Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 582 A Reminder from the Mysterious Old Man

Chapter 582 A Reminder from the Mysterious Old Man
Chapter 580 The Fourth Mysterious Old Man's Reminder
Where the giant ax passed, a long and narrow crack was cut directly into the space that hadn't fully recovered, showing its sharpness.

And Lin Chen didn't hesitate, the magic halberd danced, and the sky-opening halberd technique was full of 36 re-opening energy. At this moment, it was finally fully displayed. With the pseudo-divine power, this kind of attack is enough to instantly kill the general king's power.

With a crisp sound, the magic halberd and the giant star ax collided together. Lin Chen felt a huge force, which made his arms go numb, and his figure kept retreating, flying upside down hundreds of feet away.

This is still under the condition of the Holy Lord of the Protoss being seriously injured. If it was in its heyday, Lin Chen might not be a general at all.

Forcibly suppressing the churning qi and blood in his body, two dragon shadows hovered behind Lin Chen at this moment, completely attached to his body, causing his whole body to grow thick golden and blue dragon scales at this moment, The pupils of the two eyes also turned into one gold and one green.

The mysteries of the world manifested, and his body had condensed into an almost real world. The black and yellow aura was added to the magic halberd, adding a layer of weight to that unparalleled sharpness.

Seeing Lin Chen's changes, the Holy Lord of Star Spirit's heart sank. He understood that it would be difficult to kill Lin Chen with his seriously injured body at this moment, but today, Lin Chen must die!

Ning Mei's death blow caused him to lose most of his combat power, but he was still fully sure of dealing with Lin Chen!
With a roar, the huge ax in his hand turned into a whirlwind, falling continuously, causing Lin Chen to retreat step by step. At the same time, he once again communicated with the main star, the sky, and this time, he enveloped the entire battlefield and turned it into a Only belongs to his star field!
Seeing this, Lin Chen gritted his teeth and let the avatar of Xingchen disintegrate. All the remaining power was completely condensed on the star-scattered vision. The field is comparable, but it can be regarded as having the power to contend.

"In the face of absolute strength, no amount of means will help!"

The killing intent in the Holy Lord's heart was even worse. He knew that Lin Chen must not be allowed to grow up.

If such a peerless talent reaches the holy realm, who else in the entire Xiaoqian world can restrain him?
One's own ambition must not be destroyed in the hands of this kid!

The killing intent seemed to condense into substance, the figure of the Holy Lord of the Protoss flickered, bringing up afterimages, and slashed towards Lin Chen from all directions.

Every time a blow landed, Lin Chen's whole body would be shaken, and the blood in his body would churn.

The Protoss Lord is really too strong. Even if he is seriously injured at this moment, a skinny camel that is bigger than a horse can still crush Lin Chen. It is Lin Chen's limit to be able to survive for so long.

As for killing this person, it is simply impossible.

"What to do, what to do?" Lin Chen was extremely anxious.

He understands that there is only a dead end if this continues, but right now, there is no way out.

On Mei Wuer's side, she definitely won't be able to hold on for long, Lin Chen is very anxious.

Ning Mei has already paid the price with her life, but it is still difficult to turn the tide of the battle. Could it be that the entire army is really going to be wiped out here today?
"Hahaha, Huangkou kid, today I will teach you how the sky is high and the earth is thick!"

Seeing Mei Wuer's side, the Holy Master of Star Spirit had no power to continue, and he was determined, looking at Lin Chen like a turtle in a urn.

"Boy, don't panic, I'll think of a way." The devil sheep said, but he didn't have any good ideas.

His current soul body, even though he has the means to reach the sky, but the strength he can display is still too poor.

He had already completed a possession just now, and it must be impossible now. For a while, the demon sheep also felt helpless.

"Empty Embrace Treasure Mountain, this kid..."

The phantom of the mysterious old man hiding in the air shook his head at this moment, fixed his eyes on Lin Chen, and said softly.

And this sentence was not only his soliloquy, but also directly passed to Lin Chen's ears by his magical means!

"Empty Embrace Treasure Mountain?!"

Lin Chen's heart was shocked, and he looked around quickly, but he didn't find the speaker.

"The devil sheep are you talking?" Lin Chen asked in surprise.

"No, what did you hear?" The devil sheep was also startled. With his strength, he couldn't feel anyone's sound transmission at all.

"It's a mysterious old voice, saying that I hold the treasure mountain in vain." Lin Chen replied quickly while resisting the attack of the Protoss Lord.

"Embracing Baoshan in the air, Baoshan..."

The devil murmured, lost in thought.

This sentence is definitely not groundless, and it is impossible for Lin Chen to hear this sentence, it is not an auditory hallucination, then there is only one possibility, there is an expert helping Lin Chen secretly!
This sentence must have a deep meaning!

The secrets of Lin Chen's body are known to the demon sheep, the twin holy dragon souls, the star-studded vision, the heart of the stars, the Senluo Demon Halberd and the Senluo Demon Stele.

What exactly is that mysterious strong man referring to?

The dragon soul has almost materialized now, but it can only display so much power. The golden scales have already been used, and the increased power is not small, but it can barely block the attack of the star spirit lord.

Jielong Bian can absorb and assimilate the opponent's power, but in this kind of battle, it has no effect. The power of life and death absorbed before, the source of fire in the center of the earth, and even Ye Gai's thunder power are too embarrassing to use at this moment.

There is nothing to say about the strength of the star soul master.

As for the Senluo Demon Stele and the Senluo Demon Halberd, these two things, even the Demon Sheep, are somewhat unpredictable. After I got this treasure, I was hunted down and almost died. There are nearly a thousand years in the magic tablet.

Over the past thousand years, he has felt more and more the profoundness of the Senluo Demon Tablet. Even though he was once a strong man in the Realm of True God, he still has no way to understand the depth of this Demon Tablet.

If there is any undiscovered power in Lin Chen, it must be the Senluo Demon Tablet!

The devil's heart was shaken, and he immediately opened his mouth to remind Lin Chen.

"Boy, it must be the Senluo Demon Tablet. Now that you have been promoted to the king, you may be able to gain the power of the Demon Tablet. This may be the only way to turn things around!" the Demon Sheep said excitedly.

Hearing this, Lin Chen was shocked, and at the same time as he kept backing away, his mind quickly concentrated on the Senluo Demon Tablet.

Before, he always thought that this magic tablet was under the control of the magic sheep, but now it seems that it may not be that simple.

The breadth and depth of this magic tablet far exceeded Lin Chen's imagination. At this time, as Lin Chen was promoted to the king, and his mind was concentrated, this magic tablet that had been silent for a long time finally showed some changes again.

A slightly faint black light burst out quietly, and in Lin Chen's eyes, a darkness that was deeper and more condensed than when the demon sheep was possessed loomed.

(End of this chapter)

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