Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 540 3 trick

Chapter 540 Three Moves
Chapter 540 Two Three Moves

"Let me be willful this time..."

Whispering softly, between Luo Shuirou's jade fingers, there were already streaks of multicolored brilliance flashing.

"The Blue Sparrow Oiran!"

"She actually stood beside Lin Chen!"

"Could it be Qingquelou's instruction? If Qingquelou is on Lin Chen's side, then Ye Gai can move Lin Chen today, or else!"


Luo Shuirou's team suddenly made the atmosphere of the audience a little subtle, and even Ye Gai's eyelids twitched.

Qingque Tower has never been as simple as a place for fireworks, but has a lot of background.

"Why, Qingque Tower is going to fight against me, Ye Sheng's clan?" Ye Gai looked at Luo Shuirou, his voice low.

Luo Shuirou didn't say a word, but Lin Chen could feel the girl's embarrassment.

"Shuirou, back away."

Smiling at Luo Shuirou, Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, her delicate body shook, and Luo Shuirou's eyes shone with unprecedented brilliance. If I remember correctly, this was the first time Lin Chen called her so affectionately.

"No, I won't back away." Luo Shuirou said, her voice was as clear as a silver bell, extremely sweet.

"Presumptuous! Luo Shuirou, are you going to rebel?!"

At this moment, an extremely abrupt shout of anger sounded, and then, a fiery red figure appeared out of thin air.

It was Luo Hongyi from Qingque Tower.

With anger in her beautiful eyes, she looked at the stubborn Luo Shuirou, and there seemed to be a hard place in Luo Hongyi's heart, which suddenly softened.

"You are from Qingquelou, and your every move represents Qingquelou. Don't let me down." Luo Hongyi said softly.

However, Luo Shuirou still shook his head.

"I don't want to be an oiran anymore. I am Luo Shuirou, my own Luo Shuirou. If anyone wants to kill Lin Chen today, he must kill me first!" Luo Shuirou's pretty face was already red when she said this. , she didn't understand why she was able to say such words.

"But... But Shuirou, don't you think about your uncle? Don't be self-willed, okay?" Luo Hongyi was almost begging.


The brilliance in Luo Shuirou's eyes suddenly dimmed.

But immediately, she shook her head in disappointment, and tears fell from her eyes.

"Uncle will die sooner or later. I have always understood that Qingquelou said that he can be cured by finding the blood of God, but how is this possible? I have been lying to myself all the time. Instead of letting him suffer all the time, It’s better to settle it once and for all!”

Feeling a little out of control, Luo Shuirou sobbed, this scene was heartbreaking to watch.

"Demon sheep, do you have divine blood?"

Lin Chen took a deep breath and asked the magic sheep.

"Tsk tsk, boy, I can't help it. It's hard to bear the grace of a beauty. I don't have the divine blood, but there is in the Cloud Tomb Heavenly Palace. If you return to the Great Thousand World, it will not be a problem. Just grab a little guy in the False God Realm That's enough." The magic sheep started bragging again.

"That is to say, not now." Lin Chen sighed.

"Shuirou, don't be impulsive. You also know something about the background of Qingquelou. What others can't do doesn't mean Qingquelou can't do it. Also, the promise of the envoy is valid at any time." Then, the voice became lower and lower, and in the end, it was almost inaudible.

But the people present are all strong, so naturally they can hear clearly.

Luo Shuirou's whole body froze suddenly, and the word divine envoy hit her like a thunderbolt.

In her eyes, that is a devil.

"Enough! I don't care, I will kill Lin Chen today!" Ye Gai couldn't bear it any longer, he rushed forward, and when he waved the thunder scepter in his hand, thousands of thunderbolts were brought up and condensed in the air , has already turned into a flood dragon completely transformed by purple lightning, and the sky and the earth change color while shouting angrily.

"Shuirou, let me settle the matter I ran into." Lin Chen patted Luo Shuirou on the shoulder, and then, he took a step forward.

"Young master, don't come over!" Zuo Jinglong hurriedly stopped Lin Chen. At this moment, letting Lin Chen rush forward would be tantamount to sending him to his death.

After waving his hand, Lin Chen looked at Ye Gai who was opposite him.

"Senior Ye, if you meddle in the fight between the juniors, aren't you afraid that the world will laugh at you?" Lin Chen said to Ye Gai.

"I, a member of Ye Sheng's clan, can't kill everyone. Lin Chen, you are just an ant in my eyes, but I try to be ashamed, and I must attack you!" Ye Gai became even more angry.

"Well, if you want to attack me, I have no objection, I just want to make a bet with you." Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, Ye Gai's complexion changed, but before he could refuse, Lin Chen continued talking on his own.

"I'll kill Ye Fan and Ye Lingtian from Ye Sheng's sect. Why don't I take two moves from you, and if you don't die, how about this matter being exposed?" Lin Chen said lightly, even with a smile on his face .

"Young master, you are still extraordinary, it is impossible to take his two moves!" Zuo Jinglong hurriedly tried to dissuade Lin Chen, and at the same time, he yelled and cursed, "Ye Gai, you have lived like a dog for as long as you are old!" Go, the short guard doesn't even want face!"

Ye Gai's complexion was extremely ugly.

Ben had already lost all face today, and now Lin Chen proposed some two-stroke bet. If he refused again, wouldn't it mean that he didn't have the confidence to kill Lin Chen with two strokes? Emperor Yu, but he couldn't hold his head up at all.

However, since Lin Chen dared to bring it up, he should be sure that he would kill Lin Chen and was unwilling to take any risks.

"Two tricks? I've never heard of any agreement on two tricks. I think that when Emperor Qing was young, he offended a big family and alarmed the elders. In the end, Emperor Qing took the three tricks and left with a serious injury. How about today? You also take three moves from me, if you survive three moves, I will let you go!"

Ye Gai gritted his teeth and said.

Lin Chen proposed two tough moves, presumably these two moves were his limit, then he would let the Qing Emperor say something, and add another move, no matter what, he would put Lin Chen to death.

Frowning, Lin Chen was silent for a moment, but still nodded.

"Okay, three tricks are three tricks! Today, all the seniors of Qingdiyu can also testify. If I take three tricks, this matter will be exposed!" Lin Chen said with arrogance.

But in the eyes of everyone, he is extraordinary, no matter what, it is absolutely impossible to accept Ye Gai's three moves, and even one move is a problem.

After all, this young man is still too arrogant, and he doesn't know the horror of the strong man in the holy realm.

Even at the peak level of the king's power, he is not a general of a strong man in the holy realm, let alone Lin Chen, who is just extraordinary.

Maybe Lin Chen has enough potential to aspire to the pinnacle in the future, but despite his unparalleled talent, at this moment, he is still a transcendent after all.

An extraordinary warrior, in the hands of a master of the holy realm, is like an ant, who can be crushed to death with just one finger.

After this matter was settled, everyone present believed that Lin Chen would definitely die today.

ps: Thank you Huihui for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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