Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 580 1 Angry King!

Chapter 580: The King of Fury!
Chapter 580 Two Wrathful King!
The guardian formation is indeed tyrannical, but the vision possessed by Lin Chen is the world's top star dotted!
This light wheel, with momentum like a rainbow, suddenly cut towards the weakest part of the formation with unimaginable sharpness, and only heard a light sound, and the formation actually shattered in response!

Immediately afterwards, the star light wheel swept across and rushed straight into the clear star spring water below!
In an instant, the light wheel of the stars enlarged rapidly, absorbing that power, and at the same time, the magic sheep cast the secret method recklessly, which also made Lin Chen, a star clone, quickly become stronger by relying on the power of the nine-day star spring.

The wonderful connection with the incarnation outside the body told Lin Chen that it was an unprecedented power.

Holy Land!

A fifth-level star soul master is equivalent to the existence of a master in the holy realm, and this kind of power is almost inconceivably manifested in him.

Immediately, Lin Chen felt a kind of unrestrained power surging in his star avatar without any hesitation. With a flick of his arm, the huge star light wheel shot out like lightning, The heads of the two king elders who guarded the formation were cut off directly.

And the star light wheel was not even stained with a trace of blood, it continued to circle and attacked Duan Wuyan who was opposite.

The pores all over his body tightened, and Duan Wuyan felt the crisis of death, and his body retreated violently, he resisted with all his strength.

There was a loud noise, facing the star light wheel, Duan Wuyan flew upside down, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, his face was pale, and his arms were trembling.

And he can block it, but other people don't have such good luck.

The wheel of light swirled, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of heads were harvested, causing heavy casualties to the many protoss holy land powerhouses who came after them.

The situation is reversed!

But Lin Chen didn't dare to relax at all, his body exploded, and he went in the direction of the ninth-tier starship. At this moment, Ningmei's body was already on the verge of falling, and he might fall at any moment.

"Lin Chen, leave me alone, the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land will be handed over to you and Jin'er!"

Sensing Lin Chen's intentions, she frowned, and suddenly, on her body, there were pieces of colorful petals flashing and falling, seemingly frivolous, but they were full of unimaginable surprises. Energy is where her lifelong cultivation lies.

"Ningmei, you are crazy, you actually used the method of disintegrating thousands of flowers!"

The Holy Lord of the Star Spirit turned pale with shock, and looked at the crazy Ning Mei, and was extremely shocked in his heart.

He didn't expect that this woman was so crazy that she risked her life.

If it wasn't really desperate, who would want to sacrifice his life for wool?

In fact, Ning Mei knew better than anyone else that after this battle, even if Lin Chen treated her immediately, she would definitely not survive. Instead of wasting Lin Chen's power, she might as well use her best to help everyone Turn the tide.

Even if you die, you have to deal a heavy blow to the Protoss Holy Land!
Every petal was transformed by Ning Mei's life-long cultivation, and when it fell off her body, it shot out. The shooting of every petal represented the death of a person in the Protoss Holy Land!
No fuss!

At the last moment of his life, Ning Mei's strength also completely exploded, which is a bit stronger than that of the Star Spirit Lord!

What's more, at this moment, the Holy Lord of Star Spirit doesn't dare to fight Ningmei at all.

There is no doubt that a desperate master of the holy realm can definitely kill another person of the same realm.

What made the Holy Lord of the Star Spirit tear up was that in the other direction, Star Lin Chen waved the light wheel, and had already taken away the lives of a large number of strong people in the Holy Land of the Star Spirit, except for Duan Wuyan and the others who were still struggling. In addition, most of the strong men have already lost their heads, and their bodies have been broken into two pieces. Those who die cannot die again.

One Lin Chen and one Ning Mei actually caused many years of accumulation in the Protoss Holy Land, causing heavy casualties!
And looking at the divine envoy, he was actually on par with Mei Wuer, and under Mei Wuer's completely reckless style of play, he was actually at a loss.

"how can that be?!"

The Protoss Lord couldn't figure out why the situation had such a reversal.

It's nothing more than Ning Mei, after all, he burned his whole life and life, but that Lin Chen, a fourth-rank star soul master, actually showed the king's fighting power, and the woman who had been sealed all the time was able to make Unleashes the power of a charming heart, and turns against the customer.

This has completely overturned his imagination.

"Kill all the people in Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land!"

Under the rage, the blue veins on his forehead popped up, the Holy Lord of the Star Spirit avoided Ning Mei's attack, and the power of the stars exploded in his shots, killing more than a dozen people in the Holy Land of the Star Spirit.

Poisonous in their bodies, their ability to resist is almost zero. These people are lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

He wanted to threaten Lin Chen with them before, but at this moment, it was obviously useless. In order to vent the anger in his heart, Saint Xingling couldn't take charge, and killed nearly a hundred people in a blink of an eye.

Even Zhang Xixing was affected, and an arm was cut off.

Everyone in Longmen dodged desperately, and many people were injured.

Seeing this, Ning Mei quickly concentrated her attack and suppressed the Holy Lord of the Star Spirit, but at this moment, almost half of her body had been burned, and she was about to die soon.

"Holy Lord!"

Elder Ningyu was distraught and wanted to stop all this, but he was already powerless.

Jin'er also shed tears, looking at the Lord of Ten Thousand Flowers.

Like Zuo Lao, she is the kind of person who devotes herself to death and dies, and she is worthy of admiration.

As for Lin Chen, looking at this scene, he felt like tearing apart. He could only watch the tragic death of the Thousand Flowers Lord, but there was nothing he could do.

Even if his star avatar has the combat power of the holy realm at this moment, it is still very embarrassing. Whether it is the lord of the stars or the envoy of the gods, he is no match. He can only wipe out the minions, and cannot decide the key to the battle.

His eyes were red, Lin Chen's mind was buzzing, and the world in front of him was distorted at this moment.

"Wu'er, Jin'er, Zuo Lao, Senior Ningmei, everyone..."

The eyes keep widening, but the pupils keep shrinking, so small that they are almost invisible. However, in Lin Chen's pupils, there seems to be a world that is constantly evolving!
Finally, when the pupil contracted to the extreme and suddenly exploded, a huge world suddenly manifested amidst the whirling and roaring, covering Lin Chen's body.

At the same time, the energy between the heavens and the earth surged wildly, gathering towards Lin Chen's body, pouring into his body regardless of everything, making his momentum rise steadily, breaking through the shackles of the ninth level of extraordinary in an instant, reaching the Extraordinary tenth order.

But this is not over yet, Lin Chen stepped forward with a single step, and at the same time he roared to the sky, the waves visible to the naked eye escaped, and then, a breath that was completely different from the extraordinary burst out suddenly, and the world on the surface of his body swelled again. A mighty force, suddenly diverging.

Lin Chen, finally at this moment, became king in a fit of anger!
(End of this chapter)

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