Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 587 Li Funan? !

Chapter 587 Li Funan? !

Chapter 580: Li Funan? !
Demon domain!

This is a taboo in the entire Xiaoqian world.

Before the Nine Emperors Sacred Mountain collapsed, the Demon Dao was not cast aside like it is now.

However, that devil emperor was really too ambitious. He wanted to dominate the entire Xiaoqian world, and he fought against the other eight emperors by himself. He forcibly smashed the Nine Emperors Holy Mountain and became a sinner through the ages.

So, up until now, the demonic warriors have been beaten by everyone.

The Demon Realm is next to the Buddha Emperor Realm, and in the south of the Ming Emperor Realm and the Chen Emperor Realm, speaking of which, it is not very far from the Star Spirit Holy Land.

Take the Dragon Emperor Boat, and you can arrive there in up to three days.

High above the sky, Lin Chen and Ye Tianchen stood on the deck together, feeling the strong wind blowing, but both of them were very emotional.

After many years, when they finally met again, Ye Tianchen felt that he could no longer see through the depth of this young man, and Lin Chen could also sense that Ye Tianchen at this moment, even in the holy realm, could definitely rule the roost.

In a holy realm like Dugu Wujing, Ye Tianchen might not be able to fight head-on. Even Ouyang Ao would definitely not be able to deal with it for too long.

"Young master of the Longmen, you boy, you can really cause trouble. This identity is a hot potato." Ye Tianchen said.

When Lin Chen heard this, he immediately thought of many things.

With Ye Tianchen's strength, everyone felt jealous, and he was working for the right protector before, so one can imagine how powerful this right protector is in the Dragon Emperor's domain.

Even if the Dragon Sect powerhouses are all over the world, among them, like Nadharma Feng and his ilk, there are definitely not a few who have been bribed.

Therefore, the difficulty in Lin Chen's desire to rule the Dragon Emperor's domain is definitely not small.

Moreover, no matter what he does, Guardian You will definitely find ways to kill him.

"Senior, how did you enter the world of Xiaoqian?" Lin Chen asked.

It has been a long time since anyone in the Eastern Pole Continent has been promoted to the Emperor Realm. The so-called ascension has long become a legend. In this small thousand world, it is very rare to be a strong Emperor Realm. Until now, Lin Chen has never seen it. No one has the cultivation base of Emperor Realm.

This in itself is highly abnormal.

"At the beginning of the battle of the Devil Emperor, the Nine Emperors' Holy Mountain collapsed. It was even more difficult for this piece of heaven and earth to give birth to an emperor-level powerhouse again. In addition, the East Pole Continent was also affected. The cultivation of warriors, It has become much more difficult," Ye Tianchen said.

"As far as I know, the East Pole Continent is by no means simple, but it is very difficult for a strong emperor to be born. In the Lingxiu Small Thousand Realm, warriors who want to ascend to the Great Thousand World can only pass through the cloud that appears once in a thousand years." Tomb Heaven Palace."

Lin Chen nodded upon hearing this.

"Although the influence is great, there are pros and cons to everything. There are more and more secret doors leading to the Lingxiu Xiaoqian Realm in the East Pole Continent. I guess that after a long period of evolution, these two worlds will be separated in a certain way." Ways, converge together to achieve real traffic!"

Such words finally moved Lin Chen. Once the two worlds communicate, the impact it will cause is unimaginable.

"Boy, what he said is correct, but he doesn't know that the East Pole Continent is a continent of origin. If you refine the origin of the East Pole Continent, you will be truly qualified to achieve the divine way!" The voice of the magic sheep sounded.

Origin continent?

"Not only Lingxiu Xiaoqianjie and Dongji Continent can figure it out, Gai Jiuyou has also been trying to find a way to come to Dongji Continent in the Great Thousand World, and he also arranged the so-called evil corpse technique before! "

"As long as he refines the origin of the East Pole Continent, he will have the opportunity to aspire to the Realm of the Beginning God and control the entire Great Thousand World!" The voice of the demon sheep was very nervous.

The opponent is only close to the door, and he still has a remnant soul, how can he not be in a hurry?
The Devil Emperor and Ye Tianchen had already wasted a lot of his time, if Lin Chen failed again, he really couldn't afford it.

"The road is long and long! I'm still a king, and I'm too far away." Lin Chen sighed, feeling very anxious.

"Your foundation is really solid, and you have the help of the Senluo Demon Tablet. When you reach the level of a king, it depends more on your perception. The improvement of Yuanli is already very simple. As long as your true meaning of the world reaches the level where you can derive domains You can enter the holy realm!" Ye Tianchen encouraged Lin Chen.

Nodding his head, Lin Chen was still very solemn in his heart.

He has too many things to do, and the time is too tight. He is really afraid that he will not be able to complete them.

Since his practice, his strength has been improving, but as he became stronger, he also felt more and more small.

If Gai Jiuyou was right in front of him at this moment, he might be able to kill him with just one look!

"Don't think so much, kid. You are the one who has been approved by the Senluo Demon Tablet. When this treasure appeared in the Great Thousand World, no one could control it. You are the only one. You must do it!" the Demon Sheep also encouraged.

With a soft sigh, Lin Chen calmed down, returned to the Dragon Emperor Boat, and practiced cross-legged.

As the Dragon Emperor Boat continued to move forward, it was getting closer and closer to the Demon Realm.

Lin Chen could sense that there were two rather familiar auras in the Demon Realm, and they must have been the ones who were teleported together at the beginning.

Moreover, as he approached the Demon Realm, Lin Chen realized that the Senluo Demon Halberd in his hand started to feel hot, and there was a faint buzzing sound, which was very mysterious.

This magic halberd might be a remnant of the Devil Emperor's weapon back then, and Lin Chen was also looking forward to what changes would happen to the magic halberd if he got the rest of the remnants.

Time passed, and soon, a black land in front of him came into view, which was the Demon Realm.

In the Demon Realm, the power of demonic ways is everywhere. In order to facilitate the practice of the Demon Realm warriors, the Demon Emperor directly demonized millions of miles of land, filling it with supreme magic power.

For this move alone, among the nine former emperors, no one can match it.

Lin Chen looked at the black land, and his heart was surging. At this time, there was more pressure in his heart, and his desire for strength became stronger.

"The Sea of ​​Chaos Demons is in the east of the Demon Realm, and it is also the edge of this small thousand worlds. It contains endless mysteries. Fan Zhenhao got a treasure in an ancient ruin, and was hunted down, so he had no choice but to go deep into the Sea of ​​Chaos Demons. Trapped."

"Among the people chasing and killing him, there are a full three holy masters, who are also the biggest obstacle in this trip. One of them, even I, dare not fight against him." Ye Tianchen's words made Lin Chen's heart tremble. shock.

"Who is this person? Could it be that he has the combat power of the emperor?" Ye Tianchen should be hard to find an opponent in the holy realm, but this opponent, even he can't beat it!
"You are really right. This person is amazingly talented, even above you. When he was the king, he could break the barriers of the sanctuary and kill the masters of the sanctuary. When he was in the sanctuary, he was already Possess the combat power of an emperor!"

Ye Tianchen said, with deep fear in his words.

"This person also came from the East Pole Continent, you should have heard of it."

Hearing this, Lin Chen searched quickly in his mind. After a long time, a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

"Could it be that Li Funan?!"

(End of this chapter)

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