Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 585 Controlling the Protoss Holy Land

Chapter 585 Controlling the Protoss Holy Land
Chapter 580 Seven Controlling the Protoss Holy Land

Undoubtedly, the one who benefited the most from this battle was Lin Chen.

His own realm has reached the level of a king, and the cultivation base of a star soul master has also taken a step towards the fourth-order level. His mortal star has reached the level comparable to that of a secondary star.

Moreover, he was also recognized by the Senluo Demon Tablet, and controlled the Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land and the Star Spirit Holy Land, two supernatural powers, which in itself is unimaginable.

With the backing of these two major forces, he will have a certain confidence in returning to the Dragon Emperor Domain and succeeding the Dragon Emperor in the future.

However, in Lin Chen's heart, he couldn't be happy at all.

He understood what kind of opponent he had to face. The strength of Gai Jiuyou was far beyond everyone's imagination. , it's all dust.

Because in the eyes of the strong in the divine way, under the divine way, they are completely dismissive. Even the strong in the imperial realm have a lifespan limit, but the strong in the divine way can achieve true immortality!

Every strong person in the divine way will never die of old age due to the consumption of their lifespan. Their life is eternal.

Standing in mid-air, Lin Chen also saw Mei Wuer's precarious body, and rushed to meet her.

In this battle, if it wasn't for Mei Wuer's attack, Lin Chen would never have had a chance to turn the tables. But at this moment, seeing Mei Wuer's pale face, Lin Chen's heart sank suddenly.

This kind of battle will definitely consume a lot of money for Mei Wuer, and may even cause serious damage!
Hugging Mei Wuer's delicate body, Lin Chen quickly checked the condition of Mei Wuer's body, but to his surprise, Mei Wuer didn't suffer much damage, just a little bit out of strength.

"Boy, it's not easy for you to get along well. Her obsession is very deep, and she has reached the point where she can control this charming heart. Originally, their intention was to let the charming heart parasitize in this woman's body and absorb it. The power of her life and the power of the martial soul, but this guy forcibly controlled the heart of charm and turned it into his own!" said the demon sheep.

Hearing this, Lin Chen was also quite surprised. He didn't expect that Mei Wu'er was so extraordinary.

"Then, with the power of her charming heart, she can now rival the master of the holy realm?" Lin Chen sensed it, and found that Mei Wu'er's realm was still at the level of a king, not the holy realm.

"It can't be said that, her control was achieved just now, and it consumes a lot of charm, which is not worthwhile. She is also very weak now and needs to recuperate. Simply put, this is similar to my possession, It's not a long-term solution." Demon Sheep explained.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and came to the ninth-tier starship, and settled Mei Wuer down.

"This guy has women everywhere..."

Che Li pursed her lips and gave Lin Chen a hard look, while Jin'er pursed her lips and chuckled, busy arranging the wounded and arranging matters.

Although these forces are all under Lin Chen's command at the moment, this guy obviously wants to be the shopkeeper, and she will do these trivial matters.

Extracting the remaining power of the Nine Heavens Star Spirit Spring, Lin Chen also washed away the poison of the seven-killing palm of the old general Zuo, which made the old man a lot more energetic. Kill palm poison.

"This time, let everyone suffer."

Lin Chen looked at the people in Ten Thousand Flowers Holy Land and the people in Longmen, and said.

And everyone shook their heads and praised Lin Chen. They all saw the battle just now, and no one dared to disobey Lin Chen at this moment.

This mysterious young man obviously had too many trump cards, and he was able to kill the unfathomable envoy in the king's realm. This is no longer explained by a simple leapfrog battle.

"Everyone take a break first, this Holy Land of the Protoss must be fully controlled, Ouyang Ao, Zhang Xixing, Dugu Wujing, Elder Ningmei, follow me, Elder Zuo, Liu Yonghan, Jin'er, please arrange everyone !" Lin Chen deployed quickly, and he already had the aura of a superior person faintly.

After all, he led the crowd to the central square of the Holy Land of the Stars, where everyone in the Holy Land of the Stars, including the Lord of the Stars, waited obediently in place.

The envoys of the gods were all dead, and they could not give birth to the slightest resistance, waiting for Lin Chen's arrival.

Everyone was very sad. They understood that with the surrender, their lives were saved, but at this moment, the foundation of the Protoss Holy Land was completely handed over to others and fell into Lin Chen's hands.

Leading everyone to the square, Lin Chen glanced across the audience, and with a thought, the Senluo Demon Tablet in his body shot out black rays of light, entering everyone's body.

And among these people, there are those who still have the spirit of the demon in their bodies, and all of them are fully revealed at this moment.

Lin Chen picked these people out, and the demonic energy in their bodies was also absorbed by the demon sheep. With the previous demon crystal, the demon sheep's strength increased greatly, and it was not far from fully condensing its body.

After confirming that there was no one in the Star Spirit Holy Land who controlled the power of the demonic way, Lin Chen then used the Senluo Demonic Tablet to control them. the lives of these people.

Including the Holy Lord of the Protoss, as long as Lin Chen had a single thought, he would definitely die.

Of course, Lin Chen was not too harsh on these people, and made an oath to promise not to embarrass them. After he left Xiaoqian World, he would set them free.

Lin Chen never thought of staying in this small thousand world forever, the East Pole Continent is his home, and if he wants to pursue higher martial arts, he must go to the great thousand world.

In contrast, Little Thousand World is more like a transfer station, just a journey in Lin Chen's life.

After arranging these things properly, Lin Chen also began to heal and cultivate. In this battle, he was seriously injured, and he had many insights that needed to be digested.

Time passed, and half a month had passed in the blink of an eye. Lin Chen recovered from all his injuries, and his cultivation was steadily improving, and he was stabilized at the king level.

The entire Protoss Holy Land is also in perfect order, completely controlled by Ning Mei and Ouyang Ao.

But Lin Chen understood that Ningmei definitely wanted to return to the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Flowers. Now that there was no crisis, he still wanted to go back.

Lin Chen plans to set up Longmen's stronghold in the Protoss Holy Land in a few days, and everyone in the Thousand Flowers Holy Land will return to their hometown and grow slowly.

Next, Lin Chen strolled around the Holy Land of the Star Spirits again. Like the Holy Land of Thousand Flowers, this Holy Land of the Star Spirits also had a token similar to the statue of a goddess. It turned out to be a treasure basin, called the Star Spiritual Pot.

And the Nine Heavens Star Spirit Spring was brewed from the Star Spirit Basin.

ps: I recommend a book, supernatural, titled "When the Devil Meets", it was written by a friend of Shishi, interested friends can take a look and bookmark it!
 ps: I recommend a book, supernatural, titled "When the Devil Meets", it was written by a friend of Shishi, interested friends can take a look and bookmark it!

(End of this chapter)

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