Chapter 592
Chapter 590 The Fourth Demon Sealing Event

His figure was like a sword, piercing through the sea water. Everyone was deeply shocked when they saw Lin Chen's figure.

After a long time, the crowd followed and left this chaotic seabed.

And following Li Funan, the two Saint Realm powerhouses also left quietly.

As for the leader of the giant golden-horned shark, he was still in a trance at this moment, and hadn't recovered from the previous shock. As a monster, the influence it received from the pattern was much deeper.

Up to this moment, it still seems to be lost in the chaos and nothingness.


Dressed in a blue shirt, he came out of the water, and Lin Chen breathed in the salty air above the sea again. Looking far away, his heart was still shocked.

He didn't expect that the origin of this Senluo Demon Tablet was so big, it came from outside the Great Thousand World.

What made him even more confused was, what kind of existence was the so-called universe?
Feeling the strange pattern deep in his mind, Lin Chen felt urgent again.

Li Funan is too strong, and there is Gai Jiuyou, such an enemy can make anyone sleepless, Lin Chen is most worried about his relatives.

Originally, he planned to return to Xiaoqian World through Yunmu Tiangong, but now, he couldn't wait any longer.

It has been nearly a year since he came to Xiaoqian World, and he doesn't know what's going on in the East Pole Continent, what's going on with his relatives and friends.

This seemed to be a thorn in his heart that could not be pulled out.

"Lin Chen!"

Ye Tianchen broke through the water and looked at the thoughtful Lin Chen.

Immediately afterwards, Ouyang Ao, Dugu Wujing, and Fan Zhenhao all appeared, and Fan Zhenhao looked apologetic and looked at Lin Chen apologetically.

If it wasn't for him, Fan Zhenhao, there wouldn't be so many accidents.

"I didn't expect to meet again, and it would be like this. I got you in trouble." Fan Zhenhao looked at Lin Chen and said.

Only then did Lin Chen take a deep breath and regain his senses.

"Senior, why did you say that? If it weren't for you, Lin Chen would have been decapitated long ago. What's more, today, Li Funan's original intention was on me. Speaking of which, I should be the one who got you involved." Lin Chen shook his head, slowly Said.

Immediately afterwards, looking at the vast and endless sea, he felt a little confused for a moment.

There were more and more invisible burdens on his shoulders, and he was almost out of breath.

"I want to go back to the East Pole Continent, but do you know that there is a secret door?" Lin Chen said.

At this moment, he didn't want to worry about other things, he just wanted to go back to his hometown and take a look at his relatives, his father Lin Lei, his mother Han Mei, Xia Xinxuan, Li Lianyu, Mr. Su, everyone in the Dayan Dynasty...

secret door...

Everyone shook their heads. How can such a rare miracle happen?
Everyone present, Ye Tianchen and Fan Zhenhao also teleported here by a coincidence, so there is naturally no way to return at this time.

"Lin Chen, don't worry, that Li Funan may have said it to scare you, how can the secret door be so easy to find, it is impossible for him to come and go freely between the East Pole Continent and the Lingxiu Small Thousand Realm! "Ye Tianchen comforted Lin Chen.

Hearing this, the rest of the people also nodded in agreement.

But Lin Chen still couldn't let go.

"Magic sheep, what do you think?"

The Demon Sheep, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke. In terms of profound knowledge, no one present can compare with this former Shinto powerhouse.

With a long sigh, the demon sheep opened its mouth slowly.

"Boy, I didn't expect that you actually got the secret code of the universe."

"I have been hiding in the magic tablet for more than a thousand years. I know that there is a big secret in this magic tablet, but I have never been able to dig it out. I can't even get the approval of the magic tablet. I can only barely use some of its power. , and now, this secret has been obtained by you."

The words of the devil sheep revealed helplessness and a touch of relief.

"If you want to go back, it's not impossible. I'm not far away from condensing my body. Once I condense my body again, I will be able to display the original power of teleportation and teleport you back. However, once I go back, You want to come back, but you can only break through the emperor's realm with your own cultivation and ascend."

"However, if you want to break into the emperor's realm in a place like the East Pole Continent, it is extremely difficult, or even impossible, so you will definitely miss the trip to the Cloud Tomb Heavenly Palace, and your previous efforts will be in vain .”

"Although you are carrying the secret code of the universe, you must understand how powerful your enemy is. Li Funan did not dare to kill you today because he was afraid of losing the secret code of the universe. Your life cannot be in his own hands after all. Don't forget, there is another Gai Jiuyou, his ambition is even greater, and he will never let you grow up."

The magic sheep language has a long heart.

Although Lin Chen has unlimited potential, it is definitely not an overnight achievement if he wants to really grow up. The mystery of the cloud tomb and the heavenly palace, even the devil sheep are sideways, this is undoubtedly a rare opportunity for Lin Chen, but Right now, he is about to give up like this.

"Emperor Realm..."

Lin Chen murmured, with an incomparable look in his eyes.

Breaking into the Emperor Realm in the East Pole Continent is as difficult as reaching the sky in the eyes of ordinary people, but it may not be impossible for Lin Chen.

What's more, he already knows at this moment that the East Pole Continent is a continent with its origin, and it is imperative to step on the divine way in the future and refine the origin of this continent.

"What do you need to re-condense your body? Even if you overthrow the sky of this demon realm this time, I will definitely find it for you!" Lin Chen shouted, and the aura surging out of his body was moving.

"Forget it, it's up to you, boy, do you still remember the devil's heart back then, that was the heart of the devil emperor's child, and it was also the key to my body's recovery." The devil sheep sighed.

Demon heart!

Lin Chen suddenly thought of the former Qiu Cheng, the guy who had cursed the martial soul Blood Moon Ghost Lord. At the beginning, the devil's heart chose Qiu Cheng. Speaking of which, it was the devil's deliberate choice.

At the beginning, the demon sheep was still weak and feared the demon heart, but now, everything is different. He needs this demon heart to regain his body.

"Qiu Cheng should have been teleported to the Demon Realm. I can vaguely feel his breath, but I can't determine the location." Lin Chen frowned.

How difficult is it to find someone in such a vast demon realm?
"The Demon Emperor City in the center of the Demon Realm is about to hold a grand meeting to seal the demons. We will select talents from all over the world to participate in the selection of the seeds of the Demon Emperor. If that Qiu Cheng has the heart of a Demon Emperor, he will definitely show up!" Fan Zhenhao said suddenly. Said.

Demon sealing event!

The light in Lin Chen's eyes flashed. It seemed that this Devil Emperor City had to go once.

In the Demon Realm, he can feel more than one breath of an old friend, and the Senluo Demon Halberd has been burning all the time, so the trip to the Demon Emperor City this time should not be monotonous.

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(End of this chapter)

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