Holy Dragon Soul Emperor

Chapter 594 Demon Dao Half-Emperor, Wang Zhangcheng!

Chapter 594 Demon Dao Half-Emperor, Wang Zhangcheng!

Chapter 590 The Sixth Demonic Dao Half Emperor, Wang Zhangcheng!
Ji Xuan definitely had to be killed. As for Qiu Cheng, Lin Chen didn't know what effect it would have on him if he took away the Demon Heart.

Although this person had grievances with him, they had reconciled long ago, and there was still some friendship. If Lin Chen were to kill Qiu Cheng and take away the devil's heart, Lin Chen might not be able to do so.

And as if understanding what Lin Chen was thinking, the devil sheep spoke, completely dispelling Lin Chen's worries.

"Don't worry, boy, the Demon Heart is a disaster rather than a blessing to Qiu Cheng. How could a person like the Demon Emperor fall just like that? Don't even think about why the Demon Heart has been suppressed by Xingnan College before. The Devil Emperor is not dead at all, at this moment Qiu Cheng cursed the body of the Martial Soul, for the Devil Emperor, it is the best object to seize!"

"So, taking out his demon heart is actually saving him. Maybe Qiu Cheng at this moment has already begun to be invaded by the demon emperor's consciousness. We must take action as soon as possible."

Surprised, Lin Chen nodded, quickened his pace, and settled down in a hotel with everyone.

As the Demon Sealing Festival is approaching, the Demon Emperor City is also overcrowded. Every hotel is almost full of people, and the price has also skyrocketed exponentially. However, for this little money, for everyone present, It's already drizzling.

"The purpose of the Demon Sealing Festival is to find the successor of the Demon Emperor, so it is divided into the extraordinary battlefield, the king's battlefield, and the sacred battlefield. In each battlefield, one person will be selected into the inheritance sequence and get the support of the entire Demon Emperor's Domain!" Fan Zhenhao found out a lot of news.

"Once you win, the rewards are also very attractive. It is said that the best performer can get the legendary remnant of the imperial weapon!"

Remnants of the Imperial Army!

Lin Chen originally thought that the remnant of the emperor's army was in the hands of a strong man, and he took it as his own, but he didn't expect that such a heavyweight treasure would be taken out as a reward for this magic sealing ceremony !

It is not difficult to imagine that this time the Demon Sealing Ceremony will be unprecedentedly popular, not to mention the preciousness of the number of places in the Demon Emperor's inheritance sequence, the remnant of the Emperor's Armament alone is enough to make countless people in the Demon Dao squeeze their heads!
"In this way, I must get the remnant of the emperor's army." Lin Chen murmured, his eyes burning.

The Senluo Demon Halberd has been by his side since he was very weak. He has already developed a deep relationship with this weapon. His desire to collect all the remaining parts is even stronger than going to the Dragon Emperor Realm to pull out the Dragon Emperor Sword. Worse.

"I don't need to go into details on the extraordinary battlefield. There is no one who is too strong, but the king's battlefield you want to participate in has quite a few powerful enemies." No one or three are the most tyrannical, and they are all favorites to win the championship."

"Only a few dozen people participated in the Holy Realm battlefield. Moreover, during the Holy Realm period, the potential of the warriors was almost tapped. Unless one person appears to sweep the situation, otherwise, it will be difficult to win the final first place and obtain the Emperor Soldier Leftovers."

"However, you can't be too conspicuous. After all, your identity is here. You are the young master of the Dragon Gate, and there has never been harmony between the Dragon Emperor Territory and the Demon Realm. Once your identity is leaked, the entire Demon Emperor City will be destroyed. , I’m afraid they will all surround and kill you.”

Nodding his head, Lin Chen's eyes were also serious.

The identity of the young master of the Longmen is definitely very dangerous in the Demon Emperor City, which means that during the battle, he must not expose the methods of the young master of the Longmen. Even if he wants to be exposed, he must ensure that everyone who sees all must die.

As a new king, there are still many tricks that are difficult to use. This time, the grand meeting of sealing demons is definitely a tough battle.

However, no matter for the remnants of the emperor's soldiers or for the re-condensation of the demon sheep's body, Lin Chen had to make a breakthrough.

"Devil Sheep, besides Demon Heart and Emperor Seat, what else do you need, let me pay attention to you." Lin Chen asked Demon Sheep.

The Demon Sheep thought for a moment before replying: "Devil Heart and Emperor Seat are almost the same in theory, but if you can get an Indestructible Demon Vine, it will be called perfect."

Immortal Vine...

Lin Chen has also heard about this kind of plant. It is an extremely ferocious plant that needs to grow in an environment with extremely strong magic energy. It is said that there was once a strong man in the holy realm who was entangled by this immortal magic vine. Live, and finally be sucked dry and die!

Obviously, this kind of thing, if you look at the entire Demon Realm, there may not be a few plants.

"The battlefield this time is said to be placed in a small world opened up by the Devil Emperor, called the Little Heavenly Demon Realm, where the devil energy is the purest. Maybe there will be immortal magic vines growing." Lin Chen said .

When one's cultivation level reaches the emperor's realm, one can open up a small world of one's own. Even if the strong dies, the small world will not collapse.

However, in Lin Chen's place, the true meaning of his world is already uniquely blessed, forming a world of its own, without even having to go to the emperor's realm. I am afraid that when he is in the holy realm, Lin Chen's true meaning of the world can be evolved and become a real world. The world is gone.

At that time, I am afraid that Lin Chen will be as powerful as this Li Funan, possessing the fighting power of an emperor!
Thinking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help feeling hot, and began to cultivate again.

But in this kind of cultivation, two days passed in the blink of an eye, and more and more strong men were ushered in the entire Demon Emperor City.

On the morning of the third day, Lin Chen finally felt a familiar aura entering the Demon Emperor City.

Qiu Cheng!

Sure enough, he still showed up.

Sensing Qiu Cheng's appearance as well, Mo Yang was also very excited.

And at this moment, everyone is flocking to the magic tower in the center of the city. Looking from a distance, there are crowds of people, shoulder to shoulder.

The Demon Sealing Festival is indeed a grand event, the degree of gathering of geniuses is no less than that of the Qingdi Sacred Mountain Observation Ceremony back then.

Lin Chen and his party also walked out of the hotel at this moment, and came under the magic tower amidst the flow of people.

Looking up at this demon tower from a close distance, Lin Chen felt an aura from the same origin as the Sen Luo Demon Halberd. Obviously, this demon tower should also be created by the Demon Emperor.

Moreover, I'm afraid this is definitely not just as simple as a building, but also a treasure.

The crowd was crowded and the noise was shocking. Not long after, an old man in black robe walked out of the magic tower. Looking around the audience, his aura swept across and everyone shut their mouths.

But Lin Chen and his party were shocked to find that this person's cultivation had already been invisible to others, as if he had surpassed the holy realm!
"The reason why the magic way has lasted for a long time, and it has not fallen under the attacks of warriors from all over the world, is because this person exists." Ye Tianchen said via voice transmission.

"Being an enemy of the whole world was once done by the devil emperor, and after the devil emperor is gone, this teacher of the devil emperor will act on his behalf."

The teacher of the Devil Emperor!

This status can be called extremely noble, but more importantly, it is the strength of this person.

At this moment, the black-robed old man chuckled, and when he spoke, he also reported himself, which once again made the whole audience fall silent.

"Thanks to all of you for participating in this grand meeting of sealing demons, this old man is the host of this grand meeting of sealing demons, the half emperor of the demonic way, Wang Zhangcheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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