet." Nie Qianlou smiled and said nothing more.

He looked at Zuo Jinglong, and the two looked at each other, and suddenly, they knew each other.

Then, everyone continued to stare at the top of the holy mountain, waiting for the blue light to rise.

Naturally, the blue lights continued one after another, and there were people who completed their comprehension every moment, but none of them achieved good results.

Straw mats, wooden seats, and stone seats can draw out hundreds of meters of blue light, which is already very remarkable.

Only a seat made of jade can surpass a thousand feet.

This is a default rule.

But today, this rule seems to be broken.

I saw Longcheng sitting on the stone seat, his eyes suddenly opened, and a cyan glow shot up, and suddenly, between the sky and the earth, a cyan brilliance shot up into the sky, breaking through a thousand feet!

The blue light is thousands of feet!

Everyone stared at this scene dumbfounded, but the skyrocketing blue light did not stop in the slightest. Instead, it continued to skyrocket upwards in a violent manner. In just a few breaths, it reached Two thousand feet!
This result has already surpassed Luo Shuirou, you know, Dragon City is in the stone seat!
If he was in the Yuzhi seat, the results would be even more terrifying.

Moreover, the blue light of two thousand feet is not the end of Dragon City.

A stern light flashed in his eyes, and Longcheng murmured quietly.

"Lin Chen, I want you to see today, who is the real unparalleled talent, who has the real qualifications to succeed the Dragon Emperor!"

After all, his handprints changed, and the blue light above his head seemed to let out a tyrannical roar, soaring straight into the sky.

Boom boom boom!
Violent fluctuations swept across, and the blue beam of light rose, causing layers of explosions. Finally, under the attention of the entire Qingdi City and the Qingdi Sacred Mountain, it completely reached five thousand feet!
Dragon City, blue light, five thousand feet!
ps: thanks!grateful!grateful!When I woke up today, I saw the monthly tickets of my brothers, and I was really touched!Thank you for a monthly pass for loneliness and sadness, thank you for two monthly passes for Huihui, and a monthly pass for season!Still the same sentence, we can't make it to the monthly ticket list, but seeing the support, it really warms my heart.Finally, I wish you all a happy Friday!

(End of this chapter)

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