Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 565 Who Said I Lost! ! !

Chapter 565 Who Said I Lost! ! !
Chapter 560 Who Said I Lost! ! !

"With such great ambition, how can we do it if we don't fight hard?"

When this whisper was quietly heard, within the endless starry sky, the ordinary star, which was like a speck of dust and inconspicuous, suddenly burst out with an unprecedented light, starlight Instantly skyrocketed.

Insignificant mortal dust, heart to the starry sky!
The reason why Lin Chen chose this mortal star was because of its ambition, it was a guy very similar to himself.

And at this moment, Fan Xing is finally going to fight for his own ambition.

In the lonely starry sky, spinning alone, absorbing energy, brewing and accumulating, for the eruption at this moment!

In the distant Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land, across the starry sky, a ray of light, like a shooting star, shone straight down, directly pouring into Lin Chen's star soul.

And with the injection of this energy, Duan Xinghe on the opposite side also changed his complexion in an instant.

He felt that Lin Chen's star soul, which was on the verge of collapse, had grown stronger in an instant. Although that stubborn and tenacious force was not very powerful, it could not be ignored!
"how can that be?!"

Shouting out in surprise, Duan Xinghe's pupils were filled with disbelief.

Even an ordinary secondary star would be difficult to arouse such power, let alone a mere mortal star.

What kind of star is Lin Chen communicating with?
Is this really just a mortal star?

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Gritting his teeth, Duan Xinghe couldn't afford to lose, no matter what, he couldn't be defeated by Lin Chen, or by a mortal star.

"Heavenly Lord, please grant me strength!"

With a ferocious expression on his face, Duan Xinghe looked at the sky, asking for more power, and above the Nine Heavens Galaxy, the huge Tiantong main star also rotated again, and a stronger and more powerful starlight descended.

The starlight fell down and injected into the phantom, which also made the phantom of the main star more solid, crushing the star soul attacking the opposite side.

Immediately, Lin Chen's pressure increased again.

"Hold on, kid. This is a nirvana. It will be a huge test for you and that mortal star. Once you succeed, you will have a brighter future!" The demon sheep encouraged Lin Chen.

At this time, there is no need for the devil to say more, Lin Chen also understands the importance of this.

With such a struggle, he clearly felt that his star soul was improving at an unhurried speed, and even that mortal star in the galaxy was constantly becoming stronger.

"Fan Xing, it is impossible to fight against the main star, impossible!"

Duan Xinghe became ruthless, he had already begun to overdraw his own strength, this battle, he could only win but not lose, no matter what, he must defeat Lin Chen.

And with his movements, the phantom of the same star that day also became more and more horizontal, constantly impacted and crushed, and the light of the stars emitted was already so dazzling that people could not open their eyes.

This kind of light even covered Lin Chen's star soul, making it invisible at all.

There is no doubt that Lin Chen has always been at a disadvantage in this kind of confrontation, but what makes Duan Xinghe most disturbed is that until now, that seemingly weak star soul is still stubbornly resisting. , and did not show signs of failure!
And his strength, under such overdraft, is already a bit weak.

Sweat oozed from his forehead, and Duan Xinghe's heart sank.

"Hold on, hold on."

Under such an impact, Lin Chen's consciousness had already begun to become somewhat blurred, and even the mortal star above the Nine Heavens Galaxy was cracked and cracked.

If this continues, the fate of this Fan Xing will be destruction.

At this moment, Lin Chen seemed to be in a canoe, passed by, the sea and the sky were wide, if he couldn't make it through, his body would be smashed to pieces!

"Crush me quickly!"

Duan Xinghe's sweat seeped into his eyes, and the scene in front of him began to become blurred, but he was still overdrawing his own strength. He didn't believe that his main star phantom would lose to Fan Xing.


And as if in response to Duan Xinghe's words, finally, a crack opened on Lin Chen's star soul again.

His face turned pale, and Lin Chen spat out a mouthful of blood, with unwillingness in his eyes.

He understands that his star soul is about to be shattered, and even that mortal star will be affected by the power of the main star and completely destroyed, and his star soul master cultivation will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

"Break, break, break!"

Duan Xinghe has become numb, he only has one belief, which is to smash Lin Chen's star soul.

Unconsciously roaring in his mouth, his main star phantom has also been consumed to a certain extent at this moment, and may dissipate at any time, but fortunately, in this game, he is ultimately the one who has the upper hand.

With a bang, Lin Chen's star soul exploded completely!

In an instant, everyone's bodies froze abruptly, staring at the center of the collision, a tenacious star soul that burst into countless light spots, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this game is a nirvana for Lin Chen. Once he succeeds, the sky will be high with the fish leaping, and the sea will be wide enough for the birds to fly. But it is a pity that it seems to end like this. It didn't work out as he wished.

"Lin Chen's Star Soul Master's cultivation has been destroyed."

"It doesn't matter, he still has Yuanli cultivation, his talent in Yuanli is even stronger than Star Soul Master!"

"That's what I said, but it was a huge blow after all!"

"Lin Chen's Fan Xingxing Soul is really strong enough to fight Duan Xinghe to this point..."

One after another exclamation, with various emotions, one after another.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Lin Chen.

At this moment, Lin Chen's face was pale, his whole body was trembling, and a line of blood was spreading between his eyebrows, which was shocking.

Obviously, he was greatly hurt in such a confrontation.


Lin Chen's thoughts were still in the vast sea of ​​stars, and he saw that the mortal star he communicated with also collapsed at this time, turning into pieces of sand, stones and soil, which were about to dissipate in the starry sky , to dust.

However, at this time, in every piece of sand, every grain of dust, he felt a sense of unyielding, unwillingness, and indomitability!
Among them, there is still an unimaginable force!

"Hahaha, Lin Chen, you lost, I won, I won!" Duan Xinghe looked crazy and laughed, "I sit on the master star Tiantong, what do you use to fight me, a mortal star, joke!"

"With the power of ants, do you want to shake the sky?!"

Duan Xinghe taunted Lin Chen to the fullest, venting his anger and dissatisfaction in his heart. At the same time, he manipulated the phantom of the main star that still hadn't dissipated, aiming to fly towards Lin Chen.

And at this moment, Lin Chen, who had kept his eyes tightly closed, opened his eyes for the first time.

In an instant, in his eyes, an incomparable starlight, carrying an unshakable tenacious will, once again reigned supreme!
"Who said I lost!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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